If You think the law of conservation of mass is a thing, then I feel sorry for you, chemist

If You think the law of conservation of mass is a thing, then I feel sorry for you, chemist.

what do you mean it isnt a thing?

I think he means he feels sorry for them because they have an iq greater than room temperature unlike him so they are plagued by bigger concerns than when to shitpost next.

There is only a law of conservation of energy and it also works for mass since E=mc^2 fills the hole when mass is changed during reaction.
Only middleschoolers consider mass conservation

Everyone considers mass conservation unless talking about nuclear reactions you fucking autist

There is only time invariance and it also works for energy conservation since Noether's Theorem
Only highschoolers consider energy conservation

>implying conservation of angular momentum isn't the most fundamental fact of all

No, mass change also happens in basical chemical reactions where X+Y=XY and m(X)+m(Y)=/=m(XY) but since the difference is extremely small people round it away but it is provable with E=mc^2 if energy flow is also considered, you retard, we did that in upper classes long time ago

That comes from rotational invariance.

>since the difference is extremely small people round it away

And why are the laws of physics invariant under rotation? Because they give rise to the differential equation dL/dt = 0.

I hope this is bait. Of course it's not really conserved, but only a brainlet like yourself would say you can't assume so for almost all intents and purposes

I'm curious as to what you do/research that would not allow you to assume conservation. Please, what is it that you do?

There is only a law of conservation of mass and it also works for energy since m=E/c^2 fills the hole when energy is changed during reaction. Only middleschoolers consider energy conservation
Look mommy I can shitpost too

>Not E2=p2c2 + m2c4

I think it's clear everyone who responded here is infinitely smarter than the 16 year old boy who's physics teacher taught him well it's not exactly conserved. And being the hormonal mess that he is needs to inflict an attack on chemists just to justify some insecurity, probably his dick size.

>muh E^2
Brainlet who can't even get the operator basics (pic related)

I love all these brainlet 2.0

I'm a particle physicists. And most of y'all are too pretentious and fall for this crap too easily

is right.


Conservation of mass is not a thing. See what happen in a LHC. You literally create mass from energy so from no mass.

>hurr durr if you think Newton's laws of motion are a thing then I feel sorry for you
>if you think anything is a thing since there will always be some exception to the rule under certain conditions, then I feel sorry for you


>Conservation of mass is not a thing
That doesn't mean conservation of mass is not a thing, it means conservation of mass and energy are the same thing, you dumbass.

ITT: People who take into account aerodynamic boundary layer effects when modelling the dynamics of snail movement

You don't understand physic past 1905.


Alright, enlighten me, tripfag.

>not knowing noethers theorem


Nuclear reactions violate both the laws of conservation of mass and energy. You should speak of conservation of mass-energy.

Because it's true only and only thanks to the concept of mass-energy equivalence.

you're such an idiot
READ the posts you reply to. e = mc^2 implies conservation of mass and conservation of energy are the same thing. you're saying something else.

The problem is that was absolutely not the point of this thread.

OP said Conservation of mass is a lie. He is right. Conservation of mass-energy is true and always true but conservation of mass AND conservation of energy can be violated.


I highly doubt ordinary chemist will ever encounter high enough energies that mass/energy conservation will be of any problem to him.
That's like automechanic dealing with time dilation, completely useless.

That's cool user, I'm trying to get into perimeter institute, what is it that you work on?

oh boy you met a girl chemist that was smarter than you huh

I feel like there is a Back to the Future reference in here somewhere

They teach about mass changes in chemical reactions in fucking highschool senpai u aint memeing anyone .

>Not using [math]\LaTeX[/math] for his equation