Why don't philosophers/intellectuals dare to tackle the racial issues of western countries?

Why don't philosophers/intellectuals dare to tackle the racial issues of western countries?
The debates end up being very lowbrow, because they're left to either SJWs or /pol/tards.

Of course inter-continental migrations themselves are not a new thing, but the scale and speed at which they have been happening recently is quite unprecedented.

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not literature

uhhhh because they're all white? is this a rhetorical question?

One of the greatest contemporary novels of the last two years deals directly with that issues. As far as african american criminality and cultural degeneracy, it is due to barriers thrown up at the publishing level (and the fact that racialism doesnt sell with white moms).

Zizek does all the time

Zizek has said absolutely nothing insightful about this issue. He's just repeating the mainstream position with some common sense ("we have to accept them, but they're not angels").


I know you're probably sarcastic (can't tell on this board), but it's exactly because they're "white" that they should speak about it. "Racial immigration" is mostly happening in white-majority countries.

Which novel is that?

it is pretty popular here.

I think the reason it succeeds so well is that it doesnt lean on tired racial rhetoric, but places the blame squarely upon the moral emptiness and degeneracy of western secularism. I actually became more involved with my church after reading it, and I definitely became more critical of the left.

You can't talk about things like that without being ostracized these days. I am not a white supremacist in any way and even I can't wait for the day white people stop being slaves to their stupid egalitarian ethics.

It comes up occasionally, but anybody willing to try has to be willing to be labelled 100% certified shitlord for the rest of their lives. For some reason French men seem to be the most willing. 'The Camp of the Saints' and 'Submission' are what you want. Camp of the Saints is probably the most depressing thing I've ever read.

The ONLY solution is birth control in every country. Otherwise, we're fucked.

it's shit because it comes from a position of weakness t.neet-chan

>Blah blah blah......I have an agenda with a vague connection to literature

houellebecq's been doing it for nearly two decades.

"The problem now - and it was a new one for me - was my dick. In the seventies nobody really cared how big their dick was. I don't know who started it - queers probably, though you find allot of it in American cop shows, but there's no mention of it in Sartre. Whatever, in the showers at the gym I realised I had a really small dick. It was around about then that I started hating blacks"

He's got some real gems

They do. It's just that racism is such a hot-button topic that people form up mobs and shout down speakers rather than listen to what they're saying and draw their own conclusions.

Aristotle covers it extensively in Politics.

Race is irrelevant.

lmao direct me to that book

>How to sell books 101: don't talk about anything the Western middle class doesn't like

Unless you're Houellebecq, who got lucky early on and now has a niche for being 'that guy'


i wish the /pol/ navy was real

imagine a couple of dudes who did starting strength rowing around in triremes and shooting holes in migrant ships with nuggets

Every time some intellectual tries to offer even a slightly critical approach to the migration issue, there's a shitstorm against him. For example, Zizek.

So most criticism comes from people with no intellectual merits to begin with.

>Which novel is that?

he's iggy pop's favourite author

just in case you need to justify your interest in H-Becq to a libtard

spotted the nigger

philosophers are nothing more than philosophy historians nowadays
the only outspoken academics we hear from are sociologists

A nigger would be the first to yell about race. The real source of division in society is power.

Spotted the commie.

lmfao I bet your necks a twig

spotted the jew

>implying he has a neck

spotted a power plant

youre an idiot. power is the focus of the structuralist movement.

Large parts of the "reactionary" philosophers are Catholic or influenced by Catholic thought.
Catholicism explicitly rejects race as a category of importance. Therefor the brightes of the right don't care about it.

Spending time discussing non-ecological political issues isn't pragmatic tbqhwu from my pov

t. buttmad structural Marxist

dude I'm not even Anglican but they're the only ones producing anything worthwhile these days. see: John Milbank

>"Racial immigration" is mostly happening in white-majority countries.

Which are the non-white countries where it's happening? Just curious.

China to some extent but they don't take shit
Tribal migration within Africa
South America -> Mexico

South America -> Mexico -> USA
You mean.

>Camp of the Saints is probably the most depressing thing I've ever read.

Raspail has said his inspiration came while at the French Riviera in 1971, as he was looking out at the Mediterranean.

“What if they were to come? I did not know who "they" were, but it seemed inevitable to me that the numberless disinherited people of the South would, like a tidal wave, set sail one day for this opulent shore, our fortunate country’s wide-gaping frontier."

yeah but they were excluding white countries


They feel no need to... says a lot about your philosophers huh? I'll take a whack at it: Evolutionists believe in eugenics, Christians believe in the tower of babel: I believe in the soul, and the body is just a vessel. Does a black man have a black soul? White on white? The mind works how it works. On the inside, the mind is all the same color....but yet those two groups there will continually perpetuate racism, and blame one another. When it's not one, it's the other, and when one does it, the other acts innocent. I believe in the bible, but the tower thing I believe we should put behind us, especially since we were all the same race beforehand. A culture is different then a race.

>Raspail has said his inspiration came while at the French Riviera in 1971
lmfao they had already come by then....

This, it's more of a humanities question


I get so tired of the plebbiters who come to Veeky Forums and think philosophy has no place here. This is the philosophy board, if you want to make a thousand threads about ASOIAF gb2 r/books

>and think philosophy has no place here. This is the philosophy board
it doesn't and it isn't

Veeky Forums - literature
take your pop-thinking somewhere else

more workers

more taxes

wealthier countries

....tribal bias, the point OP heads toward, is non-sequitur in the ruling of the upper realms.

A worker of a different race is worth much more to the government and people than racist ideals.

>Veeky Forums - literature
>wtf why isn't every single thread about literature?
>/int/ - international
>wtf why isn't every single thread about countries?
>/r9k/ - robot9000(+1)
>wtf why isn't every single thread about 9000(+1) robots?
Take your autism elsewhere.

Read the sticky before you go back to the subreddit of your choice.

you have to go back

I disagree, user.
Almost all countries are around replacement level, if not under it.
Only Africa has excessive growth rates.

Check out these guys, making America great again.


>it was her turn :^(

>what is good for people with economic interests is ultimately good for the people

Yeah, pretty much.

Taxes man. Keep a society healthy and afloat.

Richer country, better military, less chance of invasion from tyrants. Democracy requires equality and fair treatment for all contributors to the nation.

Otherwise the nation falls to corruption, and again, liable to invasions from tyrants.

You seem deluded into thinking the current system is something we must continue with
>tribal bias (...) is non-sequitur
This is a good thing
Although not "tribal bias", this implies it should be enforced and artificial rather than being naturally induced again

thanks for the rec sir

Taxes are good

Equality as proponent of age old rule of law within civilized nations.

Which part do you have a problem with?

most "workers" don't actually produce anything these days. most jobs are a form of welfare. so no, more workers does not equal a wealthier country



he's definitely /ourguy/

zizek was called a neo-nazi when he said the migration probably wasn't 100% good

I used to think the more the merrier, but nowadays I'm more of a quality over quantity guy.
Europe is already too densely populated for my taste.

Which is why we need an economic collapse to filter out the trash

did you just imply that migrants with little to no education, that can't even read or write in their own language, are able to find a job in a competitive job market?

You also have to consider that the European Right has had almost not academic backing in the past 50-60 years, and thus no immediate intellectual tradition to look to and develop. All it has are timeless or very old things like vague ideas of tribalism, the nation and the family.

Right-Wing politics stopped being dynamic after fascism, if you exclude their temporary marriage with Neoliberal economics (which didn't happen everywhere)

"Diversity is good" has become axiomatic in our society. You're not allowed to question that anymore.

To add to that, what this means is that in opposing mass immigration, all it can put forth are ideas and concepts that have long been the targets of leftist theory and academia, and the ideas and ways that leftists attack right-wing opposition to this stuff has, in many places, been completely accepted into middle-class discourse (anti-racism, support for socialism or some vague reduced form of it, feminism, pacifism, tolerance, diversity).
There are barely any influential right-wing thinkers (I can only think of Sloterdijk right now), and it seems to me like there's no place at universities for them anyways.

>race exists

Literally a social construct. Kill yourself.

I can't even tell if people are serious when they say this because people actually believe it.

No. From a historical point of view, I'm saying diversity in a nation has benefitted your nation more than you realize or care to give credit for.

Re your issue. If that's your biggest issue, you're talking first generation migrants whose children will be educated by the nation - they'd have a chance as any other, they'd pay taxes, some would have a better job than you and would pay more taxes than you (they'd contribute to your society better than you - yet, even if you couldn't do their job or match their contribution, you'd still complain)

>tfw looking forward to the forced miscegenation procreation orgies
I can't wait to muddy my white seed

>social constructs don't exist

Everyone knows the 10+ children of unemployed illiterate immigrants grow up to be well raised and even MORE productive members of society than the native alternative. Good catch user.

>Roman Empire becomes multicultural shithole
really made me think...


>tfw Slavoj will die in the 2020's and will not be there to comment on the further degradation of western civizilation

Biology is a spook now?

That isn't at all why Rome collapsed, you dumb fuck. They were doing fine with all that "SHITTY MULTICULTURE!!!!!!!!! NIGGERS REEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!"

You're a fucking moron and Decline of the West is a shit book.

>anti-racist Stirnerite

literally the bargain bin of history

that has not really been the case where i'm from, most criminal gangs consists of second gen immigrants (the gangs have also become more violent), and most people joining isis has also been second gen immigrants.

>you're talking first generation migrants whose children will be educated by the nation -
Schools don't raise children. It's ridiculous to suggest integration occurs over 1 generation.

>tribal Africans: rich ancestry and culture, pleasant people
>second generation african immigrants in the west: *crime rate here*

It's true though.
The only people who believe that race is more important than things like socio-economic status are whites who failed at life.

>the racial issues of western countries?
Which are?...

any poor area has a high crime rate dumbfuck

> quality over quantity
That's exactly what I meant.
There should be less niggers, and more Europeans.

>It's true though.
>The only people who believe that race is more important than things like socio-economic status are whites who failed at life.

Giggled to this.

>responds with a video
>peterson video
you can't even argue on your own?
unsurprisingly you're a braindead dumbfuck who worships peterson.

No real basis for discussion here. Just wild conjecture and hearsay of an echo chamber with sadly no intelligence to crawl out of the shallow beliefs fuelled by fear.

you'll realize reality eventually too

Which is why impoverished whites and SE asians commit less crime in the same areas, right?

>fuelled by fear
I'm not even white

>implying poor whites/asians are as poor as blacks
>implying they all live in the same area
where? show me the places.
you won't because it doesn't fucking exist.

I realize hypocrisy and ignorance.

>can't argue Peterson's point
>personal attacks instead while complaining about the quality of argumentation