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is that test accurate?

not science or math

>is that test accurate?
No online IQ test is "accurate".

Even from mensa?

The ability to share your results on Facebook doesn't lend credence to your result. Probably B8, tho.

>Even from mensa?
Not even from mensa.

explain further please. Do they even give a ball park estimate, or are they completely useless?

Online tests are not accurate because anyone can just look up the answers, take the test, and show their friends their "high IQ"

anyways, image related is what I got... not like it even matters

The problem is that IQ is a very rigorous defined phenomena, it has to be tested by a professional. An IQ test (WAIS-IV) takes a week to finish because their are a lot of subtests.

Do you seriously think a test that has the ability to share your results on facebook has the same predictive power as WAIS IV?

I got 117 IQ

I know I'm a brainlet but are there any IQ tests without a time limit? In school I was always the last to finish the test, but I usually got good marks. I guess my processing speed just isn't fast, but maybe that's just a large component of IQ?

Maybe you have really good reasoning abilities but are slow on the uptake. Don't worry about it though, this test is the equivalent of a horoscope.

>because anyone can just look up the answers, take the test, and show their
That's of fault because the honesty of the test taker though, when I'm asking if the test itself gives accurate measures of IQ assuming the person does not cheat. ( I got a 123 is well on that test).

>Do you seriously think a test that has the ability to share your results on facebook has the same predictive power as WAIS IV?
No. I know there are subtest of 'real' IQ test and an online will never go into that depth, I was just wondering if online test could at least give you a ball park range. I just don't see why mensa would even go through with creating an online test if it has ABSOLUTELY no application or relevance.

IQ is a measure of intelligence relative to others. If other people cheat, your IQ goes down. Since people can just refresh their browser and retake the same test for a better score, it is not very reliable.

Honestly, there is most likely no getting to you at this point because you are going to hear what you want to hear. Yes this test is authentic that IQ of 123 is really your IQ. I'm glad a 30 minute "IQ test" was able to map out of your intelligence in a very meaningful way. Pat yourself on the back as well.

I also got 123 and my birthday is the 123rd day of the year? Coincidence????

I suspected mine would be high because I can nearly always answer those facebook questions that say you need an IQ of 160+

You are really stupid to believe that any online IQ test is accurate.
And so is everyone else in this thread.

t. brainlet

not really sure on this can someone get to explain a brainlet like me?

Eyy, whatup


answers are 3,4,6,3 numbered left to right

Wtf I thought I got everything right. Guess not.

Why number 4 for the 2nd pattern? I agree with the rest, but thought it would be number 3.

I got 110, I'm 15

Speed is also a factor. Getting everything right is good, getting everything right quickly is better.

I got 130, am I smart enough? The only question I had trouble third one from the end, can someone explain it pls?

The pattern I saw is that the diagonal squares are tiled over to the left and then there's a physical addition like in the other problems where line+line = cancel and line + nothing = line. With that you get the 3 lines on left top and right sides of square.

Oh, but why would they not mention that at the beginning..

Anyway so how much remaining time did you autists have? I think it was like 3 minutes for me.

Yea, I think the score is accuracy based, since there was a time limit anyway. I had 6 minutes remaining but guessed on last one.

I had 10 minutes left, but I got 130, so I must've missed some.

Thanks, that seems to be the better solution.
Because I thought the one in the middle column just points in the direction where a new line spawns and at the same time another line always disappears. t. Brainlet

I struggled with the last ones

It's nice to be good, but damn does it feel great to be the best.

This test doesn't give a shit about your time. Unless it starts lowering your score only after 15 minutes has passed.

On the last row, you take the corresponding shape on the second row (There's only the square left), and first flip the right half horizontally and vertically. The correct answer is top right.

You rotate the second shape 45 degrees counterclockwise and place it on top of the first shape. Then you remove the overlapping exterior lines. The correct answer is bottom left.

Again, place the second square on top of the first once and remove any overlapping black tiles. Correct answer is bottom right.

It's just kind of summation. If the black square is x and the white square is y. then the first row would be (-x - 3y) + (-x + 2y) = (-2x - y). The correct answer is top right.

>Implying this test is worth shit

>He didn't even post his score

What's the matter, big boy? Did you score low or are you too afraid to even try?


so you scored low.
don't hesitate to call a suicide hotline if you feel bad about it, your life matters

and what was your score? :^)

For the first one, if you take the right half and flip it horizontally and vertically, the two 'c's face the wrong way?

145 or more, which is the maximum.
but once again pls take care of yourself, I love you. You are a wondeful person.

Someone hacked your social security number and ip address. Seems fishy. Probably hacked your home address too.

Oh, sorry about that, I just went by memory and that seemed to work at quick glance. The rows/columns don't matter, the shapes are placed randomly. However, each shape has an initial state (circle, triangle, open square) and two transformed states. The other transformation flips both halves and the other does what I described earlier.

Yea, but couldn't it be that, on the circle you flip left side horizontally and vertically, the triangle you do flip the right side, and the for the square you flip the whole thing?

How would you deduce that from the given shapes? If it works, I don't have a problem with it.

What happens if you don't finish the test in time? I scored 119 but I only finished 70 percent of the test. Are 30 percent of the questions automatically considered wrong?

What the fuck do you think. Of course they are considered wrong. Dont ever post here again you fucking spastic.

Some tests give you negative points if you choose the wrong answer so there's that. This test doesn't do that though. You only get points for choosing the right answer.

All unanswered questions are considered as right.

"In dubio pro reo"

So I actually have an IQ of 119? Feels bad.



My IQ is the centrist to end all centrists

I've gotten higher scores on untimed tests. Which is more accurate?

Time is an important factor in IQ tests. Most people would eventually figure out the problems given enough time.

For the IQ test to be a valid measurement of intelligence, it needs to be created by someone with maximum intelligence.

If it isn't, then it's a load of bullshit.

I had my IQ tested and it was 82 points. Last year I made quarter of a million dollars after tax. Where is your God now?

Yes, this makes sense. Seems like my IQ may not be as high as I thought it was. Ah, well.

>tfw to smart too realize that outliers are a thing

are you all itt retarded?
one of the answers got changed so check the comments

Why is the person recording with a video camera? Is he also retarded?