What do you guys think about Linguistics?

What do you guys think about Linguistics?

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interesting, but mostly insofar as it helped to solve mathematical (CS) problems

Me no like.

not science or math

Indo-European languages are interesting, Chomsky is a hack.

>not science
>'Linguistics is the scientific study of language'
some might disagree

You could claim psychology is the scientific study of the psyche, but that doesn't make it so.

you mean verbal semiotics
you mean genetic semiotics
>Chomsky is a hack.
what work of his did you read to come to this conclusion and why?

well for starters he is a 9/11 gatekeeper

>what work of his did you read to come to this conclusion and why?

Libguistics isn't "learning languages".

Chomsky came up with the now called Chomsky hiararchies that can be used to classify classifiers such as the finate state- up to the Turing machine, independently of computer science, for examples.

He is linguist with an interest in political, economical affairs and such. If he is considered a hack, it's not hard to imagine why and in what domain. But he doesn't mingle linguistics with his other academic work.

i am much more familiar with Noams political criticism than i am with his work in linguistics
and strongly agree with much of what he has to say. He is reasoning with facts, just because that offends your pet dogmas doesn't make him a hack

what is that?

too pseud for my refined tastes

t. brainlet

How do I get into Linguistics?

Graduate programs tend to accept three kinds of people. Either people who are trained in linguistics already, people who are in computer science or people in mathematics.

Pretty neat field. I've always wanted to apply -omics type stuff to linguistics somehow.

It's pretty great, but widely, and I mean really widely, misunderstood. I think the fact that most people have what they erroneously perceive as linguistic training (learning a new language or getting instruction in their native language in school), they think they know linguistics or how language works.

>He is reasoning with facts, just because that offends your pet dogmas doesn't make him a hack

You're right. Him offending dogmas doesn't make him a hack. His lousy """reasoning""" with cherry-picked """facts""" and little understanding of economics is what makes him a hack. He's like the socialist Ayn Rand when it comes to politics.

I wish there were better Cognitive Science programs in the Palmetto college system.

I think it’s really interesting. From what I know, the research end of it these days is based mostly in neuroscience.
My mom did an MA in English and we have old Chomsky books about linguistics around the house.

I actually wanted to study ethnolinguistics, figure i'd become a chemist instead.

Actually, you are in the minority with your very limited world-view. Linguistics as well as Psychology are long established sciences

I think he was broadly right but universal grammar will actually be modeled by cellular automata evenetually.

He actually defends the free market in that doc. He calls what we have now cronyism run by the corporations where no free market exists.

I have a master's in translation theory
I usually tend to think of them linguocucks as being LESSER THAN

he stole "his" research about free grammars from a Paki

Yeah but what the fuck do you know, you've only studied translation theory. It's not like you actually understand language, you are to a linguist what an engineer is to a physicist.

If you're referring to Pāṇini, I'm afraid to say he didn't say anything about finite state automata.

Because he wasn't a computer scientist.
He was a linguist.

I don't think you've followed the conversational famalam.

I mean I think many people conflate the ability to speak a language with conscious knowledge of how a language works.

Which is a very bad assumption to make. By and large, linguistic knowledge is entirely tacit.

how about you give an example instead of complaining like a lil bitch. I find i agree with chomsky most of the time, so i will argue on his behalf to the best of my ability

ethnolingustics and ethnoecology are two very interesting fields

I really like it.
I am a bit obsessed with etymology and how Indoeuropean stuff work.

do you just go around shitting on other people's threads?
you already did it to my sapir-whorf thread.

Got any book recs?

>le stem master race
so not even worth thinking about for a high IQ person such as myself.

Yeah. I know a loit about linguistics, i speak 4 languages so when people say that i dont understand linguistics well, is this a clear case of tge sapir-whorf hypotesis. English is a much simple language than russian, which is a language i speak (1 vs 6 cases), so it comes as no surprise that people who only speak a simple minded language like english in fact are of simple minds themselves.


In Russia, going to college for "linguistics" is like when we used to send women to college to be school teachers. It's where we put middle class kids until they find a husband.

2/10, didn't deny innateness

all wors should be done by parasynthesis (composition of one word with another former words of your idiom who mean that) for instance srew-driver.
Other sources for new worda are retarded. This is why english sucks compared to latin or german.

You must really hate chinese

teach us how you do it user

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