Why at this evolution point humans wont start development of medicine that will reduce sleeping time to 1-2 hours per...

Why at this evolution point humans wont start development of medicine that will reduce sleeping time to 1-2 hours per day?
Its just a waste of time to sleep. Pointless fuking loss of time.

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>he doesn't know what sleep is for
non-biologists shouldn't talk about biology, just like non-mathematicians shouldn't talk about maths. Please delete this thread

just speed up this shit
idk make cooler beds cus you will have raised temp after using the meds

point is to cut the time so stfu

We have, it's called meth. Most of its side effects come from lack of sleep.

>and mental unconciousness
wtf u talking about

Maybe if you are a brainlet. Memory consolidation happens during sleep.

is it the process like defragmentation of hdd?

The question still stands. The proper answer is that medicine isn’t advanced enough

hahah i wonder what would be next?
overlaping of a conciousnesses?


no it's more like mounting the hard drive

it's more or less impossible
you would need nanomachines for that
we dont have that

and sleep is not a waste of time
it has crucial functions

The young and elderly go with far less than what you sleep, wake up!

i mean i know that trough various body stimulae you can easily non sleep for like 2 days without side effects, i was working on that

There's plenty. Between Uber man, forms of meth and nurotropics. The problem is your body isn't a fan of being sleepless. It's needs to be restarted like a computer or phone

Sleep is not a waste of time in the sense that it has a purpose and we don't have a way to reap its benefits faster. But the question is valid, OP didn't mean a way to avoid falling asleep, he obviously meant a way to speed up the functions of sleep.

> The problem is your body isn't a fan of being sleepless


>a way to speed up the functions of sleep.
its impossible
thats like asking for living without breathing air or with only a third of your blood


i dont say this medicine will be cheap
lets say it will cost 20.000$ per day

that's what they said about the first heart transplant

>living without breathing air

dont listen to OP