What causes low IQ?

What causes low IQ?

>play an online team game
>some teammates are a waste of space

IQ is a meme
Stop playing video games

CS:GO or League?

Ok, Dad.

Strategy and FPS.

I do play online chess, but that's only 1v1.

Disregarding genetics, the obvious answer, there's lack of nutrition, lack of social environment, certain environmental hazards, physical trauma during/after pregnancy and last but certainly not least, becoming a socialist of any kind.

two sided politics is a meme

>IQ is a meme

Exactly. Now, why you would feel the need to state that quoting my post, I have no idea.

>becoming a socialist of any kind.
The biggest brainlets are capitalists.

Yeah, curse those darn capitalist, I'd rather be working on the fields right now, instead of enjoying the fruits of capitalism. Like this darn pc and internet thing, fuck those especially.

Low IQ is basically required to play online team games, so you're very likely mixing up cause and effect

Being born Chinese.

Yeah, I'm sure that in a purely capitalistic society without any socialism companies would be glad to give you lots of free time to spend on the internet, instead of forcing you to slave away every minute you're not eating, sleeping or shitting

Give me one (1) example of such a thing ever happening.

I'd also like to hear your definition of pure capitalism.

>Give me one (1) example of such a thing ever happening.
Literally the entire industrial world before mass protest and labor reform. Look at how the factories workers were treated before the reformations. How can you be so ignorant about history. What do you think sweatshops are? The onlybreason ppl in the first world get to live so comfortably is because tje real burdens of global capitalism are on the shoulders of the disenfranchised communities of third world countries. Your shitty Ikea furniture cant exist whithout the explotation of people in vietnam, thailand, china, and other communities.

genetics and not studying
I've really come to believe that IQ is phenotypic.
1) How the human body works on other matters
2) Neuroplasticity
3) It makes sense.
4) IQ is not static as shown in research (it decays with age on gifted children)
What you anons think of this?

>Give me one (1) example of such a thing ever happening.
It doesn't happen because thankfully there is no pure capitalistic society. But England after the first Industrial revolution came pretty close already

>I'd also like to hear your definition of pure capitalism.
Capitalism without any socialism - no workers unions etc., money dictates what is right and what is wrong.

That makes sense. Is it correct to say that IQ is just a measure of a brain's "processing" power?

Being a gentile

But they weren't slaves and had free time and got paid for it. Are you fucking retarded and blindly accept some commie propaganda as the truth? You're completely contradicting what you claimed.

Also, you know what the alternative for those children at the sweatshops was/is? Starving to death or working at the fields. Compared those, the kids seemingly preferred the awful and nightmarish evil sweatshops.

The problem with you retards is that you always compare things to your utopistic ideals instead of what was actually available. kys

So you don't know what capitalism means.

Here, let me spoonfeed it straight into your idiot brain. Capitalism literally means the right to own property, and the right to form legally binding contracts between willing parties. I know, it's hard to believe after being indoctrinated by leftists for over a decade.

>You have the choice between FREELY signing this contract to work at a slave wage (no minimum wage, that would be too socialistic) or starve, and if you won't sign there's plenty of other people who will

Not the guy who you're responding to but your post caught my eye, so I'm replying.

You dont actually know what capitalism means.

Its simply an economics system - one with less government intervention in markets than socialism, and more intervention than anarchy.

They're all on the same spectrum.

It has nothing to do with owning property or contracts.

Your education is lacking. I wonder what gives you the confidence to spout complete and utter bullshit nonsense like its fact. Are you a moron?

Not being trained from childhood on logical thinking. Hence why e.g. people from a lesser economic background tend to score lower on an IQ test - and not the other way around as some propagandists with racialists narratives would like to make us believe.

Also, the only reason we place so much value on an arbitrary test is because our modern society privileges logical reasoning, often in detriment of other skills (social, etc.). The fact you can actually -train- to perform on IQ tests just as in any other, demonstrates this. Though I don't mean to say logical reasoning is bad - it of course is necessary given the world's level of technological advancement. That's partly why people circlejerk about it on here

>The problem with you retards is that you always compare things to your utopistic ideals instead of what was actually available. kys
"What was actually available" was determined by the bourgeoisie of the day, aiming as always to maximize their profit in detriment of the health and dignity of their workers. People realized this eventually and rioted (see Haymarket, and a ton of other similar events from that time), and this is the reason why today we got laws that guarantee arguably more decent conditions. It was conceded by capitalists not because it suddenly "was available" but because their interests were in danger if they did otherwise. If we lived in the kind of ancap utopia some people want we would only go backward to that situation.

Notice that I'm not even shilling for communism at all.

Of course you wouldn't understand this given that you seem to base your opinion on parroting catchphrases - "liberal/commie propaganda!"; "capitalism is free choice and entrepreneurship!"; "gotta work in inhumane conditions or starve!" - rather than on rational thought. If you are not capable of the latter, you do not belong here. Fuck off back to where people with your brand of herd mentality are accepted, and quit muddying up threads here

>You're completely contradicting what you claimed.
>doesnt point out any contradiction whatsoever

>Capitalism literally means the right to own property
Hahahahahaha. You're serious? Hahahaha. I guess back in the mercantilist economies, nobody had property right? I guess socialists societies didnt have property either. Oh wait, they did.

lack of private property is a defining characteristic of socialism

But it's actually right, and you claimed that a person wouldn't have any free time in pure capitalism. When failed to provide an example, you made up some bullshit which was wrong, thus contradicting yourself, you fucking brainlet. I know you commies aren't the brightest bunch but you must be below the median even among them.

>Also, the only reason we place so much value on an arbitrary test is because our modern society privileges logical reasoning, often in detriment of other skills (social, etc.)
But being social does require logic. I'd bet that the most successful salesmen have very high IQs. You need to be able to use logic to concatenate ideas in a way that other people will bend to you voluntarily.
Also, our society privileges social skills over more analytical skills (which is a better word for what you call "logic"). In most settings, including academia, most people are successful for being more social than technical and/or theoretical.

>Poor short-term memory
>Low ability to associate related things in memory
>Alternatively, tendency to associate unrelated things
>Difficulty learning new ways to process information

Are you the guy that got pissed at me because I was feeding as Wraith King?

saying that IQ is a meme is a meme

There was a study (that I don't have a link for) that looked at children grown under foster parents. They found that, while the children's iq matched the trend in the genetic parents, the iq of the forster parents had a greater impact.

so you are essentially on point, but there are obviously many other factors (mainly environmental) that have tiny effects.

Saying that IQ is a meme is a meme is a meme.