Which 20th Century Irish novelists are worth checking out beyond the big 3?

Which 20th Century Irish novelists are worth checking out beyond the big 3?


By big three I'm assuming you mean Yeats, Joyce, and Beckett.

Why not Seamus Heaney?

This.But also this Also Montague is comfy

Flann O'Brien

B/c he's a Freemason. So you've only heard of him b/c of his connections.

yea if you're not referring to Flann as a part of the big three then get on that
Heaney is great and so is Sean O'Casey even though you asked for novelists read them anyway


Novelists, I meant Joyce, Beckett and O'Brien.

Amongst Women by John McGahern is worth reading. Very quick read too so you can't really go wrong.

Thanks, user, looks interesting. My library has it.

I read that one awhile back. It was pretty good.


cmon man

Banville's still alive and writing I think.

Patrick Kavanaghs poetry is pretty well known but he threw out a novel or two too.

frank o connors short stories are great


probably Flann (Brian O'Nolan)

Iris Murdoch if she's not in your big three


Brinsley MacNamara

I was at uploaded Montagues short stories to bookzz, good stuff

Ernie O'Malley is the Ernst Jünger of Irish Nationalism. Prove me wrong

Seconding, I've only read "The Sea" what else by him is good?

Francis Stuart (Yeats son in law he called a cunt) Section H is a controversial classic

My dad worked for a man who is essentially that father, amazing how such a piece of shit can hold a family together