I like mathmatics but

What field of it should i take if i definitely want to nail down a job?

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Am I asking in the wrong board

Inter-universal Techmuller Barista Theory

that just sounds like overqualified barista joke


mathematics education, statistics, operational research and financial mathematics usually have very high rates of employment.

Cryptography, for sure.

why do you like mathematics? what are your interests? what kind of job would you want? answer this first before anything else

Any kind of applied mathematics, preferbly minoring in something where you gotta program or economics

I really, really like this and reverse engineering, but the infosec course i am in now contains mind-numbing stuff like sysadmin and network monitoring.

I find it more direct than having to write something on "human computer interactions" and less mind-numbing than system administration.

If you're so stupid that you can't pursue mathematics for its own sake well enough for other people to fund you for it you're not cut out for it.

this user speaks the truth

Fuck off tranny chink

I haven't had the ability to really appreciate math until recently.

I'm no savant but i think i could cut it doing statistics or applied mathematics.

^These two answers i'm taking to heart

this is not specific, and has no information on it. sounds like you don't know math at all, don't even have interests, and are just memeing.

I came up with 2
Quantitative Finance
Actuarial science

this, but be careful. applied/financial mathematics courses are often simply watered down math courses, except there's a bit of statistics and a small amount of some other shit that barely scratches the surface of the topic
most of the time, when a company sees 'applied/financial mathematics' on your resume, they will think 'uhh so he's a mathematician and also has a bit of a clue about other stuff'

meme answer

What if I hat ethese kinds of math? the only math i enjoy is the type that has no real world application

liar. you've never done that kind of math

Ideally you would set up passive income using your knowledge of math and applying it to finance.

would you consider this watered down?


But I have?
Time to kill myself I guess.

I'm a huge brainlet and accept that about myself that I'll never be exemplary and I guess I'm also unemployable

Not that user, but from my point of view (major in finance) the course “Principles of financial mathematics” deals with simple concepts which you can learn with a bit of effort by yourself. There're more challenging topics in finance, but I haven't seen them in the list.
If you are an undergrad you might want to do some more difficult courses in order to show your “brainpower” to an employer and you can still specialize in finance with a master.

the curriculum looks pretty much the same everywhere. My point is, 2/3 of the courses are just math. If you're capable and you want to study pure math, then you might as well do it, since a pure math programme will contain these courses and they will most likely be done on a better level.

I'm in the process of choosing an undergrad
That would be my ideal, but i don't think my final GPA would make the cut for it.

thanks for the help btw

good luck user


statistics can get incredibly deep, and it's applications are in everywhere from robotics to abstract number theory. a couple of the stats guys i studied with at university are currently making bank as data scientists.

in any case, real statistical theory is a lot cooler than the shitty class that most high schoolers are forced through.