Just finished this

Just finished this

Where the fuck do I go now? This was way too good to make the next book I read seem like total trash

U die

Read Leaves of Grass

Finnegans Wake

hurt yourself

These have to be troll threads.




moby dick is the quintessential american masterpiece... not sure where you heard otherwise

you could probably cool off with Bartleby the Scrivener, then move on to... Kafka maybe? or Shakespeare if you want prose.

Dostoyesky and Tolstoy

don quixote

Have you read old man and the sea? Unironically a good next move.

I had to go to epics after I read it. Try the Iliad.

unironically this

Don Quixote


The *other* Great American Classic:
Gone With The Wind

Blood Meridian

I came to say just this and went through all comments thinking "oh nobody's said it I get to be the first" and then I came to the last comment god dammit.

Blood Meridian.


I don't care what you read. What should I read?

Read the Bible. Genesis, Exodus, Job, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, and Isaiah.

I read Dubliners straight afterwards and that was nice. It's hard to get used to prose that isn't absolutely stunning though, but then you get The Dead and all is well.

If you haven't read The Iliad yet, I recommend doing so. The Fagles translation is my favorite.

>Shakespeare if you want prose

What's with this sudden surge of people reading and discussing Moby Dick? I am wondering because I also started reading it a week ago.

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea

>no mention of Samuel 1,2 or Proverbs

Read Don Quixote and then make comparisons between the two books for truly transcendental appreciation of these two gorgeous classics.

god, no
what are you thinking?

congrats dude you now have a doctorate in cetology

Both about the ocean. Old men. Fishing. I thought it was pretty obvious!


to recommend that someone read hemingway after melville is downright malicious

Old man and the sea kicks ass. Nuke the whales!

Harold Bloom, drink your warm milk and take a nap.

No, just Dosto
Tolstoy is good but not worthy

Read a book that piques your interest

or maybe eat a sandwich

Lmao pleb

Dosto is fucking shit tier compared to tolstoy

You are a shit taste pleb

Go get spoonfed more existential drivel peasant

Dostoyevsky is overrated. Even the Death of Ivan Ilyich is better than any of his works.

I genuinely envy people who finish Moby Dick and ask this question. That means they've had a once in a lifetime experience. This novel does is a proper drug.

Btw you should read

Mason and Dixon


The Count of Monte Cristo

I read Monte Cristo because it was easier to read. But it's up to you. M&D is just as good as Moby Dick. Though Moby Dick makes you cry, M&D makes you sad forever without tears. Like Beer and Wine i guess.

Read something more light-hearted, something that doesn't take itself too seriously, like a P.G. Wodehouse novel.

Proust, because his novel is better.

I second this

Don't listen to these flapping quims, OP.

Conrad, you dolt.

read "Involution Ocean" by Bruce Sterling. it's partly an homage to Moby Dick, except with drug addicts on an alien planet.

Absalom, Absalom!

Thank me later.