Are humans genetically designed to consume meat?

So might be a silly question, but i'm witnessing a debate between a bunch of idiots whether or not humans are meant to consume meat. Problem is I can't seem to find any substantial evidence we are (at least something credible). Google just pulls up a bunch of PETA and libtard hipster propaganda. Anyone know of any credible sources for the argument?

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Technically we are omnivorous. We eat whatever is available to prolong our survive. The meat craving probably has its origin in the fact that it has the most energy per kilo. That’s probably the way I could attack the argument. Shouldn’t be hard to find sources from that angle. It seems that you are either intentionally looking for sources that don’t conform to your arguement or are not looking very hard

>genetically designed
For the hundredth fucking time:
Evolution isn't driven by design, or necessity, it is random mutation that is then passed on via an organism successfully reproducing and sometimes, those random mutations are helpful in allowing the organism to successfully reproduce.
It's pretty fucking simple. :D

well, im really looking for sources in favor of humans being evolved to eat meat at this point.

>I like it when the sources have a bias
What're you even doing here, user?

Reddit: The post.

I don't think you understand what Plebbit it, Plebbit are the sort of retards who ask:
>Are humans genetically designed to consume meat?
So, if anything, my lovely newfag you are the projecting Plebbitard.

>*Plebbit it = Plebbit is

Well, we do have canines, we can digest meat and we psychologicaly crave it. The question refers as if our evolution preferred meat eaters. Asking for an evolutionary explanation of a biological feature in us is not the same as saying that everything must have concrete evolutionary basis. If i askes, what's the evolutionary function of my brain being in my head? Well it may not have. But asking, do we know why our brain being in our head was a more successful trait during evolution? That's something evolutionary biologists do all the time.

No, language is important, it is how we convey ideas.
His question, or yours, was extremely poorly worded and conferred the implication of design by necessity, which isn't so.
What he, or you, should have posited is:
>Do humans have an evolutionary genetic predisposition in our current biological configuration to ingest the muscle tissue and organs of other animals?
And the answer is, yes, because we're able to digest it and our bodies are able to use the nutrients from the source for various biological syntheses.
The issue is, what are negative health impact and its correlation with disease.
That, my friend, is the question that should've been offered and would've been sully answerable without the need to levy derision.

Google Vitamin B-12, only found in animal products. Also, Iron from vegetables has extremely poor bioavailability.

>*sully = fully

Study the evolution of hominid dentition. We have cutters for meat and grinders for grain. Vegetarians, myself included, are exercising a moral right, but if they argue from the standpoint of science, health or survival, the evidence weighs against them.

Speaking of correlation with disease:
>A 1999 meta-analysis of five studies comparing vegetarian and non-vegetarian mortality rates in Western countries found that in comparison with regular meat-eaters, mortality from ischemic heart disease was 34% lower in pescetarians, 34% lower in ovo-lacto vegetarians, 26% lower in vegans and 20% lower in occasional meat-eaters.
Infer what you will; it's still interesting.

Do note how those still consuming some form of animal protein were healthier, in regard to ischemic heart disease, then the purist vegans:
>34% lower in pescetarians, 34% lower in ovo-lacto vegetarians
So it seems we should still consume some form of animal protein.

Look into DHA (i.e. the omega 3 acid that's only found in animal sources, and that plant omega 3's don't convert into very well), which has been suggested as the possible cause of humans developing a large brain in the first place, and is crucial for proper prenatal development.

Then look into the effect cooking food has on improving the bioavailability of it's nutrients, allowing us to absorb the nutrients from foods more easily, so we have more free time to do other things besides going around eating and digesting good all day to survive like pandas and gorillas have to.

Now you tell us user, which diet sounds like it's been more advantageous to us during our evolution?

Your comparison is crap because the average meat eater doesn't represent someone who has a balanced diet with meat. Look at mediterrean diet, it's recommended by a lot of experts.

Look at the Swiss diet, they live the longest, but hardly anyone talks about it.
It is almost as if the 'experts' only pick the best fad going. :^)

>they live the longest
I should qualify that with: for men.

I dont think you could find any set of indentifiable traits or eating mechanics that could disprove an animal not being designed to eat something. Birds eat anything from whole grains to whole insects to whole fish all without teeth or chewing. Birds of prey generally have hooked beaks rather than straight beaks, good for tearing meat into manageable bite size chunks to enable hunting larger prey than simply what fits in the mouth whole, but a hooked beak does not implicate a higher content of meat in their diet since some straight beak birds eat fish and parrots with curved beaks dont eat meat. Herbivores can have incisors and be ruminants with alternative digestion methods, so that might be a proof for identifying, yet there are many herbivores that don't ruminate or have multiple stomaches.

If humans ruminated, that'd be clear scientific evidence we weren't meant to eat meat. Since we don't, the evidence you seek is better off being spiritual or religious. Humans didn't evolve to smoke weed but that doesn't stop people from doing it.

Being able to eat bone marrow gave us enough energy and nutrients to allow for larger brains.

> Vegetarians, myself included, are exercising a moral right

Retarded. By living in a modern nation you are enmeshed in a vast system of evil. You don't save your soul by only eating veggies.

For anyone seeking to immanitize a moral-aesthetic worldview, your priority is to crush those with disgusting, appalling, or non-existent moral-aesthetic worldviews. Otherwise people who don't give a shit, and get better nutrition, will crush you and your descendants.


Not to mention that you should be investigating how to create artificial meat, not trying to be a faggot simulator of faggot california faggot values that are hypocritical in relation to the system of the world and of world trade.

I'm a protein and fat eater but excess iron is a far greater danger, in modern nutrition, than under iron.

Bacteria and viruses don't carry their own supply of iron. They take it from your blood. Excess iron is equivalent to giving them a buffet. Not to mention reactive oxygen species...

Bya experts I don't mean the tablois your mom reads.


Not to mention the number one correlate of cardiovascular disease is....high proportion of carbohydrates consumed in relation to protein and fat..

It's almost like sugar and insulin resistance end up fucking your body...

>But i eat whole grain

which is broken down into simple sugars. Nice job sucking the cock of a degenerate dietary culture that should've been slain a century ago.

I'm struggling to find information on the Swiss diet, any luck?

SOME. Humans are adapted to eating SOME meat, but a very small percentage. Our diet should be overwhelmingly comprised of plant foods.

this, a lot of black people cant even process milk.
Not to drag /pol/ in here but caucasians can probably process the most variants of food, with asians in second place.

And from what i have read in the past, humans would take up too many resources as decent meat production compared to almost every other farmanimal out there.
with the biggest factor: humans take too long to be self relient, the growing up part is too long.


>Are humans genetically designed
No, we are not genetically designed.