
Humor me.

What is "Logic"?
What do you consider it to be?

Is Mathematics a form of Logic?
Is Logic a subcategory of Mathematics?
Are they exactly one in the same?

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google.com/search?ei=J_M9WqOZGoaCjwT4upqwAg&q=What is "Logic"?&oq=What is "Logic"?&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i20i263k1l2j0l8.12916.12916.0.13416.
google.com/search?ei=pvM9Wur1D4ajjwST65XgAg&q=what is logic in mathematics&oq=what is logic in mathe&gs_l=psy-ab.3.0.0l2j0i22i30k1l8.2179.2179.0.4618.

Logic is a method of thinking. More often it is a method of thinking conducive to a result.
By proxy, logic is then mental programming either taught and learned, or discovered. In the case of teaching and learning, this is prescribed by the powers that be, and the powers that be got their power through succesful combat. The winner writes history amd the loser is likely dead, unable to challenge. 100% of information you can learn has been crafted this way. Undiscovered, unmolested, but discoverable information can present itself as novel, and depending on the significance may require an entirely new and alien mindset to appreciate, further making teachable acceptance of it reliant upon how well it meshes with what logic has already been learned by the student. If it does not mesh well and cannot be reduced to mesh well, then the teacher faces challenge and combat in providing proof against a global, ongoing agenda thousands of years in the making with very little room for success at teaching new logic.

>What is "Logic"?

google.com/search?ei=J_M9WqOZGoaCjwT4upqwAg&q=What is "Logic"?&oq=What is "Logic"?&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i20i263k1l2j0l8.12916.12916.0.13416.

jesus christ shut the fuck up. stop posting inane shit.
if you aren't qualified, don't guess. just leave it.

Is Mathematics a form of Logic?
Is Logic a subcategory of Mathematics?
Are they exactly one in the same?

google.com/search?ei=pvM9Wur1D4ajjwST65XgAg&q=what is logic in mathematics&oq=what is logic in mathe&gs_l=psy-ab.3.0.0l2j0i22i30k1l8.2179.2179.0.4618.

Kill yourself you fucking retard.

if I have to read more roleplaying nonsense from you in every thread, I just might

it's a set of tools, processes, frames of mind to test the validity of statements
it doesn't matter which kind of statement, but different types of statements have different logic rules to test them

a declarative statement "x+x = the square root of x" is logically invalid because it doesn't fit the understanding of the square root
an imperative statement "to perform a binary search, split what you're searching into two, then..." is a valid logical statement, because the how-to steps will converge into the proper result

the thing about logic is that its meaning changes depending on the discipline. a mathematician will care about thing that the rhetorician will not care much about, but they both use logic
the only invariant no matter the discipline is that logic doesn't do anything, it just tests for truthfulness

so if you ask what is logic, my answer is that it is a system to know if something is true or not

By this definition, I will go on to say that mathematics is not a form of logic because it does more that test for validity, and that is create axioms.
If not for the fact that axioms are created and not tested, everything derived from them can be reduced into set theory and set theory is reducible to second order logic.
I guess it all depends on whether you believe that an axiom is logic. Personally I hardly think so

Just go back to m8

Logic = Makes bloody sense and it's beautiful, our underdeveloped monkey brains can hardly grasp a fraction of it's eternal and infinite beauty.

Any questions?

logic is a formal semiotic

No...he's correct. Your post was inane. Please refrain from posting.

>if you aren't qualified
Veeky Forums arxiv.org when?

he logike techne
means the sensible craft

Logic, originally meaning "the word" or "what is spoken", but coming to mean "thought" or "reason", is generally held to consist of the systematic study of the form of valid inference. A valid inference is one where there is a specific relation of logical support between the assumptions of the inference and its conclusion. (In ordinary discourse, inferences may be signified by words like therefore, hence, ergo and so on.)

There is no universal agreement as to the exact scope and subject matter of logic, but it has traditionally included the classification of arguments, the systematic exposition of the 'logical form' common to all valid arguments, the study of inference, including fallacies, and the study of semantics, including paradoxes. Historicaly, logic has been studied in philosophy (since ancient times) and mathematics (since the mid-19th century), and recently logic has been studied in computer science, linguistics, psychology, and other fields.

It's basically naive set theory tbqhwyf

Inane is just the negatory on the spectrum of logic, which proves the post correct. Honestly canned whipping cream should be outlawed so more of you whippet braindamagedlets wont be around in the future.

didn't I tell you to shut the fuck up and go away?

My interpritation of logic, is that logic is the decision or observationer that either works best for the given scenario or what is most descriptive of reality and what is fits the most with other objective observations

That's no way to talk to your superior you mongoloid.