Why do sci calls IQ a pseudoscience?

Why do sci calls IQ a pseudoscience?

is because it hurts their feelings?

[math] IQ \in psychology \in pseudoscience [/math]



Because all of the posters here claim to have 2 or 3 sigma IQs and yet thhi board is filled with mouthbreathing retards

Actually, mouth-breathers are more intelligent because using the mouth to breathe is more efficient, thereby providing the brain with more oxygen

Actually, chronic mouth breathing collapses the structure of the face making it longer and narrower, it also increases the amount of upper respiratory infections. Which decreases the amount of oxygen intake and explains the drolling downys that frequent this board.

IQ is basically the only reproducible thing that we got out of psychology. Might as well use it until we figure out how to scan brain neurons and figure intelligence out from there.

Because of what said.

People make completely unbelievable claims about it, and use it to draw all sorts of insane conclusions about people.

That and the fucking constant threads we need to have about it, because apparently jerking ourselves off over how smart we are is scientific discussion, means that loads of people are biased against it.

IQ is fine, but it's not a magical predictor of all potential ability or success.

wtf are you high?

breathing with your mouth causes your face to become longer

wtf are you saying

think before you type

IQ =/= intelligence just as EQ =/= emotion

Psychology is a subset of pseudoscience you mong.

narrow faced mouthbreather detected

You know that shit was a shill tactic made by dr.mew right?

It does you horsefaced retard.

fucking what?!

Maybe they are 2 or 3 SDs below the mean?

Yes OP. It seems like it hurts their feelings. The only pseudoscience here is mathematics and we all know that. It shouldn't even be called pseudoscience, it should be called pseudophilosophy.

Because Veeky Forums is not to lift people to a higher level but rather crush their dreams, hope and morality.


>Why do sci calls IQ a pseudoscience?
Veeky Forums generally believes the opposite.

Not everyone on Veeky Forums is retarded so they take IQ for what it is, a bullshit test you can practice for to get 140 and claim to be a genius.

>is because it hurts their feelings?
No, the reason people think its accurate, is because not being special and not being a genius hurts their feelings, if they saw direct proof IQ was necessarily bullshit, they would still believe it because believing otherwise would hurt their feelings.

With all this being said I should mention though. Does there exist people who call IQ bullshit ENTIRELY because they scored low or average on a test? Yes, of course, those people will always exist.

It's just annoying how people here overrate the meaning of IQ. It's basically used as a tool for shitposting. It's what height is to Veeky Forums. People make shitposts like "Should I bother studying Physics with a 130 IQ?" or people post some webtest and then show off their results from solving a 30 minute test to feel better about themselves without actually accomplishing anything. No matter if it's high or low people use it as an excuse. "Oh no I only have a 120 IQ why should I even bother going to college?", "tfw tested for an IQ of 180 but am lazy ;_;". A high IQ doesn't make you smart. There are high IQ people who believe in flat earth and other stupid theories. There are high IQ ivy league STEM graduates with stupid opinions on areas outside of their field of study... I mean IQ is important but just on it's own doesn't say much. It's like just having a fast car won't win you a race. You need also a good driver.

>new theory that has evidence and studies backing it up
>shill tactic

Fucking this. People don't generally actually hate IQ as a metric, no more than people at Veeky Forums deny that height exists.

They're just sick of constant autists spamming shit threads related to IQ. IQ isn't a good predictor on an individual level, and doesn't measure any of the other things related to success.

Some random first years IQ isn't science or maths.


Because those "" 200+ IQ"", meme people are literally brainlets compared to real scientists that gave us lots of stuff and they say they are just about 120 "" IQ ""

Literally it's a fucking meme that Americans constantly brag about