What are some good lit-related tattoos?

pic slaughterhouse five

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i know someone with a big T little t tattoo


Tattoos are for faggots

God a tattoo of that is the opposite of the meaning of slaughterhouse-five, same with those "so it goes" tattoos. They make me cringe the most because the person clearly didn't get it

It's also not originally from S5 anyway

I freeze up when I come across someone who doesn't understand irony, especially in this culture. Could it be that they've been so overexposed to it that they think irony is sincerity?

Tattoos always look so bad on white people

That's the serenity prayer, you dense plebeian.


The most Veeky Forums tattoo is the lack of one. Adolf Loos was right.

I think in the case of S5 it's a result of the book's over-memeing when its actual message isn't immediately obvious. People read it, they like the easy prose, miss the point and want to memorialize the fact that they read it

Can someone explain why Plebbit and Slaughterhouse 5 fans love the quote "So it goes..." so much? It sounds so lame.

But I do agree it's an overexposure thing too, and even purity politics that a "classic" book is inherently sincere

Have you read it? Any time there is a death mentioned the narrator says "so it goes", for like, bugs, main characters, Jesus, you get it.


I've considered getting a bit of Shakespeare tattooed, intentionally with the context twisted. "Stars hide your fires, let not light see my black and deep desires".


So what's the context? Shameless pleb here.

because it's le epic literary reference my good sir *holds up monocle*

What? Tattoos only look good on white skin, wtf are you on about?

>tattooing paragraphs of text on your body
How fucking gay
Only symbols are acceptable or some very simple drawings

Pretty sure that saying is from AA. Or if it's just a religious saying that HAPPENS to be used heavily by AA then it still has that connection to AA.

I like this quote...

"Alcohol, taken in sufficient quantities, may produce all the effects of drunkenness."
-Oscar Wilde

are you mocking the retarded or just retarded?

"monads have no windows"

On my forehead

Getting a tattoo is like erecting a shopping mall in a nature reserve

It's sacrilege and never looks better than not having it

Depends on who you ask. Some people think the naked body is boring unless it's got permanent art injected onto it. I'm not like that; I prefer women to be quite conservative with their ink, however I can respect having little touches here and here. Preferably no tramp stamp. Personally I've got a flag on my shoulder, and I'm proud to have it. I plan to get another tattoo some day once I have my first successful hunt, and I'll probably someday get yet another tattoo in celebration of being a self-published author. Yeah, I think I'll make a note of that. On the one-year anniversary of me being a self-published author, I'm going to get a tattoo. I don't know what it will be, but I'm going to do it, and it might very well end up being paid for by said books. I'm already making money yet I haven't been self-published for even 6 months yet.


Good, good.