How Do People Sustain Themselves?

Im 30 years old and dont even know how to feed myself... tell me what to eat Veeky Forums
i hate having to cook, dont care about variety, and get overwhelmed with the gazillion results that show up every time i google it. when diet plans all start giving strict recipes for specific meals of specific days im just like F this im out.
All i need are 2 or 3 things that dont need much time/effort to prepare and ill just eat those every day with some multi-vitamins/minerals. i can add more things from there but to begin with it needs to be SIMPLE and healthy. hell id be fine with mostly just drinking shakes if thats doable. cooking/eating should be as minimal a part of my life as is humanly possible.
im a 6'3" male, probably 220lbs now (fattest ive ever been, needs to change asap), havnt been exercising but will be starting again real soon (used to run 4mi and lift kettlebells everyday), my diets been fucked for a long time and right now im flying solo, so no woman here making samiches.
been eating a lot of frozen crap food lately cause its EZ but this feeling like shit all the time things gotta go. Time to make a change.
I was looking at keto but its a lot to take in... i just wish someone would tell me... do this, eat this, between these times, repeat every day..

can you even tie your own shoelaces?

tl;dr how can i live and still starve myself of nutrition


Veeky Forums Would also be a good area to check out for advice. For simple meals:

Breakfast: Eggs prepared any way, since most ways are very easy. Oatmeal, maybe a dash of brown sugar or a bit of maple syrup for flavor, again super easy to fix.

Lunch/Dinner: Chicken, prepared any way, again as most ways are very easy. Frozen veggies, seasonal fruit/veggies. Frozen fish can be healthy and easy to, just avoid the beer battered and fried type stuff.

With those basic foods it will be very easy to count calories. Go at 1800 per day and you will see results very quickly with even a modest amount of exercise.

Also, try to find a hobby to occupy time, since these meals will be somewhat boring.

I usually have a ton of info for people looking to lose weight and improve themselves but you're literally the laziest sack of shit I've come across in a weight-loss post so you can fucking figure it out yourself

Learn to cook eggs, rice, beans, lentils, vegetables and whole chickens.

>raises arm to hide tits
>wears jeans about three sausages too small
Seriously dude, if I woke up with your physique tomorrow, I would either be looking trim in a month's time or I'd cap myself. Read the sticky on Veeky Forums and go from there. If you can't make yourself do it every day, no amount of spoon-feeding is gonna save you though.

>Seriously dude, if I woke up with your physique tomorrow, I would either be looking trim in a month's time or I'd cap myself.

^ yep, thats about where im at with it too. yall tell me what to do and ill do it to the letter. keep it simple though im stupid and busy irl.
used to do manual labor, now i mostly sit at a desk... i just sorta showed up like that in the mirror one day... about to get a handle on it right now if i can learn how to eat right... never had to cook for myself before and its just not something i like to do.
tell me what to eat everyday for the next month and ill post back in 30 days... im about to go to the grocery store right now... as soon as i figure out what the hell to buy.

beans and bread and non fat dairy with artifical sweetener.

do not eat cheese or fried food or cakey food... or chocolate, or nuts or sugary drinks. you'll drop 20 pounds, no problemo.

wait i thought bread was bad, beans were fatty, and artifical sweetener was poison...

>wait i thought bread was bad, beans were fatty, and artificial sweetener was poison...
... and you're obese. Load up on fibrous carbs. Eat as little fat as you can. use aspartame instead of sugar to sweeten things. You'll be losing weight super fast and feeling grand, my friendo.

You can eat anything you want, you just can't have very much of it.

Calories in, calories out, nothing else matters for 99.999% of the population. If you were in that infinitesimal minority you would already know what you could and could not eat and why.

Genuinely awful

ephedrine + caffeine + aspirin

Keep going until just before your heart explodes

>king assripper

this is for someone trying to build muscle

Brb gonna eat 4000 calories of olive oil a day on my way to fitness

>dont even know how to feed myself

Your beer belly implies otherwise

hahaha a valid point

thats probably another thing... 3 beers a night adds up a guess

so how do you tell how many calories your expending through the day?

Hows this? I just want to do the same thing every single day.

5AM: boiled egg, just add hot water oats, greens powder in water, 1 cup of coffee

9AM: "spirutien gold" powder in water

2PM: chicken salad wrap (mayo substitute?)

6PM: ???

thats only 10 hours between dinner and breakfast, should it be more... ive heard people say 16 is ideal

Beans are good. Whole grain bread is good, not wonder bread shit.

If you live in a first world country or america, it is legally required to label a food with how big a serving size is and what that serving size contains in calories and how those calories are broken down. If you live anywhere else and can post here, the internet has a wealth of information on the calorie contents of foods. Write it down or use any number of phone apps.

You will lose weight if you consume 1000 calories a day of olive oil and nothing else. You will also lose weight if you consume 4000 calories of olive oil a day and spend every other waking moment doing serious cardio. No one can fight thermodynamics and win.

You will lose weight if you puke up everything you eat. Any other brilliant insight you'd like to enlighten us with?

expending not consuming, counting calories in is easy but how do i know how many i burn

your cal in cal out mantra is not helpful. stop posting. food is not all the same.

Count calories. Cook every day, no exceptions. Try different things. Quit drinking alcohol, eating junk food and doing drugs. You'll get the hang of it.

>your cal in cal out mantra is not helpful.
It is, you just want an excuse.

Unless you are doing regular serious workouts, don't worry about it. Just calculate your maintenance, eat at a deficit, and whatever extra you burn is gravy.

>still wearing studded belts.



>Your "science" isn't helpful, I want immediate results that require 0 effort on my part.

>Im 30 years old and dont even know how to feed myself

Do you know how to sleep and drink water?

Remember, if a pan is hot, don't press your hand in it. It'll burn you.

Also don't stare at the sun.

Cook all your meals and count calories. If its "too hard" and you can't do it, and are just like "I'm out lol" then just give up and be fat and die in your 50s.

nice critique bro. Love your rock solid argument that absolutely tore that picture a new asshole. All those foods are shit tier and not healthy at all. Wish we were on redit so I could upvote the SHIT out of this comment and give you gold bro!!!!

Maybe order one of those veggie box, and make a big thing of stew. You can chop up veggies and let the slow cooker do the work, and throws in some meat once in a while.
A documentary called Fork Over Knife is a good thing to watch. It'll show you healthy eating habit.

If you can use a bicycle to commute, run errands, etc, you'll get free exercise while you go about your day.

Oh, and cut out all artificial sugar (they'll give you health problems and make you gain weight) drastically reduce cheese consumption (they are mostly fat, with very little food value)

Drink warm water to clear you out in the morning, drink coffee, always eat breakfast(not eating early will put your body in conservation mode), eat lightly at night, and in the winter finish your shower with a 20second quick cold shower, those along with exercise will help boost your metabolism.

And find some self help books that talks about visualization to get you mind into improving yourself. I used to do that, and they do work.
Get rid of distractions like TV, radio, and unplug from the internet & phone in the morning and night. Instead learn to focus on relaxing, and making small steps towards your goals.

Reading Super Memory by Sheila Ostrander, and learning about various brain wave state helped me understand the conditions that helps humans focus, and ultimately get things achieved efficiently.

Life is work, do you might as well make the best use of it.

Best of luck!


>tell me what to eat everyday for the next month and ill post back in 30 days
Eat running and pushups, sissy boy.

go to bed mom

My advice to you is to just start with very simple things. Learn how to roast a chicken and potatoes, grill hamburgers, cook rice, sauté vegetables, cook eggs. Don't buy tv dinners, frozen pizzas, or junk food. Start walking 30-60 minutes every day for a couple weeks, then transition back into jogging. Start tomorrow. After a couple months of establishing a baseline routine of cooking simple things and exercising every day, delve into more complex recipes if you feel like it.

Easy mode: buy those roasted chickens at the grocery store and some fresh fruits and vegetables. Don't buy junk food.

I mean OP making this post, I drink booze all the time. I stop for a week and this gross belly is gone. So OP quit drinking fucker?

2/3rd cup oats, 1 cup water. add milk and 1 tbsp of peanut butter. black coffee

chicken breast, pan fried with seasoning of your choice. no sauce. brown rice, 1/2 cup. as much broccoli as you want.

fish filet, no sauce. season with whatever you want. 1/2 cup brown rice. as much of a green vegetable as you can eat.

drink water all day until you're full. every time you're hungry, drink a bunch of water. black coffee is fine too. embrace being hungry. this food can taste as good as you want it to.

Try to look into higher percentage alcohol and drink less of it. You'll get the same amount of alcohol and cut down nearly half the calories.

this, you're a fucking pussy OP, you're going to be a fat fucking manchild and die young unless you do a complete 180 on your views.

if "cooking" and "recipes" are too much for your little brain to comprehend, you are absolutely FOOKED

Mild kek achieved

if you want to get slim and stay slim you need to change your food habits for good
all that matters for being slim is calory intake / expenditure, but being slim is not the same as being healthy
in general try to:
>avoid unconfirmed meme diets like keto
>completely quit soda (replace with water and unsweetened tea if you want)
>quit beer (or drink it once a month, or replace it with vodka, but all alcohol is caloric)
>no snacking, ever (eat 3 meals a day and nothing else)
>learn to cook (start with simple stuff like pasta with tomato sauce, scrambled eggs, omelettes, baked chicken legs etc.)
>once you do learn basic cooking, avoid frying and using too much cheese
>wa la, you now have a healthy lifestyle and will be losing weight at a steady pace, while also eating tasty stuff

desu you can probably get away with just eating sandwiches for breakfast and dinner on most days. just remember to use whole wheat / rye bread and put some veggies inside (tomato or cucumber is good)

full-fat greek yoghurt is a good mayo substitute

Jesus Christ gay fatty, think about things to take out and do a gradual change by making healthy choices. Ex, don't drink soda, nigger, have a water. Have a baked potato instead of fries.
Bait thread also enjoy rubberbanding and gaining weight by being too braindead to understand "hmmm.. i need vitamin k...that's in spinach. I know, I'll have a vitamin instead!"

Fuck you.

A 0.5 bottle of beer is 200 calories. Really easy to fit that into a days worth of food without going over 2k.

>lots of water (no other drinks but black coffee and unsweetened teas until you learn to control yourself)
>some meat (I often just opt for eggs or something lean like chicken or tuna)
> loads of vegetables
> some grains like brown rice or oats
>limit your calorie intake and just ween yourself off sugar
I relapse plenty, but I've still lost about 40 pounds in the past 6 months. I think weening yourself off the garbage your probably drink (soda, beer) is the best first step, followed by learning to accept being a bit hungry sometimes.

You must have absolutely 0 muscle to be 220lb at 6'3" and look like that.

Drink only water. Eat only chicken and green vegetables. Run every other morning for 1 hour, and hit the weights 3 days a week. Take in around 160g of protein from the chicken. Ensure that you're still at a net negative calories everyday (the massive amount of protein you're eating will grow your muscles, while the cut calories will cut your fat).

You're welcome. Faggot.

To help you out more, here's your workout schedule:

>M: Run
>T: Weights
>W: Run
>T: Weights
>F: Run
>S: Weights
>S: Rest

And here's your daily meal schedule

>Breakfast: 4 oz Chicken Breast, 10 oz Asparagus
>Lunch: 6 oz Chicken Breast, 20 oz Broccoli
>Dinner: 10 oz Chicken Breast, 15 oz Bok Choy, 15 oz Okra

Learn how to make chicken, it's easy. Use pepper, lemon, and garlic liberally. Also find a no calorie chili sauce for dipping if you like spicy. Cook the veggies in a little bit of EV olive oil.

And before you ask, "don't I need carbs for energy?"

Do you see the mass that's accumulated around your waistline? There's your energy. Once your stomach becomes perpendicular to the ground, then begin adding carbs to your diets.

Ah yeah nothing more masculine than living and eating like a middle class, white, 35 year old, way past her prime, pta mom, sounds... fulfilling

More fulfilling than going out in public looking like this

'I sacrifice good things so i can look subjectively good between the ages of 17 and 30 even though i'll die ugly just like the rest of us'

Then why the fuck was this thread made?

Are you retarded?

>1 cup oats (uncooked) and a piece of fruit or single serving of berries for breakfast
>1-2 boiled eggs/tuna sandwich(es) and single serving celery/broccoli for lunch
>Baked chicken breast with rice and stir-fried veggies for dinner.

You wanna lose weight, consume less calories than your tdee.

Crockpot/slow cooker is easy mode. Just google 'simple crockpot recipes' that use chicken and vegetables. Make enough to last 2-3 days and you don't even have to cook every day

yes, but drinking 3 a day is already 1/3rd your recommended calorie intake
beer also makes most people hungry