Education teaches people how to think

>Education teaches people how to think.

>American education

>the only one that makes sense is marked wrong
Weird test.

There is nothing wrong in that test.

>know matter what her side is
Edjucaishon is bad, mkey.

>our children's head
>know matter
Kid's better off in the indoctrination facility

Why are right wing Americans unable to spell or speak correctly?

Perhaps at graduate level. You're being taught to be an industry drone up until that point.

Yes it should. It often does. Sometimes it does not. One time someone posted a screenshot of an anecdotal Facebook post on a literature board.

>know matter
I chuckled

>8th grade
>learning the words radical, adversity, and motive

I think that this is more alarming.

Also just noticed that the maker of the worksheet made a simple grammatical error in the construction of #16. "Those" is plural, but is used as a pronoun for "supporter" which is singular. How hard is that to grasp? I guess that's why they're teaching middle school and not Uni. This is quite frightening. I don't remember my 8th grade experience being this dim-witted.

I remember a lot of kids having trouble reading out loud and constantly stumbling over words when I was in the 8th grade, and I went to a good high school too.

Why? This is the US, isn't it?


This kind of shit would not fly in my town, she would lose her job and be dragged in front of the school board. When the schools integrated a tranny policy it was thrown out at the next vote.

Non-murricans dont understand that school power and funding is usually mostly local, so you have to do research before moving and having kids.

t. NH resident living in a white paradise.

Well I personally blame water fluoridation. They don't really do that in Europe, right?

No, at least not widespread. It soemtimes is in our salt and toothpaste though.

Trump's immigration policy is the opposite of radical. If anything we've been living under a radical-left immigration policy for almost 50 years

(instigated by the wide-spread amnesty programs of Reagan, I'd like to point out)

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