Would you ever date someone who doesn't read?

Would you ever date someone who doesn't read?

I've basically only dated girls that don't read.

That's so awful, arrogant and pretentious. People who talk like this usually have an excessively favorable opinion of themselves, and read more escapist trash they like to display than proper literature. I've never dated a person who doesn't read but it's incidental, I would gladly meet and go out wouldn't it be the case.

Would you date a girl that couldn't read?

I wouldn't date anyone who actually read. They'd be too smart to not see through my insecure posturing

Was about to say this

Meant to reply to

>would you date a girl that doesn't read?
Yeah. Anyone who doesn't is autistic. All I care about is a girl being faithful and attractive, and i'm certainly not going to limit an already small % of women. When you start living with a women, you realize that you don't really care if they're interested in the same things that you are.

girl butts smell nice

I'm so desperate I would date my mom if she was into it. And she doesn't even read.

No, because that would make it a retard.

I don't read and neither does my gf

muhommidt couldn't read

>a women

Yes. I hold to the theory of opposites attracting and complementing each other.

My ideal wife is an asian qt with an IQ of 90 but who makes up for my emotionally crippled state of being. I will get my intellectual stimulation from reading and shitposting on Veeky Forums.

Girls who read books are very rare. Most girls I talk to list Harry Potter as their favorite book, which means they stopped reading new books when they were in their teens.

I limit my dating pool to "smart" women, i.e. women who go to my university or other top universities. If I further limit my pool to women who can half-competently hold a conversation I'll be limited to 2 dyke-y Jews and like 3 ultra-career-oriented neurotics.

Why shouldn't I act like a retarded monkey on tinder and smash hot but ultimately vapid whores? (the perniciousness and immorality of modern hookup culture notwithstanding).

Really seems more appealing lately. Far more enjoyable than having values and morals.

Calm down user. I was posting on my phone while driving home.

True, but they like to say they do. The last 4 girls I've had over to my place commented on my books and said they love to read too. When asked what the last book they read was they replied that they don't have time to read and haven't read a book in [a long time]. I then told them that they don't love reading, they don't even like reading. They don't read. One of them was even a lit major and hasn't read a book since university (three years ago).

Since the totality of my relationships was comprised of girls who were drawn to me because of my readings and writings, I'm gonna go for a firm "no".

Wtf? "top universities" that's a terrible litmus test

>thinking going to university is an indicator of being smart

Just an indicator they've paid mate.

t. angry subhuman who didn't meet the SAT threshold for a top tier

Books for the head, women for the lower head. And they barely can understand what they read anyway.

Sure. I don't think I'd want to date someone who wasn't reasonably intelligent or who couldn't hold a conversation, but there are plenty of people who satisfy those criteria but don't read. It would be nice if we had a mutual interest in literature, or any of my other hobbies, but it's hardly essential.

At the very least though, she'd have to be willing to listen to me ramble on about my favorite authors or musicians.


t. Angry subhuman who paid too much for college

I'd date anyone at this point.

Good goy

>texting while driving