Is 120 IQ too low for medicine? What's my ideal major if so?

Is 120 IQ too low for medicine? What's my ideal major if so?

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It’s fine iq shouldn’t be taken so seriously just work hard :)

Pretty sure 120 is higher than avg health sci student

had the same thought when i was deciding my life choices
sheer volume became a new kind of stress for me in my first year of college
im still vomiting words due to PTSD flashback

ROFL...120 is too high for a med degree. I know a football player who went through med school.... Hell, I've heard of black people making it through. Once you're in, they do their best to graduate you.

True intelligence is knowing how to ask the right questions, as from there it's just a matter of following the implications of the questions methodologically to the conclusion. Questioning is a skill, it's about requesting information about things in a way that yields the most useful information about them.

THE SQ4R is a famous study method that will teach you to actively question more intelligently if you use it.

Also you should be applying study skills to your entire life, including what the most suitable major for you is. Also treat the entire subject of you as an academic subject, the simple application of reason to one's own actions and thoughts is the most transformative thing one can do. If you wish to be in medicine you will have to be capable of total disciplined self-transformation into one, that is what it requires more than anything else.

IQ doesnt mean jackshit

t. low iq brainlet

It's just because in my country only the best of the best students (around 0.1%) get to join a medical university so usually it is the school with the smartest students (alongside physics and polytechnic studies).

>smartest students

You mean the hardest working students, right? Smartness doesn't exist. Hard work does. Take it from Feynmann.

have you actually though what you like or are what subject interested in?

Medicine is great but I wouldnt want to be treated by a doctor who just become a doctor because its well paid or some shit.

My most interested subjects are Biology (molecular mostly) and then Medicine. In terms of studies I prefer the latter because it involes less memorizing pages of textbook like a "parrot" would and actually learning more things in practice.

intelligence is not a big factor, hard work is.
But if someone has a higher IQ he'd probably understand a memorize faster.

dude every doctor that ever tested me was dumber in my opinion. I could heal myself if i had possibility to buy drugs.
and im like 120
if you need like to go brain surgeon or cardio then maybe

No, it isn't. I've had doctors do stupid shit and reach bullshit conclusions.

Modern day doctors just follow flow charts. Patient has X, do Y.

Surgery requires you to actually be pretty good, but the meme of doctors being smart is really overblown

It's not IQ you need, it's a willingness to cuck yourself out of 25 years of your life


I am much smarter than doctors kek, they get paid for nothing

My IQ tests have ranged all the way from a Mensa test of 119 all the way to an online one of 137. So who fucking knows, the tests are probably all shit. Just do what you want to do fag.

I'd think it's too high. Medicine is all memorization once you get in.

No just study hard

Its pretty good for a nurse or paramedic. You may struggle a lot with medicine though.

You make mention of a genius physicist? I would say intelligence definitely exists. If your a total dumbass, studying for 8 hours a day is not going to improve that much.

medicine is literally and completely rote rehearsal so as long as you were privileged enough during your teenage years to study and excel in high school and early college you will probably be fine

But the advantage of making $300-400k a year for all that hard work.

IQ is a meme and has about fuck all to do with your intelligence. It's determined more by education than intelligence. I wouldn't give it a second thought.

Which still leaves you in the red after you factor in opportunity cost and loan repayment.
I shadowed a very well known surgeon. He showed me his bank statements; fucker makes 450k a year.
He spends 90% of his life in the hospital, either teaching, rounding, doing the surgeries, paper work, consultation etc. He's also one of 3 surgeons in his specialty at the hospital, so he's constantly on call (as in has to come in to work at night).
You know who gets to spend the money? Not him, his wife.
Promptly did pill-counting school after spending a month with him, despite having a very good MCAT and a 3.7 sGPA.

Right now I'm coasting along with a 2.5, not giving a fuck because I speak a "niche" language and every independent pharmacy back home in my area of brooklyn wants me to work for them.
Medicine is the worst meme.

what is the niche language that you speak?

I speak every single dialect which is rare apparently.
Thanks mom for hounding my ass about this shit when I was a kid

How much do you earn? You get paid for making transactions with arabic countries or something else?