Any medical doctor or neuroscientist out here? I need help

Any medical doctor or neuroscientist out here? I need help.
So 2 years ago while i was smoking weed (what i don't usually do) I noticed pressure on top of my head on left side and more front of my head. I thought that it is some random headache that would go away at the time but it didn't. Couple days after it started i started freaking out if the weed caused brain damage or if i had some light stroke going on. Well i didn't go to visit doctor but started searching online what it could be and i thought if it was just problems on biting or muscle tension on my neck causing it.
I also started to having visual problems visual snow, blurriness, floaters and twisting or breathing of objects when i looked at them.
Well when the time went on i did go to doctor who put me on eye specialist and physiotherapist and who send me to neurologist who took MRI scans and said that i was fine.
I still have those previously mentioned symptoms going on and i 'm starting to get really depressed and hopeless on this situation. I bought those mri pictures to myself that i could see myself what is going on. I have this weird empty spot on my brain just in the place where the pressure is on and i'm wondering if there is some abnormality going on. I would be glad for any advise for what i should do on this situation because this situation is really starting to crack my mental health. I also post more pictures on these MRI scans and more specific ones if asked. I also posted this on /adv/ but thought that here could be neuroscientists.

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Good news : weed doesn't dig holes in your brain.

Bad news : it looks like the stuff that protects your brain is damaged.

I wish you good luck.

get a second opinion
i'm not an expert but it sure looks like there's something different going on right there. But i also don't see how a deformity in your frontal cortex could affect your vision.
ignore this post

What's your intracranial pressure like?

This picture has pictures from left and right same distance from center.

What do you mean?


do you happen to know your resting systolic/diastolic blood pressure?

cerebrospinal fluid.

check your pulse...
if it's below 60 and the difference between your systolic and diastolic pressure is greater than 50 and you feel like you're going to throw up, you probably have a blockage somewhere in one of your ventricles or something.

It may be the effects of weed still in your system. I'm not sure what your metabolism is like, nor much you smoked, or your tolerance level. Personally, every time I smoke weed or eat edibles I still feel high for a few days after it. I don't like weed for this reason, it makes me pretty paranoid, and I tend to hallucinate from it lol

my blood pressure should be fine. I also forget to mention that the pain gets worse when i'm furiously concentrating to something. Couple times while meditating It has felt like sharp pain directly on the spot where the deformity seems to be.

If you can't provide specific information for us to help you then enjoy your newfound autism user.

MD here, the MR pics look like they could be honest to god normal or maybe a cyst of CSF (cerebro spinal fluid). Even if, don't panic, it's nothing too bad, but it would explain the headache. I suggest getting a second opinion, state that you have your symptoms on this specific region. I guess a little vein popped there sometime ago and caused your meninges stick together in this spot, now the CSF is "trapped" and shit is pressing on your brain and meninges (the latter are pain sensitive). A "needle" in the right spot could fix it. Go get your second opinion.

Pulse 72
sys 117
dia 91
What about those visual problems?
and should i ask them to scan my artery function?

also is this spot here normal?

Again a cyst of CSF (or some other fluid). This one is most likely the cause of your visual problems, it's pressing on your left optical nerve (the perspective is from below). Again, don't panic, it's treatable. But get your second opinion man, your fucking neurologist should have told your of these two spots even if cyst are harmless for they are mostly asymptomatic. In your case I highly suspect them to be the cause of your symptoms. If so, both this and above spot are begin and easily accessible.

Should i just call to them and say that i looked those mri pictures by my self and thought that they have these two suspicious spots and i want them to be looked again or what? I thought that buying these pictures would be desperate thing to do but if your advise would resolve my problems i would be so so thankful and happy.

How is no one saying anxiety? This is a classic case of anxiety. The fact that it started when he smoked weed is a dead giveaway.

Before discussing mental problems you want to rule out physical causes, that's why. Also this isn't a "classic" case of anxiety.

Why not take your pictures and have some other neurologist / neuroradiologist look at them (in addition to the old guys). That's what second opinion means. Either way, you're a smart guy to find the cysts yourself, if your problem get's resolved (it should) you have mostly yourself to thank. Get well user!

You need a radiologist or a neurologist who is trained in reading MRI's to know what it going on. They aren't photos, they're not that literal. The circled area on the first image is exactly where the coronal suture is, the junction between the frontal bone and the parietal bones. But it looks like there is a gap there which would be unusual in a adult. It looks like a possible fracture, with the black area beneath, fluid from swelling. I think OP is not telling us the truth here.

The bone isn't the focus here, look at OPs other pics and the accumulation of csf in and .

I'd say the visit to the neurologist ruled out any physical problems.

hello user, maybe this is just a bug caused in your brain & neurons because of weed shock or something.

i have similar feelings (pressure on top of head) when i meditate, which i advise you to do actually

anyway, i cant really help you, just trust your docs, i had psychosomatic symptoms myself which doctors couldnt explain, so i kinda know how you feel. it ll get better bro

You're right, I should have looked at the others. Odd. If that were my head I would want a second opinion. Then a third opinion.

thats actually normal. The problem is neurochemical.
OP has smoked enough blunts to cause neurodiverse experiences, in other words all the drug-taking fucked up OP's brain.
When you take adderall without having ADHD, it has the potential to rewire the synapses in your brain in such a way that you may actually develop ADHD and be incapable of focusing without taking the drug.
Same with pot, its usually used to treat schizophrenia, paranoia, and manic disorders, OP could have developed any of the symptoms of such disorders because of their horrible life choices.
Let this be a lesson to the rest of you.

I hate to break it to you but you have nero carcinomic aids. You have about 30 seconds to live.

Press 'f' to pay respects.

i've smoked the strongest california marijuana for 7 years straight and i still scored a near-perfect GRE score and still in 99th percentile of all IQ tests.

marijuana definitely makes you stupid, but that's because you seek less stimulation when on you can just and watch cartoons all day. so it's not the drug itself, but rather a usual consequence.

i pretty much played a lot of competitive video games and read books while high, so my brain is still sharp.

it shouldn't have caused any physical problems, though...

all of my best ideas for work came when i was getting baked on the weekends. i've saved my company millions and gotten two promotions just by going down the rabbit hole on "DUDE WOULDN'T THIS BE COOL" ideas.

Is that elon musk?

My MRI came out fine, but besides that I can completely relate. Even the onset was like yours. The only thing that made sense to me was that I had developed HPPD. OP do you notice an increase in visuals after partaking in cannabis and/or psychedelics?

Go to a doctor, research intracanial pressure, weed is great for your health, and doesn't cause brain damage if you don't smoke a looot (to die you need 685kg, sooo) it probably happened a little bit ago and then you started feeling the pain.
Not even a doctor, my mom is.

tell us about your intracranial pressure and stuff before that may have caused it*


yep, all results of dead nerves from weed

see: narcotic induced secondary parkinsonism

Idiots, your MRI is normal

Those “holes of CSF” ar nothing but little arachnoid cysts, which at that small size, are asimpthomatic.

Also, there is no way of knowing your intracranial pressure accurately besides sticking a ventricular drain or ICP catheter in your brain, or doing a lumbar punction in your spine ... (brainlets)

So now basically you only have psichiatric symptoms, so go and see one.
When sometime in your life you DO HAVE real problems, you can go to a real doctor for answers, and believe me, if sadly you end up having something within your brain, we and specially you will know it.

Neurosurgeon Masterace

You're a hypochondriac, OP.

Ask your doctor to prescribe you some diazepam (aka Valium).

As much as I wish you were a neurosurgeon so I could drill you with questions, the weird psychiatrist spelling makes me doubtful.

I'm not OP btw, just a medfag who loves neurosurgery.

OP here.
I have doubted a lot of if this is just caused by anxiety but in these 2 years i have had really good periods when i had zero anxiety or anything and the symptoms were the same, at least the visuals ones. I also forget to mention that my left eye has been bloodshot eye after i have concentrated hardly on some visual task and that i have different kind of vision on my right and left eye where the shades of colors are different. And the eye doctor said that my eyes were fine.

Sorry mate, English is my second language
But if you have questions about the residency, fellowships or whatever, I’ll gladly try to answer

PS: Today there’s no OR for me

Gotcha I understand then. Would you happen to know anything about the lifestyle difference of a functional neurosurgeon versus other neurosurgeons? Would their work hours and such be any different?

Functional NS (pain, DBS, epilepsy, radiosurgery,...) practice will depend on whether you live in a developed country or not, and if you work in a public or mixed healthcare system.

If you intend to work in private practice in a developed country then yes, it will be a huge difference in favor of you, because this kind of surgery is rising, very high volume and the main thing is that it’s ELECTIVE surgery, so no guards, everything will be scheduled to your needs (if you finally manage to make it)
If you work in a general hospital, a public healthcare country or just don’t make it, then no, even if you try to do these procedures, you’ll still be expected to fulfill the requirements of your department, that will mean a lot of spine (in a lot of countries it’s not a separate job), tumors, vascular, shunts ... and the worst of all, guards (trauma)
So in the end, if you want to enter in this field, then go ahead because it’s the future (the present actually) of neurosurgery, specially in the private sector.
Tell me if you have any more questions.

Are the pressure and visual symptoms always there?

Probably hypochondria

I convinced myself i was having a stroke once

I've looked all around the web for someone describing those exact symptoms which are very similar to mine (constant pressure in the head, floaters, visual snow). Never thought I'd randomly find that here. Who can know if we are suffering from the same disease but here's what I've experienced for almost 5 years.

My symptoms: pressure at the temples and around the eyes, sensitivity to light, floaters almost always visible unless its dark, and the effect of pic related whenever I look at the sky or outside when its sunny. My MRI was normal like yours. My eyes appear fine to the ophthalmologist as well. I had a CT scan done for an ENT who did a surgery to open my sinuses in the hopes that it would help. It did not. I went to the ENT after reading about contact point headaches (sluder's neuralgia, anterior ethmoid nerve syndrome, etc) but he wouldn't hear it and put me through a useless surgery instead.

Not a single painkiller gives me any relief. Is this the same for you? Recently I tried sumatriptan, still nothing. Right now I'm just waiting to speak to another neurologist. CSF disorder does cover some of those symptoms but it seems unlikely to me since my MRI was normal. It might be worth having it completely ruled out though.

OP, does anything cause the pain to get much worse? For me its drinking alcohol, odor from chemicals, physical activity, and probably other things I'm not even aware of.

it's actually his sister

MD here. Your weed was probably laced with some bad shit. That would explain the visual hallucinations and paranoia that you’ve been experiencing. In some cases these hallucinations are permanent but mild— almost like a sort of self induced schizophrenia. As for the bump in your head, probably a cyst of some sort.

I never thought I would find someone else, with similar symptoms as I did. Mine started when I was in the 10th grade. I started feeling pressured in the left side of my head. And I thought it was a simple headache but it has never stopped. I went to the doctors, had a couple of MRI but they told me I was fine. Later on I went to a neurologist , because I thought what the hell . Then the neurologist find something odd while feeling my left cheek. He notices something weird on my Jaw. He sent me to a an specialist and that is how I realized I suffer from arthritis in my aw articulations. He also diagnosed me with bruxism, overbite and overall TMJ disorder.