Attitude to culture tier list

1. Enlightened populism
>The culture can only exist for the people, although academic institutions allow research, it doesn't belong to them; once a form of culture no longer has a popular following it has in effect been declared dead by the public.
>Happy to talk to 'normies' or people without prior knowledge about cultural things
>Despite this, feels a commitment to literature and writing no matter how popular or unpopular it is.
>Isn't proud of himself for it.

2. Naive but interested young people
>women, BookTube, goodreads
>earnest, willing to learn, never cynical
>have real feeling in responding to texts
>corrupted and opportunities sold short by the consumer industry, Young Adult fiction, John Green on a personal level and the Creative Writing classes
>our only hope for literature in the future

3. Dilettant superiority complex (almost always from people who just started reading / graduated from video games)
Tell-tale signs:
>Recommends and reads and knows nothing but 'the Canon': Bible, Homer, Dante and Shakespeare; although being unquestionable good, uses these authors --- the only he knows --- to hide his dilettantism, he says all the right things when it comes to culture, but couldn't tell you about it beyond Bloomian platitudes.
>complains about the dilettantism of others (usually schoolgirls) to hide his own dilettantism
>acts dark and edgy and depressed because this is apparently what writerly intelligent people do, rather than hiding his loneliness in mature obligation to others, he reveals his cosmic narcissism constantly.

4. Gamer tier
>spends too much time on Veeky Forums, twitter, reddit
>calls people cucks and posts antisemitic/racist memes
>claims to be so far above the herd of normies that he joins a different herd such as an online 'counterculture' of bloggers and twitter.
>see: Jordan Peterson
>the most mediocre platitudes at all
>a false view of European culture inherited from icons of patriotic bombast; identifies with his parents and grandparents over his contemporaries.
>believes the current times to be decadent, when his unthinking belief in decadence is part of the decadence which he doesn't realize, crowd mentality and meme culture.
>greenposts a lot

Usually the fourth type quickly becomes the third.

Other urls found in this thread:


you don't think there's any hope for a type 1 kind of person to write good literature?

No, because type one people don't exist anywhere.

Not bad.

Tier 2 is not bad, yeah?

as long as they're (somehow) kept from creative writing classes and perpetual obsession with YA fiction, then yes

>3. Dilettant superiority complex (almost always from people who just started reading / graduated from video games)
>Tell-tale signs:
>>Recommends and reads and knows nothing but 'the Canon': Bible, Homer, Dante and Shakespeare; although being unquestionable good, uses these authors --- the only he knows --- to hide his dilettantism, he says all the right things when it comes to culture, but couldn't tell you about it beyond Bloomian platitudes.
>>complains about the dilettantism of others (usually schoolgirls) to hide his own dilettantism
>>acts dark and edgy and depressed because this is apparently what writerly intelligent people do, rather than hiding his loneliness in mature obligation to others, he reveals his cosmic narcissism constantly.

Wow, someone who looks like she actually reads.

Good thread user, I am impressed and happy.

The subtle point of being point 2 the only hope for literature is a sign of knowing what you are talking about.


why? you have merely replaced one form of artificial partiality for another

>rather than hiding his loneliness in mature obligation to others, he reveals his cosmic narcissism constantly.
i do the former in public but the latter on Veeky Forums

Op, your thread is bad. Wouldn't be surprised if it's pasta. Pls stop ruining lit.

It's oregano.


Why not?


it's like solving racism by hating white people

If the internet has taught me anything, it's that EVERYTHING exists somewhere.

pls don't remove my post


>implying tier 2 oprah book club readers could be anything more than casuals
>implying tier 3 and 4 will not be the future of literature

In the past two decades gaming has gone from developers begging for payment in shareware to a billion dollar industry. The medium has barely been explored by artists.

OP, your extreme generalizations and categorizations may please your ego but they are hardly accurate and on a few points don't even make sense. bad thread, please don't try again.

Tier 4 detected.

Is the fact of being a "billion dollar industry" relevant, when for every inventive or beautiful game made there are fifteen variations of "man with gun kills bad guys"? McDonalds is a billion dollar industry too.

And as if the industry could profit from making a game which isn't simpleton trash when all gamers are gullible immature simpletons.

Not precise enough, nice try though.

Well, not "all", the puzzle and strategy game people are fairly clever.

Tier 1, actually. And having worked in the medium for 15 years, I know of what I speak. The greatest art problem of the next 20 years will not be 'muh literatures are disappearing' but rather our interest in literature being subsumed by an augmented reality more illusory than our own.

Clever in the sense of blindly logical knowledge maybe, i.e autism.

Woah... Deep

Sounds like something I'd read on Reddit.

>4. Gamer Tier
>greenposts a lot



Your top tier (which of course you fall under yourself in your own mind) are in fact incredibly dishonest and condescending. They learn about high culture (yes, that exists) and clearly at least on surface level value it so they can be the smart guy in their group, and then in the same breath cast out the history of thinking which has lead them to true conclusions for the sake of "enlightened populism".
The pieces of culture which we most highly prize now were not historically controlled by the masses. The masses don't care about post modernism now, ahundred years ago the Modernists hated the masses. Ahundred years before it was the idea of high culture and elitism which produced some of humanity's most prized writing in the Romantics.
I'm give you Shakespeare, but if it were up to the masses now he wouldn't be taught in school and would suffer hideous "translations".
People can like what they like, everyone has their own preferences when it comes to art, but it's not a coincidence that those who have read the sum of the Western canon are those who value those historic pieces of high culture which must remain immovable despite everything.

5. Makes gay threads on lit