What are some interesting graph analytics you could do on bitcoin blocks...

What are some interesting graph analytics you could do on bitcoin blocks? So far I've written some Mathematica to extract transaction data from blockchain.info's API and grouped all of the interactions from within the same block. There are some interesting patterns, like if you look for the largest interaction networks (e.g. those involving more than 100 individual wallets) you see these kinds of really thin funnels between two highly connected groups.

Will post the notebook if anyone is interested.

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Oh hey you were in the mod[] division parabola thread. How did you get so good with Mathematica? I torrented it a couple weeks ago but its taking me a while to get good with it

I don't consider myself particularly good but I just practiced a lot through various challenges, homework, projects, and questions on Veeky Forums believe it or not. Been using it since summer of last year for just about everything. The official documentation is extremely helpful.

Did you make that with it? I didn't know you could do animations.

Yep. If you pass a list of graphics to Export with a GIF extension you get an animation.

Here's another.

what i've been doing (and you probably already know this) is to input the data set and just see what it suggests. It's not usually exhaustive but there are often cool math tricks I hadn't thought of using there
I'm been playing with the prime number functions built in and I'm on a fourier analysis kick right now

That's pretty cool. Is that some kind of Z transform thing?
What's your major, or what do you do?

Nope. It's a simple example of a chaotic system.

I'm a NEET right now.

How would you even model a PDE like this? I've always wanted to know how to model things like this but the barrier was learning a language in order to implement it

Also, quick Mathematica question. I have a list 10^6 long and I want to zoom in on the 600k-800k region. Is there a way to do this with ListPlot?

That one is from pretty much a direct copy/paste of this.
Just with the region changed.

Use PlotRange.

Forgot pic related, but thanks

why are primes so random but so predicable?

Can you figure out which wallets are exchanges and track the flow of bitcoins to and from the wallets?

forgot my dang pic

What kind of pattern would be most indicative of an exchange? Someone that sends out bitcoins to a bunch of unique individuals but receives almost nothing? Because I did find one of those.

I could definitely track how many bitcoins a particular wallet sends and receives over the course of a block.

How do I filter certain numbers out of a list? I want to sort by second to last digit, and I have a formula that gets it from the number, but I want to compare the probability of one digit following another

nvm I got it

>How do I filter certain numbers out of a list?

>I want to sort by second to last digit
SortBy[yourList, IntegerDigits[#][[-2]]&]

>I want to compare the probability of one digit following another
I recommend taking this one apart and figuring out what each part is doing.

Awesome, that works way better than what I had. Thanks

If you want a nice way to visualize the result, try
DiscretePlot3D[Lookup[result, {{n, m}}, 0], {n, 0, 9}, {m, 0, 9}, Filling->Axis, ExtentSize->Full]

No that's the logistic map