
biologists are fucking creepy

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Is he really keeping that animal in this fist sized box? Are there no laws against animal cruelty in America?

Guess those are the conditions most lab animals have to live with, but still.

Who said he isn't breaking the law?

What an asshole.

Round 2?

fuck that guy, he isn't proving anything with that "experiment"
poor hamster

why? what is the purpose of this experiment? even mad scientist have a reason to do shit, all I see is some dickhead trying to pull mk ultra on a hamster.

This, they're sort of people who killed and dissect cats as children.
Also known as the American Psycho type.

Who says he's a biologist?
No they're not. The vast majority of biofags are normies.

t. Psychopath lamenting the lack of like-minded fellows in his biology degree.

>t. Psychopath lamenting the lack of like-minded fellows in his biology degree.
Seek help, Patrick.

>Are there no laws against animal cruelty in America?
if he was affiliated with a university there's 0% chance this would be approved when he filed his IACUC

Hey its america, anything goes here

I'm lost, what is the experiment.

Isn’t this blatant animal cruelty? Why hadn’t somebody called the cops on this dude?

Anyone who says this is animal cruelty has never worked in a true lab setting with any kind of animal testing (Genetics, drug therapy, medical device testing)

Imagine 100 of these on a wall in literal shoebox sized conatiners, 2-3 in each. Then everyday they are removed and subject to painful injections, removal of limbs/breaking of bones for fitting of devices.

You people act like this is something that is utterly terrible and somehow I just don't see it.

I also would like to know what his hypothesis is.


They're too busy taking care of the (massive quote) science (massive unquote) boners

Jeez thanks for the validation, I thought I was just meeting the wrong people.

When I was a teen I remember my anatomy teacher talking about cutting open a live frogs head and somewhat laughing about the whole thing with a creepy ass grin on her face

Damn it I meant their

Except staying outside past 10-12 if you're in many states and younger than 18-21, and drinking in public -- also drinking under the age of 21. Really USA is quite authoritarian, in many ways, outside of muh guns. There is also the fact that police could walk up to you and execute you with impunity (not always, of course). In most countries police get fucked over for simply drawing their firearm or some other weapon without valid circumstance.


Guys there hamsters calm the fuck down.

Even if he is only doing it for his own pleasure his will is his will and they are just hamsters.

Also he isn't feeding them oxygen he's keeping them in an oxygen tank under water.


>Then everyday they are removed and subject to painful injections, removal of limbs/breaking of bones for fitting of devices.
the researchers have to make convincing arguments that their actions will produce usable results that will improve science and medicine before they're allowed to even order the animals, and they have to estimate effect sizes to determine the minimum number of animals necessary to demonstrate an effect.

it is a far cry from "i'll stick some gerbils underwater because why not"

>Can hamsters survive in air under normal atmospheric pressure in a small container? The results may surprise you, click here to find out.

why are moralfags so annoying? i requested the cadaver of some hobo from my city's morgue so I could perform some experiments regarding decomposition and they wouldn't allow me to despite having medical training


Percisely this.
Which leads into this
He's acting like he's the next Einstein inventing an underwater city when all he's doing is pumping air underwater

can we report this guy? there are guidelines to animal experiments, this guy is just some sicko. what the fuck is he even trying to prove, didn't he get the memo about submarines

Animal cruelty laws in America are extremely lax and almost never enforced. And only then on almost exclusively dogs.

Modern science is literally evil, barbaric shit. The fact that we still have animal experimentation AND so very little to show for it is proof enough that humans should be purged with starfire. Jesus fuck vivisection is still a thing.

USA is a fucking police state. What's more baffling about it is amount of idiots justifying it. Pretty sure it's the only place where preachers make fucking songs adoring authority and the sense of "protection" they get: youtube.com/watch?v=XeQUlr4Xc3s

>muh guns
And the militarized police has even more and better guns and are ready to use them on their own compatriots because they got more melanin on their skin or whatever.

Land of the free my ass.

t. latinoamérica libre

Animals are tools for humans the same way hammers are you stupid liberal brainlet

YPeePoo have empathy for weird shit. Theyre hamsters, not fucking human babies or some shit.
>We should kill all sub 90 IQ retards
>This rodent is being slightly inconvenienced? Nooo, call the ethical police!
Even on pol, where they want to exterminate like 80% of the population, everyone freaked out about a common rat getting its penis cut of.


Is this the same pedo tripfag who committed to never coming to Veeky Forums ever again after being doxxed?

Dear sir. My sides have been extinguished.
I can no longer experience joy.

actually we created hammers to be used as tools. so unless you're implying that some god created animals specifically as tools for humans this is wrong. I mean it'd be wrong if that's what you're implying too so..

>traps helpless hamsters in underwater cages for months for shits and giggles
> submerge them underwater just to see what would happen
> give them some oxygen so they dont just die in a few minutes
> sees hamsters struggling to breathe
> "that looks rad as shit"
> "the things i do for science"
> mfw

Hamsters can fill pain though.

I dont give a fuck about the hamster. What is he trying to accomplish? Is this actually Veeky Forums or just some guy with a weird fetish?


He didn't learn his lesson apparently

when will you guys stop fucking praising reddidiots

It's almost like there's more than one poster on these boards and the different posters have differences of opinion.

This. I hate people who say shit like "I hate 99% of all humans but le doggo xD is mein freund"

>actually believing the fish don't feel pain meme

almost fell for the bait user, nice one

Why the racism?

go back

Don’t be jealous


>Everyone freaked out about a common rat getting its penis cut of.
Don't all Jews get circumcised?

not the guy you are responding to, but I can point you in the right direction. Basically they found that nerve cells in zebrafish respond a certain way to stimuli.
Not personally familiar with the methodology of the experiment, but it was reported on a few places.

>shrill lispy voice
>breathes and smacks his lips into the microphone
all I needed to know to hate this faggot's guts