Can Veeky Forums solve this?

can Veeky Forums solve this?

is climate change in action in this graph? if so, behead all who say 5 doesn't fill first

The pipe above 4 is blocked at the top.
The pipe above 9 is blocked at the bottom.
The pipe above 7 is blocked at the top.
Nothing is blocking the path from where the coffee's pouring in to and out of the pipe above 5.
Not sure why this is a puzzle, there isn't any trick to it unless the trick is people glance at the picture with so little focus that they don't notice the one thing you're supposed to look for which is blocked paths.


Solve what? There's no question.

How about we don't play games with my Coffee.

>yeah man, just don't talk to me before I've had my coffee man, I'm not me without my coffee man



This would have been better if it wasn't just a "LE PIPES ARE BLOCKED GOTCHA XD"


This is stupid, the answer is obviously, "7".

Cups 9 and 5 get filled a little. The coffee splashes over the thin black stuff and goes everwhere. There is no reason to believe that the channels are sealed.

>thought it was 4
>Noticed all the pipes were blocked
y u try to trick me op?

OP is a fag and sucks huge dicks


9 then 5

Why the fuck would 9 fill up?

I didn't see the closed part until after I posted. its only 5

That's not enough coffee to fill any cup this way.

7 remains empty

but that is water not coffee so experiment is flaw