The perfect genetic human

Why doesn't humanity focus on making a group of genetically perfect human males 100,000 for each race to breed with the current female population instead of AI
>>They all have 140+
>>no physical deformation
>>designed to take humanity to the next golden
>>They can mate with thousands of women etc

that worked so well last time didn't it

1. Who's gonna be in charge of the project?
2. Who's paying?
3. What kind of benefits would the ordinary people have, that live while this experiment takes place?
4. What do with the failures?
5. Define "deformation"
6. Define "golden"
7. Ordinary men can already mate with thousands of women.


this is a slow board, nazinigger

The only way that it would make sense to "reach the next golden age" would be to create these 'demigods' and then limit, or stop, any other population from breeding. Good luck telling 7 billion plus people that they can't do something, because that's when humans do the exact fucking opposite. So, what're you going to do, chemically castrate them all?

take a guess

Oh... but that didn't turn out very well last night? I don't know if you know, but Berlin got shafted, literally, by Yuri the Chad.

Total autism.
There are human rights, ethics and moral.
What do you think will happen, when any of these 100000 humans doesn't want to reach the goal of the perfect race but protests instead?

There's no such thing as "genetically perfect." One environment's "physical deformation" is another environment's critical survival adaptation.

>Instead of AI

AI is needed if you ever want to improve your brain significantly. The only way we can improve the brain is to merge it with a computer.

We're not sure if we'll ever have some kind of biological "brain steroid" in the future, but brain-computer interfaces are almost certainly going to become a reality.

This, humanity for the innovation, AI for the application of that innovation.

So by these human rights, ethics and moral you think it's completely fine to exponentially improve AI which runs on computers/capital owned more and more by a select few: the super rich; to robotise and automate numerous tasks formerly done by humans? So these people have lesser and lesser the capital to improve themselves and rise against this form of control.

Shut the fuck up you degenerate liberal cuck

Aw, did logic spoil your dark enlightenment fantasy again? Better get off Veeky Forums before you have to face the realization that, instead of being clever, you're just a horrible person.

Gene editing isn't a superpower giving machine

Where's the body of the dude on the left from, a Holocaust picture?

It looks like it's from an old horror game

there is a limit for IQ. if you only increase the IQ but rest of the human is the same i.e. not selected naturally, the product will not be stable.

my guestimation would be overly depressed suicidal human.

so the solution is making it more naturally, let the weak ones die and strong ones flourish.


Are you up to date with science at all, Billy Bob? It's only a matter of time before AI outpaces human intelligence in almost every way possible.

Your natural selection fantasy to increase IQ is cute. But you seriously think there is any comparison to merging your fucking brain with a supercomputer?

>immma put a kompooder in mie brann!!

Or you can be one of the people who get wiped out by superior AI because you thought you were too smart to have a computer in your brain. Come to think of it, that's itself is basically natural selection...

because AI could be orders of magnitude faster than humans. Aside from replacing parts of the brain with electronic components there's not much we can really do to fix this.

Whenever I feel like a good laugh I drive down past the trailer park to get a look at the "master race." :^)

Half life 2

Couldn't you claim the reverse scenario where government/company's genetically engineer a docile retard to do grunt work and that you could give yourself robo-upgrades whenever you want in a transhuman society

lad if the Amish can live like it's the 19th century I think I can reproduce without sticking a cell phone in my head.

Why not do both? Start with excellent genetics, modify and improve them, then apply mechanical assistance where applicable and desirable?

No faggot that's where they started executing those there perceived as inferior and worshipped germanics, that's racial supremacy, not improvement.

>Implying the Amish will be able to continue living like that for long

>Implying AI can't get out of hand, to the point where it could try to wipe us out. (notice, we're not trying to wipe the Amish out. It would be pretty easy if we wanted to)

This seems like a weird cuck fetish. To the gas chamber with you!

Current computers in their infancy of quantum computation are already beating the majority of the living population in terms of processing speed/power.

Even our geniuses are admitting once perfected they will better. What arcane magic are you trying to pull out your ass with this eugenics/ genetic engineering program bullshit?

The game is already over at this point. The human ubermensch is but a ant compared to the potential that is A.I. and any future for us is highly dependent on how well we integrate with it.

There isn't any genetically perfect organism. Anyone who takes this idea seriously has a fundamental misunderstanding of evolution.

Were the results of the eugenics experiments performed in the concentration camps ever released/leaked to the general public?

merging how, it's e.musk bullshit.

once we got a real AI, we are obsolete. that simple.

you don't appreciate and be a slave of h.erectus just because they were the reason of your existence.

we are h.erectus for them, little cute monkeys playing around, why would they care?

Easier said than done. If you could buy your own private island and get a good sample size of human infants for your breeding program I bet it could be done. Would be expensive though.

What potential? We already had people with high potential. They achieved nothing.

So, neuroscientists and computer scientists believe think brain/machine interfaces could almost definitely be a reality, yet you're smarter than them and have the answers?

Even if AI will eventually overpower us anyway, it's still worth a shot. And it would certainly be more effective than "eugenics".

Read his comment over again. Your reply doesn't make any sense.

memetic evolution is more important than perfecting a genome

IQ is mainly defined by the mother. It can be changed through paternal DNA, but it would take a lot longer.

AI that's being used today has been around for 40 years. These expert systems are no closer to achieving general intelligence as they ever were. A decent amount of jobs are going to be automated over the next few decades but that's always been happening.
We are not on a path to real AGI right now.

>IQ is mainly defined by the mother. It can be changed through paternal DNA, but it would take a lot longer.
Sad it took this long to be posted.

This post is also good.

Rest of the thread is a childish variation on the nature VS nurture (here, technology) debate. But it's pointless, because even IF technology 'makes humans obsolete' it's still going to be the humans with the best genetics creating and influencing that technology.

There is nothing to save you genetic failures. Peace is temporary. When War returns, discrimination will be on an even higher scale than the science of the early 1900s.

I don't get how people can have all these talks about superintelligent AI and superhumans when it all seems so far away.


desu eugenics is unironically the path to a more egalitarian society

engineering human castes ala brave new world seems more practical though, a society of 140 iq men will run into issues wrt division of labor

they would just kill all the subhumans, AI can be more easily controlled

>not realising that's why they don't want advances in AI, and instead want to focus on improving humans

>AI is needed--
spotted the brainlet

>Not accepting the fact that AI will continue to improve whether you like it or not, and the only way to deal with it is to merge with it

So it isn't needed to keep up with AI, dumb ass?

>Not realizing that merging with AI is an improvement to humans, and will help us gain the intelligence to improve humans biologically

I swear to God, some of you are so fucking dense

>post says that AI will can destroy humanity
>thats why we shouldn't develop it
>uh nevermind ai 4 lyfe
>you can't do anything about it
>so don't even try

>Why doesn't humanity focus

Start a Patreon and see how far you get.

I can't tell if you're a troll, or legitimately retarded. Read this closely -

>AI will continue to improve, whether you like it or not

>How do we keep up with it, so it doesn't destroy us? We take advantage of it, so we could improve WITH it

Please tell me if you have any questions.


because the jews are already doing this, but with tyrone instead of chad

That's something I've talked about for years, both sides seem to have it in their heads that one is objectively superior and that intellect has some kind of upper bound (which it might but I don't think we're even close).

Improvements in biology will yield more improvement in biological and artificially based intelligence. At some point this should become a feedback loop where discoveries build on each other quickly enough to see gains in human intelligence inside of a decade, and leading to an escape velocity type situation where increases happen every few years, then months, then weeks.

The singularity will do one of two things, it will make us gods, or it will kill us all. Either way it should be a fun trip

Alright what if it's a deformation that sticks your own dick in your mouth so that you simultaneously cannot reproduce nor socialize effectively to help your kin or engage in reciprocal altruism. Tell me what environment dick-in-mouth mutation is gonna be useful in.

>he thinks AI is anything but a meme

>making a group of genetically perfect human males

the master race already exists as the elite

all the rest are there, monkeys in comparison, to serve them

newfag go back where you came from
It's from one of the few games where the main character isn't a fucking brainlet.

isn't it from S.T.A.L.K.E.R?

Why don't you focus on making a group of genetically perfect human males 100,000 for each race to breed with the current female population instead of shitposting on Veeky Forums, OP?
Alternatively, you could remove your useless self from the gene pool.
You could be an hero, OP.
Think about it.

Space colonization will solve this, sadly it will take a few centuries. Eventually when we have numerous space colonies there will be one that selectively accepts migration only from top tier individuals.

Somewhat more likely, I doubt that Musk or whoever gets Mars first will allow bad genetic stock to immigrate. As long as he isn't too overt about it they can do selective entry.

Well the wealth required to do it would already be a decent filter, academic necessity should be the best.

Yes, those two are the perfect low key eugenics filters without making a show or attracting bad PR. Accept a few token minorities and the rest are wealthy or very smart. Import a disproportionate amount of females from Eastern Europe to provide the nerds with wives and have children. SJWs can bitch about your choices but you always have the excuse that smart and fit people with no genetic defects are required to literally stay alive on a planet that's trying to kill you. Get enough of them (couple tens of thousands) to jumpstart a basic economy and civilization, proclaim the independent Republic of Mars and make the immigration rules a law.

Presto, a society of people with 120+ IQ and strong work ethic. You have filtered out all undesirable factors of humanity with no loss of human life to cause guilt 100 years down the road. Physical and psychological isolation will facilitate their own culture, entertainment, customs and internet. In 50 years they will be a totally different civilization.

It can really be done.

Uhh, he's right. A squirrel is just as evolved as a human being.