
So my 400 pounds, smelly, gay (and aspiring trans) coworker got upset about my indifference to the "evils" occurring around the world, i.e. refugees, Africa being a general shithole etc.

Anyway he give's me Lynn Nottage's Ruined to read to change my world view or something and I really don't feel like it. Can I get a quick sparknotes on this so I can just claimed to have read it?

Ask coworker as to what it's done to alleviate said problems other than recommend femprop. Has coworker housed a refugee under its roof? Ask how Africa's problems should be your problem; after all, they wuz Kangz and sheeit who should possess the mental werewithal to fix their own problems, right? Ask how Islam - the predominant religion of Africa - is contributing to its own problems.

Tell that bitch it doesn't mean anything to be concerned about it and yap about it to your co-workers and on facebook, you actually have to do something about it for it to be meaningful.

google it fag
how have you learned to use Veeky without encountering search engines

"Muh womyns suffer da most in 3rd world shithole wars" The book

>who should possess the mental werewithal to fix their own problems
>Implying anyone has the mental werewithal to fix their own problems.

He doesn't actually want sparknotes, he just wants to start a /pol/ thread outside of /pol/

I genuinely wanted someone to give me a >quick rundown just because asking Veeky Forums sounded like a semi-decent idea

I don't understand what your coworker thought this book would make you realize, but here we go.

Basically, a 16-year-old cancer patient meets and falls in love with a similarly afflicted teen from her cancer support group. She feels like he really understands her. They both share the same acerbic wit and a love of books, especially Grace's touchstone, "An Imperial Affliction" by Peter Van Houten. When he scores an invitation to meet the reclusive author, he and she embark on the adventure of their brief lives.


ugly people shouldn't be allowed to become traps

just read it you fucking nigger it's a play how long ca n it be? if it's shit tell your co-worker why, if it's good you'll have empathized with his position.

If you don't have interest, don't. You're not morally obligated to stroke that fat fuck's ego because he told you to do something so he could attempt to convert you

Shit like that is just as bad as people trying to push religion on people

>you are indifferent to the evils of the world
>read this play by an American born, daughter of a psychologist, College professor, who is much praised, attended a notable Magnet High School, Brown and Yale, and received half a million dollars in free money from MacArthur Foundation.
Tell your coworker that the play is written from a place of privilege, and that you won't read it on principle.
I had no idea who this even was 20 minutes ago, got all that from Wikipedia. She also worked for Amnesty International, but don't bring that up.

Lol. Nice.

>Lynn Nottage

i've read stuff from people like this and it always carries the stink of money on it

Basically intervening in the happening of other countries is mostly a meme and usually does more harm than good.

Not when Obama does it.

People really like to think they are helping good causes. Even if they are just spreading awareness it makes them feel good.

It's like eating a few pieces of celery with chicken wings, or eating a salad smothered dressing and cheese, as a diet.
It's main purpose is to make them feel good about themselves and what they are doing, not to actually change anything.

This seems like basically A Fault in our Stars where they both get got.

This is the case about 99.999999999999999999999999% of the time someone writes a whiny op-ed, play, or book about white privilege or muh black bodies.

Asking Veeky Forums for books Is like asking /v/ for video games.

I've never read her, but definitely agree about other simliar writers.

It's quite odd now that I think about it. The only time I ever hear about SJW's is when browsing Veeky Forums, literally the only time. In actual society I never hear about it. Hmmm.

I dont know how you could leave out that amazing interrogation of the breakfast food heirarchy as codified by end-stage capitalism under the patriarchy. It's like the cornerstone of the whole book.

I would bet you don't live in a large town, go to college, or interact with people outside of a select few very often.

Then you would lose that bet because I do all of those things.

Where do you live and how old are you?

That is none of your business.

18f, cali