Post the antfarm you had as a kid

Post the antfarm you had as a kid

My mom wouldn't pay 5 bucks more for the gel one and I would accidentally over/underfeed my harvester ants resulting massive waves of overpopulation and famine

ant farms are the whitest toy.

>I would accidentally over/underfeed my harvester ants resulting massive waves of overpopulation and famine
yeah you are fucking retarded.

Because they involve learning about and caring for living things?

>massive waves of overpopulation

Literally only takes one extra piece of oatmeal for it to happen

>Post the antfarm you had as a kid
i never asked for one

i dug up anthills in the yard and put them in jars

It was the one from brookstone, they started making sugar or something from the gel and rolling it into large balls

My ant farm died because I had to keep it outside in the carport and winter came and froze them all.

Why don't you care for actual anthills instead?

do you need a queen for this?

"Things that never happened"

I'm thinking of converting a 50 gallon aquarium to a formicarium. Any advice? What species should I keep? I don't have any antkeeping experience.

I would rather have a fornicarium if you catch my drift

No it fucking doesn't. These ant farms don't come with a queen. The population can not increase. It can only decrease. So when op talks about massive waves of overpopulation and famine, he is full of shit.



Zap Brannigan pls go.




