Haruki Murakami

Is he more than a trash YA author?


Kafka on the Shore is next on my reading list
But if Veeky Forums says it's bad, I better throw it in the trash, I don't want anyone here thinking I'm a pleb

Close call

You think I won't look in your trash, user?

yeah user he's really good

really comfy, even if it's all sex and suicide

Any writer popular with normies is shit. He's literally the Japanese John Green

I have been memed into reading Norwegian Wood
At times he's not bad but most of his writing (the dialogue especially) is horrible

Dostoyevsky, Shakespeare, Wilde, Nietzsche, and many other writers are popular. Through you logics, they are all shit.

I hate this fuck. Everytime i go to buy a book and ask for Murakami they bring me something from this fuck "Look, Mr. is even on sale !!!". After i politely ask them for a book from RYU Murakami they give me the strangest look, some saying i have just made the name up. What the hell ?

He obviously meant contemporary writers. Well, I'm assuming he did. He isn't wrong if he did.

well if he is popular he is bad ok?

I did mean contemporary writers, my friends.
On a side note, has there been any work released in the past 15 years that has been truly great?

The Road
It's popular as well.


Can you elaborate?

He's not trash nor YA, he's just a mediocre "serious writer" that appeals to the uncultured middle class (people that are university-educated, but with no solid culture).

I think the typical read of a Murakami reader is not Proust, Bulgakov or Jünger... but more probably a personal development book, Umberto Eco, the latest Pulitzer or Booker Prize, etc.

I need to re-read Kafka on the Shore but back when it came out I still was in high school and I enjoyed it a lot. Skipped class so I could read it.

The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle is great, so yes.

I read that one book with the different stories. The one with the female driver and the actor guy. Shit was wack af. I mean really shitty af

he's overrated in my opinion, based on Windup Bird Chronicles and 1Q84. i love the dreamlike mood that he creates, but his stories leave me with blueballs waiting for something to happen.

jesus christ i've never read an author that continuously promises so much on so many accounts and never pays off with a description other than yet another loose end mytery

there's no depth. his description of settings is charmingly simplistic and refreshing but his incredibly similar and fundamentally uninteresting main characters are central-by-virtue-of-their-existence in relation to some inane whacky shit that is vaguely related to their family and then they have a hallucination they're being sucked off and then he dream about a lad swinging a baseball bat to execute a lad in a forest and it's just so fucking childish in its structure

is this just a japanese thing? i find a lot of acclaimed anime has the same issue

I'm not who you're replying to but I assume he is referring to the fact that McCarthy gets a lot of flack on Veeky Forums because of his writing style.


I consider everything by Wilde except portrait to be pleb tier--and shakespeare/Nietzsche are really overrated, so yes. Dostoevsky doesn't really belong in this list, since he's popular due to defining an entire country and era.

Murakami reader here, and you pretty much nailed it. I do like Bulgakov, but Eco is one of my absolute favorites.

I don't think Murakami is a fantastic writer, he's not even in my top Japanese authors, but there's something comfy about reading his stuff. It requires little to no investment and all reads fairly quickly. It's a shame his stories don't really go anywhere and he reuses the same characters over and over again.

He's a 3/5 writer. You can easily get into his stories, but as others have noted there's never any payoff. He can't write an ending to save his life. The non-"ending" of Windup Bird was atrocious.