Do you skip over the natural science sections when reading ancient philosophers? I'm a bit of a completionist...

Do you skip over the natural science sections when reading ancient philosophers? I'm a bit of a completionist, so I feel bad doing it. However, I'm also an engineer and, while I can respect scientific theory and history, it's also a colossal waste of time to read, for example, about a Greek's unsupported view of the heavens.

>tfw have to choose between stunningly attractive dumbass nigger-wannabe blonde girl or a ugly intelligent literary girl

j U s T


wow, I'm so sorry for you

>Do you skip

No. If you read philosophy you should know that if you don't read then you don't read.

How is it a colossal waste of time? You say you 'respect scientific theory and history' so that means that you ought to care about what these people thought. What you're really doing is looking for whether or not propositions are true, you aren't interested in developing an understanding of the places of particular false propositions within the history of philosophy. You should stick with engineering and not bother picking up another book by an ancient philosopher. Not even Popper would endorse your position.

I bet you skipped the catalog of ships in the Iliad fuckboi

Yes, I did. In fact, here's a list of things I skipped in literature that might trigger you further:

>Lineage sections - Bible
>Construction and building descriptions - Bible
>Nautical chapters - Moby Dick
>The Organon, despite reading Aristotle's other major works
>Geometrical proofs - Euclid's Elements, Descarte's Meditations, Pythagoras' Fragments
>All of the songs - Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit

I'm sure there's more I can't think of, but I'm not around my bookshelf atm

i d i o t

>skipping parts of a book, ever


>yfw aristotle was right about colours before your STEM ass ever saw the gold and white dress
m8 you should be reading them to be scared how little we've progressed. the persians too

His idea of hearing was pretty stupid, though.

Looks like you're an average narrowminded STEMshit, reading philosophy will do nothing to alliviate that

>Nautical chapters - Moby Dick

>>All of the songs - Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit

>Nautical chapters - Moby Dick

Well many of thise are to be expected by most modern readers and while some of them provide much wanted context they're not--

>All of the songs - Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit

Who the fuck are you? If you're disinterested in world building and hate fun, why did you even read these? Just to say you did?

>I won't read it because it features things I don't agree with
- SJWs, retards
>I won't read it because it's not scientifically accurate
- OP

hmmm, really made my newtons gravitate

>tfw I know an extreamly qt patrician girl
>tfw she will never be my gf
At least I can see her instagram desu

>Lineage sections - Bible
Isn't that some of the most important stuff?


>tfw you work with a qt grill at a library and saw that she left her copy of a collection of Heidegger essays that she left with a pile of her things and felt like you'd walked in on her changing
>tfw you haven't gotten laid in 11 months

>People call me a snob for not reading a popular work
>People get angry for reading said popular work
Makes you think.

Nothing that can't be understood by secondary reading which would be faster and more enjoyable.

Kill yourself


This is why stem types shouldn't be allowed to vote; some powerful overwhelming autistism right here

>reading outmoded philosophy

>Veeky Forums

Return it to her saying "hey I noticed you were reading Heidegger" and then sperg out because you've never read Heidegger and can't do anything more than post frogs on an anonymous Sherpa leatherworking forum

are you implying that Veeky Forums isn't patrician
if you are, my dear friend, you are sorely and butt-fucking retardedly mistaken

>Of fucking Geometry
You are truly a faggot.

Are you trying to imply there aren't proofs in geometry? If so, please stop browsing chans and get back to your pre-algebra homework.

no just that you care about that shit

Well, she collected the book and her stuff at some point, and I actually have read a bit of Heidegger, so nothing in your post is helpful.

I would never skip over any natural science section from any time period because my mind isn't so fragile and neurotic that I can't use incorrect conceptions of reality to help better understand the evolution of correct ideas.

You need only read the beginning and ending lines of such sections

Does that mean you would skip, for instance, Aristotle's "Physics"?


Holy shit, is that Carlie?

>he's had sex

get off my board you fucking normie

>>Nautical chapters - Moby Dick
Pleb filter caught another one, guys.

>The Organon
>All of the songs - Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit

Wow you're actually clogging the fucking filter you faggot. This board isn't for you.

>yfw you will never construct your own portable desert tabernacle

>tfw there are shitters like this

There is hard science, and there is the rest of "STEM"

> nautical chapters of Moby Dick
> skipped

Nigga, it isn't reading Moby Dick if you read page one and skip to the last

please leave Veeky Forums forever


Honestly why would you even read the Greeks without any knowledge prior to reading the Greeks.

>>All of the songs - Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit
Should have skipped reading such garbage

>tfw i will never experience pic related

Sitting near a pool, wearing female swimwear? I'm sure you can manage user.

Prostitution is a thing user

i mean a qt smiling at me like that

skipping the proofs in Euclid seems weird to me

And the Organon is the only work of Aristotle I've read

>tfw a more beautiful women than that has stared at me the same way and we were mutually in love
>tfw I've tasted the radiant joy of two souls intertwined by destiny and the will
>tfw we developed an almost psychic connection that most couples don't have until marriage
>tfw i lost all of that for alcohol abuse and partying with sluts
>tfw I will never have that ever again
>tfw its better to have never loved than to have flown so close to the Sun and been burned, disfigured and crippled by it
>tfw I envy you

This thread proves that engineers are nothing more than highly trained wagemonkeys.

who is the ass goddess OP? sauce?

killerandasweetthang on instagram.

I want to bite her ass.

>All of the songs - Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit
Your mistake was not skipping the entirety of those two. Anyone who is here and actually considers these literature need to get the fuck back to plebbit.

Well the guy you responded to said he skipped that shit, so I'm still not sure where you thought you were going with that.

Lo l

there's literally nothing wrong with this. It's 2017, there's to much to read and know to be a perfectionist

>nautical chapters

>>All of the songs - Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit
But those are the only good parts.

I'm an engineer myself, and I actually enjoy reading obsolete science because I feel it's a way for me to make a more personal connection to the author/period. It's also a good exercise in finding logical flaws and testing your knowledge of a subject.