Cold Shower Meme

So, I have been having a really shitty day as usual. Did a bit of a workout, and I decided after months of being told to do it, to take a cold shower. What did I feel? The typical reaction my body would produce, my head feeling dizzy from the blood rushing into the central core of my body, essentially my head going into shock. It was (kinda) fun but I don't see anything more in it other than stupid bro "science." And I really don't want to ask Veeky Forums about this. Are there any peer-reviewed, legitimate scientific journals that show that taking cold showers is linked to health benefits that warm showers don't offer.

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Cold showers close pores probably good for skin in some way. I take mostly hot showers, but sometimes finish with a nice cold rinse.

cold showers feel great after a (real) workout

>Are there any peer-reviewed, legitimate scientific journals that show that taking cold showers is linked to health benefits that warm showers don't offer.
Cold showers have been shown to increase T so of course they won't fund anything else that confirms this. Also see the reaction of academia to the onion paper.

Disregarding real effects that normal guys see as "bro" science is one tactic they use to prevent serious inquiry into these things. Forums-onions-pol-testosterone-juice-drinking-soy-boys-right-wing-politics-will-sommer-8066821

>blog news post screenshot news report

I find it hard to believe that people like you are serious and exist in real life.
You really think that's there's a conspiracy to make you gay or something? Are you that deluded? I hope you're just some dumb 12 year old that browses /pol/ too much.

T isn't related to being gay or not why the homophobia ?

>Using the word g*y
>using the word h*m*phobia
Why the h*m*phobia?

Explain this :

1. Why is it so easy to get a bunch of estrogen because your pipi ain't right and you're depressed yet getting testosterone is one of the hardest things to do

2. Why the US regulatory agency changed the normal testosterone levels to include levels of a 80 year old man in the normal range.

3. Explain how the more testosterone you have, the smarter you are, the less likely you are to get dementia/azlheimers, and the less likely you are to be anxious,depressive, passive, did you know the allies wanted to give hitler estrogen laced carrots during ww2 to make him docile? That was an actual plan.

Here's a pro tip from a guy in a family full of doctors, your testosterone levels should be at a MINIMUM 600ng/dl, optimal levels should be >900 ng/dl, see pic related? Wanna guess? 322 ng/dl as I heard on a stream, surprised? Not to mention the losers walking around on ssris when a simple testosterone boost would change their lives.

where is the study for that. i was like 90% sure the cold shower meme was an offshoot of the advice not to take warm showers because they fry your testicles(which is in fact true, but that does not mean your testosterone will increase from cold showers, it just means exposing your testicles to extreme temperatures is bad for them)

Ive never seen any real study on this, although lots of websites say there is a study. I call bunk.

All of which adds up to... what exactly?

>Veeky Forums are eating onions to improve their T
slow news day at Indy100

disclaimer: sample size = 1
A few years ago I read in a martial-arts mag that cold showers improved circulation,
oxygen uptake, formation of good "grey" fat cells instead of bad "white" fat cells,
improved stamina, and hastened recovery from exercise exhaustion.
So I started taking only cold showers, year 'round. Since then,
I've noticed all the improvements that were mentioned, but it could be
placebo effect, I don't know. I'd like to see a long-term controlled experiment
to validate/refute this claim, but I can't imagine who would conduct it.

>I started taking only cold showers, year 'round
Is that as unpleasant as it sounds


>So I started taking only cold showers, year 'round.
Actually cold showers are known to spike your blood pressure which can lead to diabetes. Enjoy your diabeetus :) Also why take a cold shower when you have a nice warm shower and actually enjoy it? Do you enjoy torturing yourself like that? Why make your life that much worse, considering you can never build resistance/adjust to taking cold showers? I just dont get it.

just had my test tested to be 645. should i actively try and increase or is that good enough

Some studies:

> This work presents a hypothesis that depression may be caused by the convergence of two factors: (A) A lifestyle that lacks certain physiological stressors that have been experienced by primates through millions of years of evolution, such as brief changes in body temperature (e.g. cold swim), and this lack of “thermal exercise” may cause inadequate functioning of the brain. (B) Genetic makeup that predisposes an individual to be affected by the above condition more seriously than other people.

> The following evidence appears to support the hypothesis: Exposure to cold is known to activate the sympathetic nervous system and increase the blood level of beta-endorphin and noradrenaline and to increase synaptic release of noradrenaline in the brain as well. Additionally, due to the high density of cold receptors in the skin, a cold shower is expected to send an overwhelming amount of electrical impulses from peripheral nerve endings to the brain, which could result in an anti-depressive effect. Practical testing by a statistically insignificant number of people, who did not have sufficient symptoms to be diagnosed with depression, showed that the cold hydrotherapy can relieve depressive symptoms rather effectively. The therapy was also found to have a significant analgesic effect and it does not appear to have noticeable side effects or cause dependence.

>The typical reaction my body would produce, my head feeling dizzy from the blood rushing into the central core of my body, essentially my head going into shock.
Actually I'm pretty sure this is due to your natural breathing being fucked up by reaction to the cold. You have to practice breathing exercises whilst doing it. Also, after 5-10 showers you won't have any side-effects like this. It won't be much different to hot/warm showers.

how would one go about raising their t level?