There are no new philosophical questions to be raised

There are no new philosophical questions to be raised.

All questions have already been asked hundreds of years before us, and have been answered in a variety of ways, too. Pick one that pertains to you the most.

The age of information has made philosophy obsolete - great thinkers redundant and even misguided, brushed aside because society is now governed by the rule of "question everything", question everything before you had a chance to understand it, even.

How should we live our lives now? There is no more room for discovery beyond science and technology. No more room for romanticism and the study of human thought or relation. I cannot think of a single living person, that isn't an intellectual laughing stock like Zizek or whoever else, that is actively engaged in the philosophical and the intellectual.

Why isn't this being discussed? Great literature is often times born out of philosophy, and if the latter is a dying field, then surely literature will gradually follow suit. Books will get shorter, the messages hamfisted and regurgitated, and varied intellectualism will be buried beneath the dominant trend of post-modern intellectualism, where every subject is offensive, discussion is forbidden, and feelings are kings. Everything is a lie until proven otherwise.

Concepts like "Duty" or "Honor" are laughworthy, if one feels content happiness, he is outside of critique. Even if that often translates to vile excess or selfishness. As long as one doesn't directly harm others, he is free to do as he pleases, and any criticism of that person is unjust and uncalled for. "Why do you care?" "What's it to you?"

This is no room for greatness or ground breaking thought.

There's room. There are some things. The world still thinks that sex is somehow related to dignity.

>Now I dont know anything about contemporary philosophy but let me tell you everything about it

While we're at it, why were so many great thinkers sexual deviants? Marquis De Sade, Freud, Joyce, Caligula, Einstein, etc.

>contemporary philosophy

Name a single thing that was born out of contemporary philosophy that is in ANY way ground-breaking, profound or even relevant.

>great thinker

They saw the absurdity of considering sex a sacred activity.


I have one.

I postulate that youre a queer m80


First-order logic

artificial neural networks

There are questions and topics natural science will never be able to answer or cover. And more questions regarding ethics and human behaviour keep raising.

Philosophy will shape this world's future politics.

Terrible post, kill yourself or start plumbing because intellectual labor is clearly not for you.

OP you dummy, you contradicted yourself
There's nothing left to say, nothing to write about? In the last paragraph you mention a phenomenon unique to our time that no one has published books about, the drive for contentment above all else. I'd like to hear more about that from you

>I'm 15 and my generation SUCKS

>All questions have already been asked hundreds of years before us
False. This premise is flawed.

None of them was a "great thinker".

>cannot into grammar
>thinks he's fit to define what constitutes a great thinker

You can't be serious.

I'm not a native english speaker.