I don't know how to speak with people

I don't know how to speak with people.

Besides the speaking practice with normal people do you think reading book will helpfull with it? What do you suggest me?

Reading books will not help with speaking to people.

Just speak to people.

no it won't unless you find someone who reads similar books and you can discuss that.

i don't see what's so hard in speaking to people. what do you struggle with in particular?

I thought it will help me to choose right words, sentences or how to start conversation. Maybe i can pick it from book, memorize and use it someday.

I don't know i am pretty much fucked. I need to solve this problem.

Holy fuck, that foot is divine

Yeah, and the statue itself is godly beautiful


you will alienate people because you will always appear like an empty shell void of any personality.

what are you affraid of? that you donmt say the right things? who decides what's the right thing to say in any given situation? i'd prefer genuine conversation over someone saying 'the right thing' always.

watch movies and tv.

Yeah I'm sure you also prefer someone making fun of you, you fucking hypocrite faggot.

if it's banter, yes. what's your point?

>if it's banter,
So you have the reading comprehension of 1year old

not looking for a right or wrong things.I don't know what to say. Looking for a something to say.

You need to have a life to do that

* endless loop appears *

The reason i don't have a life is this problem. Besides the /r9k/ fags i want a normal life like yours guys.

>a normal life like yours guys.
HAHAHAHAHA who you think you're talking to?

get a job
go 2 school
go 2 nightclubs

I've not spoken more than a sentence in the last 3 years. And when I'm with others, I still have no desire to speak. Have I realised the futility of expression and transcended speech? Perhaps. The problem is finding someone worthy a listener.

i think Veeky Forums full of normal guys. Like had a normal life, friends, girlfriends/boyfriends, nice family etc...

School thing not really working actually.

>futility of expression
yes this is one of my problems too.

>i think Veeky Forums full of normal guys. Like had a normal life, friends, girlfriends/boyfriends, nice family etc...

Listen to podcasts. It's really the only source of genuine conversation can you listen to and learn off of. I liked sleepycast but that might be too brash for some.

You have truly risen above mortal means user. I'm not sure if you are Veeky Forums as fuck or fedora as fuck.

The fact that you're not sure means you're the fedora user.
