>tfw you undercook your chicken
Tfw you undercook your chicken
Literally how
You fucked up.
Dont cook chicken on a pan.
you've never done it? if you get dark meat you can cook it longer but on a breast it happens sometimes
I've undercooked chicken before, but never that badly. Bitch is medium rare.
use a cunting thermometer.
>retards just let it fry until it looks brown on both sides
>take a bite
>keep eating it because they're hungry
>rinse and repeat until they slowly become a vessel for Jack
And so the cycle repeats until Jack has no longer found a reason to accompany us in our "mortal" world.
>pan frying chicken
>vessel for Jack
I dont get it user
Slice or pound it to make thinner next time, fry 1,5 minutes on each side and voila!
>he can't tell the done-ness by how squishy it is
No, actually: i typically bake my chicken at 350F for around 25-35 minutes (depending on how thick the cuts are), which you can easily adjust if the chicken comes out undercooked at first.
Yeah, i don't know why pan-searing is the assumed default for chicken and other white meat/fish
I hate baked chicken. I always get a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach, followed by anger and sometimes depression when i find that my wife has prepared baked chicken for dinner.
>There people who don't cut their chicken to inspect it while cooking.
Does she at least brine it?
Bro to bro, it's not ideal but if you're really having a hard time getting the doneness right then just cut into it when you're cooking to check. No shame in it.
I don't even know, friend (senpai?)
I never cooked anything more than a pancake but I know how to make chicken. Yeehah
you gotta be dogshit retarded to have not learned to cook chicken and steak by age 10
0.5cm thick chicken and you only use the pan to make the breading crispy, it goes in the oven afterwards to finish cooking.
i have a "deep fry only" chicken policy.
Lol, it's 0.5in thick and it's cooked entirely in the pan. Oven is just to melt the cheese
You should sear both sides in a pan and then finish it off in the oven for 15 minutes
I dont even see the necessity to sear chicken meat before putting it in the oven, it gets tougher outside and you need to clean more stuff.
That's where the flavor is.
Funny how people are giving OP shit while half this thread is giving advice where they don't know what the fuck they are talking about.
It's retardedly easy to cook chicken in a pan, unless you yourself are a retard. I may have some bad news for you.
People who are so bad at controlling temperature and using the sense of touch that they need to mangle the fucking thing and cross contaminate their knife because they're so unsure of their ability to cook
When you go out to eat and order a chicken, is it fucking mangled and cut into? OH MY GOD HOW DO THEY DO IT?
lets say i want to make some chicken fajitas. what seasonings should i put in the mixture to make everything taste mexicany? I have chicken breasts and red/green peppers in my fridge right now
pic related and forgotten
Maybe because I don't trust myself with.
>>cross contaminate their knife
Hold on, you're telling me you don't have 23 cheap knives on standby to check your chicken, throwing each one into the sink after checking once?
Yes, into the deep soapy water where knives belong.