What beer does Veeky Forums drinks?
What beer does Veeky Forums drinks?
The one and only
Local craft
The sour the better
Beer kill your testosteron
I brew my own. Witbier and Belgian Tripel currently on the menu.
I'm fond of oatmeal stouts
Can you post your recipes for the belgian tripel?
Hoegaarden and other nice ales when I actually care. Budweiser when I just want a cheap drink.
Malt liquor
Bells 2 hearted is tops (yeah its IPA but whatever)
Otherwise Oberon or local stouts
Don't have my recipe book on me but there are plenty of good ones out there. It is a ton of Pilsner, a little bit of specialty malt, and Belgian candy usually. I bitter with whatever Noble hop I have on hand and use Saaz or Hallertau for flavor and aroma until Im at about 20-25 IBUs depending on my mood and what I'm going for.
Fermentation is one of the most important parts of a Belgian. I ferment a little cold and am considering experimenting, but the book Brew Like a Monk can expand on that.
So if I used Wyeast 3787, I would do Day 1 around 63 F, Day 2 66 F, Day 3 68F, then pull it out of ferm chamber and let it finish out at room temp. 3 weeks to 1 month on primary depending on hydrometer readings and if I think the yeast has cleaned up after itself, then prime to about 3.5 for carb and bottle condition. Depending on the alcohol content, consider repitching a neutral yeast before bottling.
I don't drink beer because I'm not a fat fuck and I want to make it
nice. i always wanted to make a tripel. thanks user.
Coors Light mostly, but since I started getting fit a couple months ago I avoid drinking a lot of beer. If I'm at a bar I'll usually order gin and tonics.
Stella Artois because im not a poor nigger
Shocktop is alright but mostly I prefer hard liquors
I'm a liquor man, but I am partial to karbach IPA
>Pic Related
"good" (read hoppier german-style) pilsners, amber ales, and poorters. I generally don't buy it myself because I end up getting way too many "to try" and go through it all in a week.
Whatever gold tequila is on sale
Welcome to being poor
Shit is piss beer but at least it's low carb, low cal, and decent alcohol so i can actually get a buzz off of it.
I drink everything because I'm a degenerate, but give me a good nitro porter or stout i.e. 512 Pecan Porter and I'll be set.
Or Lone Star because it's cheap as fuck.
II do love me some Love Street and Hopadillo.
If I aint drinkin shiner im usually drinkin sailor jerrys
Michelob guy myself, although with being Veeky Forums number one priority I try to keep the drinks to minimum of close to one night of drinking per month. Lucky enough that's about the same frequency I actually get invited to those things.
Get on my level
Pale Pilsen master race checking in.
coopers sparkling ale cunce
Teetotalist-fag here. I say I abstain because I'm watching my macros but really it's because I'm boring as fuck.
pbr because im a man
Holy fuck this is shit is so damn good. Like 11% too, so I can get nicely buzzed off of 2 or legit drunk from 5. I live in NYC and went to a small college in New England so it would be weird for me not to be a total homo when it comes to craft beer. I like a lot of stuff: stouts, IPA, saison, etc. Some of my favorite American ones are sip of sunshine, Union Jack IPA, jai alai white oak IPA, duck rabbit porter. Really I just want something with a lot of alcohol. If I have to drink horse piss, I usually just go with bud light. I like Pacifico too.
All patrician taste
The best
Though maybe once every two weeks I'll get a bottle of Ketel One and get turnt off that.
IPAs are for fags, hop bombs decimate T levels. Belgians are based though, patrician taste there
Cascadia brother detected
I don't drink
Nothing better.
who /flyoverstates/ here
Shorts brew Soft Parade
My favorite
tfw southern california
Came to post two hearted
Or Stella
I drink at a hipster bar so sometimes I try the fancy $9 high grav stuff
>making it
Currently in Belgium, I'm liking the La Trappe Trappist.
>Steiny pure
37 eurocents a can :)
My man
Just tried this for the first time last week.
Weeewwwww. Top-tier.
Tis cara trut
If you ever get the chance I highly recommend to try this!
just drink liquor ffs
Stuttgarter Hofbräu, only Schwaben will know
Get a pabst or high life you no taste degenerates
only 50 cents
That's good stuff. I'm an Ohiofag and dislike the mitten state but that's a good brewery
Prefer liquor but if I'm drinking beer I like this one. It's 8.7% too so about 2 normal beers with the same amount or calories
Fuck off Vin Diesel
Get out b'y Dominion or bust
This true?
weißbier best bier
>tfw you just gave a new brewery seed funding and want to shill for it on Veeky Forums
>tfw you don't want to tank one of your company's investments by associating it with Veeky Forums
Wat do
This, so long since I found one
Not him but I know alcohol in general increases estrogen
>I will never try a cold sparkling ale after a long, hot day of work in the summer
Literally the only foreign beer I want to try.
And eating fat makes you fat right
Only in extreme excess. One or two drinks here and there won't do anything
Fat is more calorie dense than protein or carbohydrate. An excess of calories will make you fat so naturally you want to cut back on it.
This isn't a difficult concept to understand.
Mein pigmentierter Bruder
Carbs make you fat bro.
that glass looks dope as fuck, wish i bought it when i had the chance
probably just semen because all of Veeky Forums is gay xD *drops mic*
Whats a good calorie to alcohol ratio beer?
I'm good with higher percent higher calorie beer