Babi's First Philosophy

I'm at a point in my life where I find myself thinking much more about my purpose, my existance, and what I want in life. I am not a religious person, and I've never studied philosophy or spirituality, so I often find myself lost, ending up disheartened or pessimistic if i dwell on these topics for too long. What books could Veeky Forums recommend that would expand my mind and have an impact on the way I think about these subjects?

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Take lsd

try Sophie's World. nice, easy introduction to philosophy.


why do you expect a book would make you less faggy

Because smarter people have considered these subjects in the past?

If you want to start this voyage inside philosophy keep this clear in your mind since the beginning: "noone have found something we are 100% sure its true"

Of course, im not looking for "the answer", just some spiritual or philosophical concepts that would help me think in a more productive manner.

Nietzsche is most likely the most important philosopher in current relation to today's socio-political climate. He's a good jumping off point. I started with The Will to Power but that may be hard for you if you aren't already familiar with philosophical phrases and terms

Which one of his works would you reccommend? And how exactly did nietzsches thinking impact you?

So i Will advice you for the sophie's world. Reading directly some philosopher Will probably not giving you what u are searching

Nietzsche is pretty hard top put into prospective, and Just explain the problem wothout giving a solution.


Cool, im gonna look into it. Is there a similar starting point for religion and spirituality? I dont think picking up the bible or baghavad gita will get me anywhere.

He was just an incredibly smart man. He knew exactly where society was headed and we are still doing exactly what we knew he would.

The more you get into philosophy, the more you're going to realize that THE most significant philosophical change affecting us right now is/was the transformation from traditionalism to modernism to post-modernism, which has direct ties with the nihilism Nietzsche knew society was going to face. You may not even know how much of an effect it's having on you right now but you will.

I'm not 100% familiar with all of his works yet but Beyond Good and Evil is generally accepted as the best starting off point

Oh also read this motherfucker if you want bitches on your dick 24/7

>exactly what we knew he would.
*exactly what he knew we would.

Post-modernism always seemed to be a non-productive line of thinking to me.

Religion and spirituality are not Easy subject to have an impartial point of view. Religion is generally not justificable by reason and spirituality is very subjective. I suggest you to get into this arguments later, when u Will have a stronger critical attitude.

I have read some of hobbes, im studying international relations (lel) so i know a little about philosophy regarding politics.

Pomo thought, but more importantly the use of it to create social policy and norms, is a very dangerous game that we need to stop playing

Its a fascinating subject though, im really interested in learning more. Are there no works that discuss spirituality in a non-dogmatic sense?

You could read a book about history of religion and spirituality, that would be' impartial but you Will not find what u want. Most of philosopher dont think spirituality have any Truth in it. I personaly think spirituality Can give you some good insight on how to live a Happy life and a more profound experience of Life itself. But the problem is that you have to be' able to be' critical about what a mystic says. Said that, with the advice that you wait After you have read sophie's world, the best non dogmatic mystic-spiritual master are Osho, gurjieff, khalil Gibran. In particular i suggest you "the profet" of khalil Gibran

Thanks man, great suggestions