University/Favorite Book Thread

Get some friends
meet some people
get out of your room

Gonna post in a bit

>Get some friends
>meet some people
>get out of your room
my autism won't let me

aw, I'll be your friend user. But really, best thing you can do is to go out and meet other people who like the sort of books you do because basically college is one of the few places you can do that ever

what's your good ol' alma mater and your favorite book, pal?

College of DuPage
Gravity's Rainbow/Shakespeare's Sonnets

Colby College
I like DFW, McCarthy, Franzen, and Gaddis

>tfw no longer at a university

Life is suffering.

>McGill University

>George Saunders, Don DeLillo, Paul Auster

I fuck with Gaddis hard. Favorite book of his?

>pic related
>hard to say but I'd probably pick The Recognitions or Kokoro

>Georg-August Universität Göttingen

>American """"""""""""Universities""""""""""""

>Kierkegaard, Burroughs, Thompson and Hemingway.

Australian National University
James Hogg, John Dolan, Kenneth Patchen

I'll look around campus for you then. Haven't read Auster but the gf loves him. Thoughts on canlit/Quebec lit?

The Gulag Archipelago by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

"Bless you, prison, bless you for being in my life. For there, lying upon the rotting prison straw, I came to realize that the object of life is not prosperity as we are made to believe, but the maturity of the human soul."

Reading his work makes me want to be a better person. Can anyone recommend anything similar? He's the only Russian I've read so far.

please tell me this is fake

>University of North Texas
>Infinite Jest

northeastern university
i like RAW


To be fair, He got into Yale, Interned for HRC, and gave a tedtalk at 18

wow, a TED talk???

The Corrections
White Noise
The Broom of the System

Was studierst du den so?
Bin selber nicht in Göttingen, kenne aber Menschen die da dem BWL-Juden auf den Leim gehen

eh he woulda gotten in anyways. Stanford is an embarrassment these days. especially after Brock Turner

University at Buffalo
Iliad, Anna Karenina, Don Quixote top 3

Stanford undergrad is abject shit

Illinois at Chicago

>Cleveland State
> no country for old men/ master and margarita

>Confessions by Rousseau

how i

*how is it possible that everyone at this fucking school is an illiterate pleb


You guys have the worst library in the League and it's literally the only thing that's better about Cornell between you two

t. Penn user

>bay area 3.0


University of Chicago
The Trouble with Being Born by Emil Cioran

Infinite Jest

I live in Michigan, but I don't attend UofM. Have you read A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich?

University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire.

Old Man and the Sea

i'm pleb, partial to pynchon and dfw essays. and knausgaard

does that mean im a genius for not getting in

English Lit reporting.

Congrats on that NCAA win

Any /University of London/ types here?

Ficciones, What We Talk About When We Talk About Love

University of Manchester

In parenthesis

Yeah, it sure is, with its 4.65 acceptance rate. It's more selective than Harvard.

ye senpai u need links 4 dat peng ting?

Didn't care about grades until my senior year so I'm headed to a local CC

I haven't read a ton yet but War and Peace was a very good story, even though it took me 3 months to read

I guess Stormlight.


Demian by Hermann Hesse.

Anyone else in this beautiful snobbish city studying law?

And this means it's good?
You realize selectivity is a direct function of how well known the school's name is to a common person, since the class sizes stay about the same from year to year, right?

I mean, kudos if you get in because it's still difficult but the undergrad program at Stanford is SERIOUSLY lacking compared to its peer institutions. It's world-class for grad school, though, no argument there

Graduated from McGill last year.

>Paradise Lost