What does Veeky Forums think of my dissecting kit?

What does Veeky Forums think of my dissecting kit?


>Practical field


I'm gonna need one of those.

Are you going to use it to cut off your dick so that you'll be able to quit living a lie?

Why is everyone so mean on this board

Because you're creepy - maybe even sick. You give normal people the creeps.

I'm not creepy I'm just asking for tips on how I should keep the kit, I don't know if I like the order the instruments are in right now. The bone forceps look really awkward and I'm thinking about just leaving them out of the case and in my dissection drawer so I'm asking what other people think.

>I'm not creepy...
>creepy things

Yes, you are. You are creepy. I wouldn't want to be near you.

Dissection kits are not creepy.

Not to you they aren't, because you are creepy.

You're just like every other creep through history who thought that creepy stuff was normal, but really it was creepy.

Please sop i'm really just not creepy okay? even if I was creepy then that's absolutely okay. There's no problem with it. None at all.

I'm sorry, but you are creepy, and that's a problem. Dissecting is not ok. If I were near you, I'd be wondering if you were thinking about dissecting me or my dog. And I'd be right to wonder about you, because you are creepy, and wondering about creeps is healthy, and good for long term survival.

Problem for you, not for me.

It is a problem for you too though, because there are solutions for problems, and creeps are a type of problem.


There's no solution to me, user.

Dissecting is not ok, user.

Don't become a problem - there is always a solution.

What's the scalpel made of?

What are the dikes for?

You have a dissecting kit, good.
I have a dissecting kit.

Needs more scalpels.

Looks like pedicure kit to me.

you dont have enough forceps and scalpels

I like mine better

that line of blood under his eye made me click on the image to see if my screen was fucked

Because they're virgins, social failures and will never be anyone worthwhile.

Wow nice but why the fuck are there syringes?

harvesting vascular cells, washing tissue with ringer solution, sometimes injections

You're really cool are you in college? What are you majoring in? What are your grades? What do you want to be for a career? If you're out of college what is your career?

>Ph.D. in humanbiologytissueengineeringmolecularmedicine
>none of the jobs I want
>$0 starting


t. Ed Gein