I am so afraid of death Veeky Forums. My mom died last month and it has hit me like a brick...

I am so afraid of death Veeky Forums. My mom died last month and it has hit me like a brick. I stay awake in bed for hours unable to sleep thinking about what might be. I don't want to die. What or who is the best chance of extending my life? I want biological immortality. I'm 22 and have a lot of money from my inheritance. What do I do to extend my life?

Other urls found in this thread:


>I want immortality.
Not gonna happen.

>What do I do to extend my life?

Why not?

Go read or listen to some philosophy.
Listen for example to Sam Harris podcasts about death and meditation and such topics and you will feel fine after you have educated yourself on the notion of death.

>Sam Harris

No. I have tried already. Doesn't work. I don't find much comfort in any of it deism perhaps being the mild exception.

How much money do you have from your inheritance?

His philosophical topics are legit.
As far as I know his opinions, only his position on US intervention doesn't make sense.

But who cares right? Just keep on crying that he exposes and makes people hate your religion/retarded opinions.

>Just keep on crying that he exposes and makes people hate your religion/retarded opinions.

lol you're gonna die you fucking faggot.
just accept it


Im just curious tell me we're user who cares?

Around 4 million USD

Nice meming, faggot.
Fuck off to 9gag

Why the homophobia?

Fug..pls give. I need $150 more to make rent for January. Please if O give you my paypal can you send?

Also dont worry you can buy experimental treatments. If youre only 22 now in 30 years they will have top of the line stuff. You probably can't be immortal but you'll be able to extend your life by maybe 30-50 years.

But shiiet boi. Pls. 4 million. What's a mere $150? Help a Veeky Forums /b/ro out?

Why the homophobiaphobia?

live fast die young

You don't need to be mean about it

That's pretty good, but nowhere near enough. The only people will get to be immortal are multi-billionaires. And not even that. They will die too soon. But the sons of the current multi-billionaires will be the first immortal humans.

My honest suggestion for you would be to try to live a good life and to try your best to die while your brain can't notice you are dying. Like when you wanna go out just take a bunch of drugs, pass out, and tell your best friend to shoot you through the back of the head.

Another possible solution is to bang your head on the wall until your IQ is low enough to believe in religion. Then you won't mind dying.

I hate life. I wish I were never born

> is a millionaire
>I hate life!

Kek, you said you were 22? I guess some people never grow out of their teenage years. But this is actually good news. Your IQ must definitely be low enough to believe in religion, so go out there and pick one. There are many from which to choose. Have fun.

Read the Quran


Then find a distraction/hobby. For example, a good series (recommended), a game (not recommended) or getting massages with some of that money. Again, I really like learning about new philosophy.

Last thing I did this year is finding pop songs that I heard in my childhood. Earlier I also watched the movies/games that traumatized for years when I was younger. All of this gave me a lot of distraction and relief.

For living long, just do the obvious: don't abuse alcohol, drugs, smoking and eat healthy and exercise/go for a walk regularly. With your money you could do crazier shit than walking. Maybe buy a paramotor/jetski or something.

>this thread

>The universe is either a confusion, a mutual involution of things and a dispersion; or it is unity and order and providence. If then it is the former, why do I desire to tarry in a fortuitous combination of things and such a disorder? And why do I care about anything else than how I shall at last become earth? And why am I disturbed, for the dispersion of my elements will happen whatever I do. But if the other supposition is true, I venerate, and I am firm, and I trust in him who governs.

Or even better: read the ahadith.

There are lots of wonderful things to learn about the prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam: child bride, sex slaves, anti-semitism, no tolerance for shirk (polytheism) and kufr (unbelief), and so on


>almost 2018 and still not anti-semite
fucking brainlet

Hey, a neutral guy here. I don't really care about jews, but I don't hate them. What are the reasons to hate Jews? In other words, convince me to hate jews.

>What do I do to extend my life?
Pay attention to your health. With your kind of money, you can afford to be tested for any possible problem and get the necessary treatment. Eat properly. Don't smoke.

Only good post in this entire thread and no acknowledgement

They hold many positions of power. Jews are responsible for the creation and spread of Communism, tried to kill Jesus, own the media (90% controlled by 7 media giants, run by jews), they also hate us. Look at the Talmud. Look at who popularized the word racism. Look at who pioneered pornography. Look at who created facebook- the greatest tool of mob mentality of our time. Look who the most powerful, rich families on earth are. I could go on and on.

>They hold many positions of power
So do white people
> Jews are responsible for the creation and spread of Communism
So are white people. The guy who invented communism was white.
>own the media
So do white people
>literally everything else you say except for the killing jesus wit
So do white people

There are none.

The only "reasons" to hate Jews are:
Jealousy of the fact that Jews are smarter, more succesful and have more money and power.
Believing conspiracy theories about Jews spreading degeneracy (as viewed "objectively") by media and not living in the "degeneracy" themselves.
Believing that Israel (unnecessarily founded due to retarded biblical reasons and imperialism) is still run by religious Jews instead of secular atheists who are protecting themselves now against muslims peasant grown up to hate the Jew. (But why don't these non-religious Jews just go to the USA?)

Any other reason has nothing to do with the traits of being a Jew.
>inb4 oy vey
>inb4 good goy

read the epic of gilgamesh or something idk

1. Not biologically possible to renew every single cell indefinitely.
2. Not physically possible to transfer consciousness to a computer and restitute it to a possibly differently wired brain.
3. Not technologically possible to miniaturize an artificial brain this much while keeping it as adaptable as a biological brain.
4. No billionaire is going to fund something that will end the world with overpopulation except if only them and their relatives have access to it.
5. Science will never progress if we keep the same aging brains indefinitely.

How is your dad?

Who gives a fuck. Anyone can. Any race does.
It's a philosophy written as an ideologic manifesto. The philosophy is a good analysis and the manifesto makes sense at that moment.
>Tried to kill Jesus
No shit. So would you if someone tries to make a new cult out of your controlled cult.
>Own the media
Who gives a fuck. Go start your own media then if you believe you live in a capitalist world.
>Jews hate us
Evidence please about non-orthodox Jews.
>Look at the talmud
A stupid revisionist history book with retarded miracles to make themselves believe to be chosen by God. Who gives a fuck? So does Islam. So does Christianity. So does any retarded religion.
>Popularized the word racism
So what?
>Pioneered pornography
Are we forced to watch it? Is it even objectively bad using it when you currently have no girlfriend?
Coincidence. Same mob mentality and censorship of reason on 9gag too, made by goyim.
>Powerful, rich
Jealousy. They are smart and know how to play the game of power. Anyway, capitalism could do the same for you but apparently you prefer crying about other people instead of improving your own status.

Just remember that if you are friends with Jews and they're "like everyone else", it's like Americanized Muslims. We know what Islamists are actually like when they're not washed out with American culture. Jews are selfish, greedy, and rude to 'goyim', yes, just like in their stereotypes. Contemplate what stereotypes about other racial groups are not accurate and you'd find that they exist for a reason,

Who cares

OP asked about life-extension and biological immortality. What is all of this bullshit being posted.

My dad's health is actually slowly failing. He is already 72 and has prostate cancer.

You're an asshole. Instead of thinking about your mom and grieving about your mom, all you care about is yourself. Maybe it should have been you, and not your mom. Cause if you died, I bet she wouldn't be thinking about herself.

damn, almost got me!

Start looking into metformin and insulin sensitizers.

You realize that this genre of panhandling likely the exact reason why user was so reluctant to give out more details, right?

What unholy abomination of a child born of /r9k/ and Veeky Forums am I witnessing in this thread?

gonna help you out op. i could couch this in very different terms, but since this is Veeky Forums i'll do it this way. Look up the john hopkins psilocybin study. it won't make you immortal, but may bring you peace of mind to try some psilocybin.

if you're really brave, go drink ayahuaca with a shaman in the amazon.

good luck bro

might as well kys early faggo

That's not how it works user, you get what everyone else gets...a lifetime.

Revel in your time.

Daily reminder that faggots are relative and on a spectrum.


Not true

But it is.

Biological immortality won't save you from death. My mom passed last summer, it's inevitable, it'll happen to both of us one day, at the moment we will stop worrying about it happening.

>immortal humans
pure wishful thinking

You can extend your life by quite a bit, i'm just about 60 and my doctor said my body is not yet 40, I also have a trust and have used it on the best organic vitamins I can find, always eat good healthy food, plenty of rest and try to take a few months off each year, then I hike, travel and rest!

Honestly this. Before my mom passed I was afraid of death I had dreams of immortality. After she left I stopped giving a crap about all that, I actually welcome death. It's the only thing that'll stop the pain and sorrow I reckon, it gives me a sense of peace knowing it'll all be over one day.

My mom just passed too.

Natural causes?

Why the fuck would I give you something for free?

At 22 I think you're more likely to die from an AI than from biological death

So worry about the AI, not about cheating biology

Make it seem just a little less dark

Neil is a national treasure

Maybe a better one from the man himself

Because you are not a one percenter with acsess to fusing yourself with technology and becoming a God.

>implying that would grant you immortality

Kill yourselves.

Why? You don't like science? You're on the wrong board pal

Statistically he is a 1 percenter with 4 million