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Science #94
Most people who get a Bio Degree do it because "I don't like math lol!"
Can I please make my very reasonable case that this shit never happened
Is engineering supposed to be this hard?
Hey Veeky Forums, tell me about the Russian space program
New Einstein Found
Is it possible to terraform Venus? Even with proposals to modify its climate in the future?
Can you tell someone's skin and hair color from their bones?
Based Elon
IQ test
So I realize I myself am not an expert in photography
Why do high school math teachers always try so hard to try to be like DUDE I LOVE MATH OMG
Does it make you smarter?
Why Quantum Computers Won’t Work
F(x-y) = f(x,y)
Can DP/DR be treated? I can't function. I want to stop existing. Where the fuck are we? What is all this everything...
Is the field of Aerospace Engineering (and more specifically Astronautical Engineering) about to experience a huge boom...
Is this true?
Was it worth it?
Can someone tell me why you faggots launched a car into space and what purpose it serves
Brainlet here. Please explain why pic related is such a big deal...
What separates people who go to Harvard, Oxford or Cambridge from those who don't?
Is it possible to love physics but be not to fond of math?
What would be the most impressive way to commit suicide?
africans americans are stup
Who will die first?
/mg/ math general -- snake edition
Okay, so how exactly is Mars colonization possible with 100-150 days travel time one way?
Only science and mathematics can arrive at truth or knowledge!
Can crossbow work in space?
What happens here Veeky Forums ???
Veeky Forums sits back scoffing that "everything has been done", "nothing new to design"
Why is popsci so obsessed with black holes?
Well done, musk, well done
Isn't all science that isn't focused on extending the human lifespan a mistake to pursue at this point in human...
First modern Britons had 'dark to black' skin, Cheddar Man DNA analysis reveals
With the 35 billion dollars that went into this orange piece of shit we could have paid for 350 Falcon Heavy flights to...
Let's talk climate change ans how normies have been convinced that if you believe in it your IQ is sealed 10 points...
Starman is a fully-articulated and functional space exploration robot capable of VR telepresence and autonomous...
If you were offered a 100% safe brain chip implant, that boosted your cognitive function 10% with no risk at all...
You're tasked with making the next golden record
This is the best timeline
SpaceX Spokesniggas
Math PhD
Is linear algebra the true brainlet filter...
China is going to land a man on the dark side of the Moon this year and yet Veeky Forums can only talk about a simple...
The speed of light can't be surpassed
How come you dumb fucks don't have a falcon heavy thread up?
How to quantify efficiency?
Explain to a brainlet like me why e^iπ=-1
Job interview at NASA tomorrow morning
Why doesn't Veeky Forums circlejerk over China?
Poll: Should Starman (Telsa Roadster Dummy) be the official mascot of Veeky Forums?
I can't fake a smile for photos. I literally look like I'm disabled. I've been this way ever since I was little...
So, this is the power of science
Did big middle peen disappeared?
Post all things Starman here lads
Why did we never bother with the sea dragon?
Proof that absence of evidence is evidence of absence
So what will this Falcon Heavy rocket allow us to do what we haven't been able to before? What's the hype behind it?
I propose this as the new mars flag
DARK is the fastest thing of all things
Are we smart animals because of hypergamy?
If the brain is just a system of electrical and chemical processes that must obey the laws of nature then how can free...
What does Veeky Forums think about psychology?
Official Laugh at SpaceX Thread
Literally the zerg
What do you guys think about the "Shut up and calculate!" movement in physics...
Why the fuck isn’t Breakthrough Stashot well known?
Solar System colonization
So let's say in the next ~500 years people get bored of Earth and decided to bugger off to Mars or some wacky dimension...
"A possible declining trend for worldwide innovation"
Nuclear energy questions
My theory on inbreeding and the desire to preserve ones genes
Why do I have to learn how to solve integrals by hand when a computer can do it for me...
What if gravity is actually just acceleration in another dimension and in this other dimension we are really moving...
SpaceX Launch Thread - FALCON HEAVY
Asymmetrical Spaceship Propulsion?
Can humans technically go insane from isolation? Is there a biological need to interact with other human beings?
All the most famous scientists are getting old
Brainlet misery
EMDrive finally put to rest
Veeky Forums I need help
Is intelligence immutable?
Os N52-NIB Space station defense
Why do people attempt to use scare tactics to make people believe in "climate change?"
Could crystals be used to store energy
Crazy Energy storage
Confess your math & sci related sins, child
Serious Question
Making HCl
General AI is such a meme. What we are doing in machine learning has as much to do with general AI...
Cryo-preservation, singularity, suicide
Geometry puzzle
Are some genes more 'powerful' or 'stronger' than other genes? Is there a strongest/healthiest gene?
So Veeky Forums is now promoting charlatans and misinformation?
Guys, how does osmosis occur? Like really occur. I just have this feeling that no body really knows...
Does p=np
If a black hole is space/time imploding in slow motion what happens when it's done?
Pussy or math?
How do we remove racism from stem? It is already 2018
Give up, calculus shills
Can you imagine evolution creating this? No? Then how could it create life which is vastly more complicated?
Anything that has ever happened and ever will happen was parametrized by the conditions at the beginning of the Big Bang
Chalmers had a real mind-boggler: "We're not going to get conclusive proof that we're not in a simulation...
/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread Superb Owl Edition
Why has science failed balding men?
Flat Wrong
Which STEM fields are going to be pre-eminent and revolutionary in the near future?
University doesnt matte-
Find a single image of a black hole that is not an artist's rendition
What is Monsanto doing wrong exactly?
Is Economics a science?
Benjamin Banneker was objectively the greatest mathematical mind
Distributions are functions
Meanwhile, on the Veeky Forums Mars colony
What are your thoughts on Dianetics?
Why is one group of people being smarter than another group of people such a crazy idea?
I don't understand
The best STEM major
Why should we spend money on space exploration when we have so many problems here on planet Earth?
Why is this ugly ass language so popular?
University of Toronto math
SpaceX Launch Thread - FALCON HEAVY
I am probably going to get a lot of criticism for asking this...
Normies vs Math
Why do Athiests dismiss the idea of there being a God or higher power but entertain the idea of living in a simulation...
Athiest + believe in free will?
ITT we collect common misconceptions
I think I figured out consciousness
This triggers the mathematician
Do you respect combinatorics?
Retarded things physishits and math freshmen write
Free willl vs. determinism
Why does the American education system still rely on Texas Instruments?
Brainlets OUT
Theoretically if this were to happen which sun would win?
He educated millions
Can science ever solve the hard problem of consciousness, Veeky Forums?
Why don't psychologists use the scientific method?
Scientism EXPOSED!!!
What is at the center of a galaxy?
Literally give me one reason why we aren't cloning Haast's Eagles and riding them around the sky
I'm extremely depressed because I have come to the realization that our world is a simulation. Thus...
I'll transcribe it if anyone gives a shit
Why do Veeky Forums support GMO food when it clearly have economic motives and clearly their interest is to make money...
Students keep asking professor complex questions to try and seem smart
Prove to me the Earth is a sphere...
String theory is dead
Can CRISPR be used to increase IQ?
I need to know this
Calculation Shortcuts
Terraforming Mars has became a meme at this point, but wouldn't terraforming Titan make more sense...
You are transferred back in time to 1000 B.C
Tfw you realize that if someone were to discover a way to find extremely large prime numbers quickly this would be an...
What do non STEM majors actually do? Not trying to bait...
Impossible Physics Problem?
Why do engineers make so much money in USA?
How do you deal with the fact that ~98% of the people around you are stupid?
The most patrician sci thing is a degree in pure math + minor in philosophy or double major...
Why do Americans hate academics and the government so much...
Why is the Kola super-deep borehole sealed? What are they hiding? What are they keeping in?
You are given 2 boxes A and B. Each box has some unknown amount of money...
Oldest star in sky is 6,000 years old
Clear something up for /a/ brainlets, Veeky Forums. Could you save humanity from extinction with just 6 people...
What steps can be taken to limit drones in commercial airline space...
Veeky Forums humor thread
What's the least popular least normie field of biology ?
Math Majors
What kind of titanic autist would write his resume in LaTeX? I'd throw that shit in the trash
Tfw gained 50 iq points within a day
God Tier Books Thread
Terence Tao
Veeky Forums I'm bored. I usually lurk /x/, but I've decided that it's all fake and not useful for escapism
Famous bullshit qoutes from science
When did it all go wrong for the macroeconomics field?
What are the odds aliens will ever spot this, retrieve it and realize it is a message from another civilization?
Is Africa the next center for science
He isn't using quantum physics to become a billionaire
Legitimate question
Open thread
So how hard is this going to fail?
(Trig)gered by mats in physics
If there is no gravity in space, does that mean someone with a heatproof suit could move the sun simply by pushing it?
What do you think the solution to the fermi paradox is?
Politically Restrained Science
I'm a black teen who was recently accepted into Oxford for Physics
Mars colonization
When will we have technology to safely feel something better than sex?
Why are so many STEMtards, especially those into pic related, so confidently clueless about philisophy?
How do I get better at programming? I'm struggling in my data structures class right now
Tfw going back to grad school after 1 year of working
Help me Veeky Forums, how the fuck do I into math and physics again...
Photon drive
How does this math check out
Everything is undercut by the scientific reality of the situation. We consist of energy, molecules, organelles, cells...
Name a more powerful or influential scientist alive today
A universe from nothing? Is this fucking guy just a total charlatan or should I actually buy into this shit?
Was he the most intelligent man to ever walk the Earth?
I got my Calc II midterm coming up in two weeks...
A bunch of light rotations with your hand
College Cringe Thread
Is he this generations Einstein?
Survey thread
Poll: what does Veeky Forums study
Sylvester james gates
Why do brainlets think engineering is hard?
We actually measured the masses of subatomic particles like 100 years ago... how is that even possible?
The only scientist I unironically am able to agree with on most occasions
Comfy Veeky Forums content only ^.^
What does Sci think of the theory that the Universe has just always existed? Like its just existed...
Will race matter anymore once we can design children?
Blood Moon
Falcon Heavy Rocket Launch
How would Veeky Forumsentists go about creating a humane eugenics program for the betterment of all human societies...
/mg/ math general -- gömböc edition
Getting rid of human body
/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread: Oxford Capacity Analysis Edition
Do the arithmetic
How does having schizofrenia feel like? Do you or a person close to you have this illness...
Is becoming a doctor even worth it anymore?
Arianespace is about to get BTFO
Go look at the moon
When did you realize he's 100% correct?
Are ads actually worth the amount they cost...
How many of you consider yourselves hard materialists or atheists? What drew you to this conclusion?
If the universe is deterministic and you know your own future, could you change it?
What the fuck does infinitesimally small even mean. Literally how is that possible
If you had $100 Billion what would you invest in? keep it Veeky Forums
Do you think humanity will ever achieve interstellar travel?
Where did blonde hair come from?
Can someone tell me the status of the EM Drive testing...
What do you actually use the back side of engineering paper for?
Most alpha domain of study
It's the weirdest thing... I am ENJOYING math?
Reminder that α=α is circular logic
Ban impure ivy league shitters from science
Say Earth got flung out of orbit...
Debate: Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes
Its funny how no one posts this.... its just so true
Intellectual, do you work out and keep in shape?
The Moon orbits the Earth thanks to the centrifugal and centripetal forces being in equilibrium
Proof by induction
SpaceX Launch Thread - GovSat-1
What does this mean, that we only are recommended to eat carbs, 0 of which would have to be sugar?
Numberphile defends this
Feet, inches, yards, pounds
How do you explain the Mandela effect?
Isn't it possible that Blacks are actually smarter than Whites and Asians...
P vs NP in math
This should take you 10 seconds max to figure out
So THIS is what a degree in math can do
What do you think Veeky Forums?
Sublimation inv proportional to surrounding pressure?
If you can solve this you are Veeky Forums elite
Post best cs/se books
Anyone here familar with computational neuroscience ?
Neil degrass tyson
So was he the best mathematician of the 20th century
Be me in entry-level anatomy and physiology class
I think i am too much of a brainlet to get my physics degree lads
Prove me wrong
Getting over a massive failure
Your move brainlet
Where do I find qt math girls?
holy shit 66%
ITT: We post the shittest meme books in existence
Gödel's ontological proof
Tfw feel for the "2 years of Community College then transfer" meme
Want to study math
Ask a guy that just read this anything
Scientifically, is it better to study with or without music?
What's the best STEM field and branch to study?
Just finished my first day of grad school in an honors ECE program. It was me, a couple other token white geeks...
STEM and fiscal prosperity:
What is the importance of the 3, 6, and 9
IQ testing in children
Generational decline in male testosterone in western society is pretty widely cited and has been for over a decade...
Why does teaching have such a bad stigma?
Eight friends Bertha, Beretta, Bessy, Buena, Greta, and Olga are sitting in a row for a group
Find an exception to the following statement: "every object is made of multiple objects"
Everything, ever that we have ever known and could ever see, touch, taste, and hear...
More feminine men
So what does Veeky Forums think of Elon? Is he le real life Tony Stark?
Why don't we "seed" various bodies in the Solar System like Mars and Europa with extremophiles like tardigrades to...
Let's see if Veeky Forums can solve this
Tfw a faggot contributed to humanity way more that I'll ever imagine to do myself
Friendship and love
Hey guys do you think that warp drive is the future of space travel because i do it just make sense i mean if you can...
Why are large nuclear reactors that could cause a disaster similar to the Chernobyl accident used? Why not, instead...
How does Veeky Forums feel about scientism?
If correlation doesn't imply causation, then what does?
PhD interview
Ok lets settle this is iq based on race yes or no ?
Reminder that IQ is to intelligence what alchemy was to chemistry. IQ has some marginal usefulness...
Nuclear Fusion
What's the most mindblowing pseudoscience theory you have read?
Miscegenation (Race Mixing)
I just had an idea so I need Veeky Forums to explain to me why I'm retarded...
Climate Change General
Aristotelian logic 2.0
ITT: Hacks
Any computer scientists want to explain what's this is saying? I literally have no idea
Favorite planet?
What's the deal with black people and science?
Scholars who believe nurture trumps nature also tend to doubt the scientific method
Should we enact an eugenics program to prevent anyone with an IQ under 150 from reproducing?
EE+CS Curriculum. Math+Physics Curriculum
Terraforming Mars
Russian SSTO
Any "doctors" around Veeky Forums? Pic related
Why the government does not invest in creating highly effective humans...
Why isn't light magnetic? Or is it?
Who is your least favorite person from Numberphile?
SAT/ACT scores
I got into Chemistry Berkeley PhD program. What am I in for?
Memorization scientists
When does a system start becoming chaotic...
Why does stupid glassware exist?
Derogatory Nicknames
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
He only has one Nobel prize
Bug in mathematics
This needs to stop. "lang is a meme" is a huge meme itself, with no argument foundation behind it...
Not to sound pretentious, but how do you guys cope with being the smartest person in your immediate family/friends?
How does science explain this?
Is Trigonometry the most useless thing ever?
What would happen if all women disappeared
Most brainlet engineering major
Star engine
Scientifically speaking, why am I attracted to women like this over 'normal' women?
I attended my first science conference last week, and got a nice paper about it
Can anyone refute this?
Let's create a black hole 101
Science itself is a pseudoscience. Prove me wrong
Why are certain types of eyes considered an attractive trait...
Veeky Forumsbros, is he talking to us?
How to into math?
Do you take brain enhancing supplements/drugs to help you with school or work?
Does anyone have information about teaching kids math on a fast track...
Meme subjects in physics
Second Grade Math
Was there ever a point in our history where some
Group theory
Is it a good guide? Should one really make quite a path towards Lang's BM? Is there any better guides?...
Why do humans commit suicide?
Are introverts basically failed extroverts aka losers? Should they be castrated?
Why do you hate him?
Critique my brain
It's up
Is Computer Engineering a meme?
What is the smallest natural number whose google search returns no results?
My brain is full of fuck
What kind of societies will the first Mars colonies be?
Is there any difference between old (Addison-Wesley 1971) and new (Springer 1998) versions...
Where is the government hiding all the magnetic monopoles...
Does anyone else think physics is generally more difficult than math?
Do you think that the toing and froing of white people's politics is really just the same behavior exhibited by these...
Textbook Thread
How far are we from creating other lifeforms?
Convex water
Why does Veeky Forums dislike this book
Her favorite show is Black Mirror. Let that sink in
My introductory linear algebra(math department, not C"S", enginqueering...
I need to learn python properly
I need someone to explain the scientific benefits a flat Earth could possibly have. Does it affect resources...
Are there any ways we can actually make ourselves taller after puberty is there a natural loophole in manipulating our...
Is the Doomsday Clock the biggest mistake coming out of pop-sci in the past years? It has no basis in objective...
How would you impress a hot girl with math?
Just a friendly reminder that absence of evidence is not evidence of absence
What are some of the most despicables pieces of shit in the history of science?
Simplex method
Those fucking baguettes lost one
Favorite planet in the Solar System?
Woah Nikola Tesla reincarnate
Race Realism and Gibbons
What are some scientific misconceptions that never seem to die...
Is there a scientific way to determine what IQ is needed to understand various TV shows? What about other media?
Just got 123 iq from online iq test
It burns my mouth and my butthole but nothing else. Why?
130 IQlet
Thoughts on him?
Mathematicians are cancer to science
Student raises hand and interrupts professor to ask what an abbreviation means or to clarify a word that he wrote on...
I want to find a cure for aging. I'm a microbiologist and I want to get a small group together who can end aging...
I just found out I forgot how integration works. Turns out that tomorrow I have an exam about it...
What's the hardest STEM-related class you took in uni?
Race, ethnicity affect likelihood of finding a suitable unrelated stem cell donor for cancer patients
If you have a button, and everytime you press it there is a 51% chance you get 1 dollar...
Do xenoestrogens affect all races in the same way and to the same extent
Does consciousness involve quantum mechanics and if not...
Have you ever felt you were too dumb to study math or science?
Why do black objects reflect light?
Is anyone else struggling with calc II on their 2nd day?
/mg/ maths general: Manifold Destiny Edition
Meanwhile, on the Veeky Forums O'Neil Cylinder
Who the fuck is this chink????!!?!?!??!
What kind of calculator does Veeky Forums use?
Why isn't one billion one million million?
Why are so many physicists loathe to admit that consciousness plays a part in quantum mechanics...
Logic question
Jokes aside, why does engineering attract so many autistic
Billions of dollars are/were spent on pie on the sky cancer research, that can't even pass phase 2 trials
Can you create something out of nothing?
Is he the smartest man on earth?
How to in artificial intelligence
How do we fix the "soft science" problem?
How did the first ever electron come into existence?
Division by 0 will revolutionize mathematics
In what circumstances is it ethical and/or effective to use animals for testing and research?
If neural networks appear to be the most promising approach to creating more sophisticated AI like we have seen...
You guys ready for the lowest we've ever been?
What type of bird is this fellow?
Words pseudoscience people say that annoy you
Want to study civil engineering
Orbital launch rail guns
Can someone explain me why Tesla is considered an idiot when it comes to comparing him to other geniuses?
Your move brainlet
Is psychology a respectable field of study?
Is "study what you enjoy" a meme?
Eugenics has never been shown to be ineffectual, only claimed to be 'unethical'
Who else thinks it's dope that Lewis Carroll was also a mathematician?
Universe tends towards a more disorganized state
Grothendieck or Von Neumann
Is physics the best major
On behalf of Veeky Forums we say unto you, godspeed good sir!
That kid who said learning algebra was useless
What is something that we can "pollute" the ocean with that would actually be a good thing?
Is there a simple dynamical system whose output asymptotically approaches its future input?
Americans scored on average 8/12 on the Pew Research Center latest science knowledge quiz
This motherfucker is going to crash the simulation of the universe we are living in with his upcoming experiment's
What math system is this?
Are there any good non-psychopharmaceutical treatments for bipolar II? this shit really sucks desu
Why is math mandatory in American schools instead of being optional?
Mike: Any ideas why the rotation curve of the galaxy does not match our expected values?
As an American, realistically what are my chances of getting sick by eating raw eggs...
Veeky Forums proves a theorem. Let's begin
What are the real long term effects and changes to the brain from chronic marijuana usage?
Your take on Falcon Heavy maiden flight
Prove that pic related is always a multiple of 10 for any integers a and b. Thought some of you might enjoy this problem
Not trolling, though I'm sure this is an easy question for the mathematically inclined
Reading up arguments and counter arguments against evolution...
Could an artificial super intelligence escape every imprisonment made by us?
Abrubt Climate Change (ACG)
What current attempts at explaining what consciousness is, do you believe to be the closest one to the truth and why?
Go back to HS after dropping out
Chemical Engineering
Go to an american university for a graduate program
Why do we obsess so much about this piece of shit rock
Universal weaponry
If humanity manages to irreversibly fuck up Earth's climate, will we finally get our shit together and expand outward...
Addition, multiplication and division with number zero doesn't exist
What do you need to master before studying (and understanding) quantum computing with proficiency?
Aliens don't exi-
Anyone tried eye surgery to get normal 20/20 vision?
Elon the Chad
What is the scientific understanding of this ailment?
Being gay isn't normal...
Holy fuck the kiwis launched a goddamn rocket that put shit in orbit
Wake up
A published article on the aerodynamics of Lucoa's body with and without breasts
Theoretical limit of evolution
How do I become a deep thinker? My thoughts are always subvocalized unless I focus...
How would one go about measuring the volume of a giant soap bubble at any given snapshot of time?
What's the state of Augmentations?
Why is there no significant anti-gravity research these days?
Redpill me on Bayesianism
String theory
Convergent series
Why are most old people so retarded?
How do you draw a line that is perpendicular to 3 axes?
Ace all applied math courses
Economic degrees have more math than biology and physics combined
General theory of curves
Murdered and dissected multiple living things today
Why do you guys hate CS majors so much. I was a CS major but I don't think I'm that big of a brainlet...
Does it exist any function for this diagram?
Is he right or wrong?
Hey Veeky Forums, what currently poses the greatest existential risk to humanity?
Is free will binary or a spectrum?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Veeky Forums, why do you still not believe in free will?
Is there a limit to how much scientific knowledge humanity can achieve...
What is the evolutionary purpose of gender dysphoria?
Space is so cool guys
Do you know any famous mathematician who had a normal life before becoming famous ?
Is math 'true', or merely an approximation of truth?
/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread
*blocks your path*
Math proofs in physics
Terrance Tao has proven Newman''s conjecture, putting himself on the track to prove the Reimann Hypothesis
Could homo erectus pass as human if we dressed it in a suit?
What's the proof of man made climate change?
If you fart in space can you smell it?
How can i be smarter?
Has to study for tests
Veeky Forums, is there, logically speaking, a God...
Post Redpilled Geniuses & what made them redpilled
Oxytocin-enforced norm compliance reduces xenophobic outgroup rejection
Atlas V SBIRS Flight 4
If it's dangerous to have a cell phone within arms reach because of electromagnetic radiation...
How the fuck is this even possible. wtf
Applied Philosophy
Why does Veeky Forums look down on computer science as a field?
Such that
Quick, /sci, how do we save him?
be in giant circular room with radius 1 light year
So if and this is a big if planet 9 is discovered to be real can we all agree that it will be named nibiru...
Suppose we have this pendulum 1 000 000 km long. if we swing the first ball, the last ball also swing immediately...
Anyone else go to a brainless university
Is this ALL the Physics you study in a Physics undergrad?
If ayys exist, could we safely have sexual contact with them?
What ever happened to him?
I have a big tendency to get lip herpes. I heard you get them when you get saliva on lips when outside...
Light is a photon
Is it weird that we are developing particle accelerations with more and more power?
The Brainlet Effect
Post an edit of this comic
Reminder that Tesla routinely called Einstein a moron and even Edison called him retarded
Whats the big fuzz about?
How pure math is not just glorified puzzles?
Why do photons travel in wave motion?
Would this be suitable for extraction of LSA? Any improvements to alter the high or anything i should remove?
Does all of math, even the most abstract, have a physical analog...
How are Sciences of Religion a no go in here...
How to Study
Wow I can't believe it. Real scientific arguments for young earth creationism? What does Veeky Forums think of this?
Can someone explain time dilation the simplest way possible?
What doe Veeky Forums think of negative matter
Data compression
Why do people deny that IQ matters in daily life?
Do you think there will ever be a day where we could just upload information into our brains learning the information...
Watch this: [math](x + y)^p = x^p + y^p[/math]
I was sick during the logarithm section in high school and now Im clueless in calc...
Meme/Pop Sci Scientists
A die is rolled n times. What is the probability of getting at least one 5 and at least one 6
How come you never see any mentally handicapped black people?
What happened to the global warming meme?
What is the evolutionary purpose of suicide?
How old were you when you finished calculus?
I'm still working on rewriting this in formal language. Please look at the logic and reasoning, and not the language...
Why are all pre-meds horrible people?
Proof P ≠ NP
Engineering is really eas-
45 minutes to decide if I want to drop Calculus 1 or not and receive a refund/not get a W
"A voluntary eugenics and sterilization program is the most rational way to solve the overpopulation crisis."
What kind of fish is this?
Which today's scientific idea will be most laughed at in the year 3000?
How would I know if I'm too dumb to study science and math? Is there some kind of verified test or criteria?
Does anyone else absolutely accept that global warming is anthropogenic but think it would be the most excellent...
What is Veeky Forums preferred web search engine?
Veeky Forums please prove to me 2+2 = 4 in the most complex way possible
Baby's first
What math problem if solved tomorrow would have the greatest immediate impact on humanity?
Do you actually enjoy what you are studying, Veeky Forums? Or are you simply in it for the money/STEM memes?
*ruins the foundations of math*
Fake crystals
If the Earth rotates the Sun at thousands of miles per hour, then why can I jump without dying...
What's the motivation behind employers pretending there's a STEM shortage
Does anybody else feel bad for the great scientists and mathematicians of history...
What makes one a Brain-chad?
Discrete Space
Is this theory a more accurate representation of how our universe works?
Terraforming Mars
Is there any place I can anonymously publish a math proof...
Free Matlab
Can someone explain Pythagorean identities (sin^2+cos^2=1) in a way that my autistic prof can't
Why are we taught about the scientific achievements of Newton
Grigori Perelman appreciation thread
How do you deal with death?
90% of Veeky Forums can't solve this on a piece of paper
/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread: Barry Edition
Lets see how many brainlets are on Veeky Forums
I once jokingly asked a friend if the Sun is hot
TFW you realize there's only a countable amount of proofs
Why are we not replacing our bones and skin and muscles with graphene and carbon nanotubes?
Collatz conjecture
How would you kill as many people as possible?
/mg/ math general -- bernoulli numbers edition
Are negative attitudes towards women in STEM based solely on internalized sexism or whatever...
First day of Physics class in Uni
What's a good read for getting a better understanding of the idea of 4 or more spatial dimensions?
How do I preform the functions of sin, cos and tan without a calculator?
Is drinking water out of plastic bottles a bad idea...
Is psychiatry a meme?
/scg/ - Scientific Computing General
Is Science a Social Construct?
What classes are you taking this semester anons? What are you looking forward to the most? The least?
What are albums only people with 140+ IQ listen to?
If Global Warming is real, the why is it cold and snowing today, you brainlets?
mfw when some company feeds AI math textbooks
Is it true that once you get to the higher levels of science you start to see or understand god?
One last thing. This semester I am going to make you submit the notes you take in class to me on a weekly basis...
Homo suidae?
Can anyone tell me why exactly this will or will not work...
What's your view on the current state of AI?
Oiler's theorem
This is the most autistic thing I've read this week
Why is intelligence even selected for survival when some many lifeforms do so well without it?
Has browsing this board made you more knowledgeable in the very broad field of science?
This is Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin. Say something nice about him
Discuss this argument AGAINST the Riemann hypothesis
I remember when Veeky Forums called me retarded for saying hoverbikes will be a thing in the future. A few years later...
Does spooky action at a distance still seem quite spooky to you or have you come to terms with it by now?
Requirements: 2 years of lab experience
Is there any scientific proof that "soy raises your estrogen" or is that just a lie created by the meat industry and...
Would this be a good tattoo to get? i don't want anything too basic
How balsy did they have to be to outright discard classical mechanics?
Why has evolution not integrated some internal defence mechanism to prevent ever sexually transmitting a disease...
/v/ deadman switch leaks the following
Connectome Thread
I'm going off stimulants for the rest of the quarter. Wish me luck!
Whats the big fuzz about?
Get off this board, you're not welcome here
"there are no red pixels in this image"
Im a physicist
What would Happen if you Dropped Tsar Bomba into the Marianas Trench?
Greatest Scam of All Time
Quantum Computing general
The genetics of intelligence
IT BEGINS!!!!!!!!!
Infinite Sum
Are processors the most advanced human technology?
This is Ceres
AI Marketting Debacle
Like, yooler is my favorite mathematician!
*blocks your path*
Why are we not more terrified of the fact climate change is going to kill hundreds of millions in the next 40 years?
*ruins your gpa*
Science is boring
Assuming the axiom of choice there exist subsets of reals that are not measurable...
Why does Veeky Forums hate CS so much but obsess about it and its figures?
Author tells me to verify his statement
First of all, thanks for your talk (...)
We all have weird exam superstitions and habits, what are yours?
Why do you hate him?
Jacob Lurie
Can a woman pee with a huge dildo in her vagina?
How the fuck is drinking water of such a high quality (leaving aside the issue of fluoride and such)?
Quantum computers
What's the point of having a high IQ if it makes you a socially awkward outcast and you'll always have a less enjoyable...
Is this a good show?
What kind of telescope would we need to actually SEE exoplanets? Is that even possible?
All math is addition
My doctor kept shilling me the Mediterranean diet
What would be the best way to select for intelligence if we were to implement eugenics?
Nootropics thread!
Anyone here know how to use OpenFoam? I want to test some theory I made but I don't have a clue how to use CFD software
What number comes after pi on the number line?
What are Veeky Forums's preferred axioms?
Why am I a brainlet on number and visual memory, Veeky Forums?
This was a piece of "flat earth evidence" that caught me off guard, couldn't think of the correct answer by my own...
So are the races genetically predisposed to have different mean IQs or not (controlling for environment)?
Just a friendly reminder
Does IQ matter?
Are viruses alive, and if so, why are they such a**holes?
What if every probability is just 50/50 (either it happens or it don't) and the coins just happened to flip the way...
So what about an `infinite set'? Well, to begin with, you should say precisely what the term means. Okay, if you don't...
Is probability just a construct, or is it found in nature?
Veeky Forumsence & Mathematics Guides:
Let's see these "geniuses" in here solve this one
What are the scientifically promising methods of slowing, or reversing cognitive decline?
What is the scientific reason behind waking up in the middle of the night and crying?
Why are college math classes aimed at calculating shit?
What are scientifically proven ways of obtaining a gf?
How does Veeky Forums react to the ultimate red pill, evolution is a meme
Garlic; regenerative wonderfood. Myth or Fact?
Is the universe randomly generated? Why would God make a universe so large and handcraft every piece of it?
/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread
The bill nye generation
What is the best online IQ test out there?
Your favorite science man
Why are mathematicians so autistic?
Feral Lefties chimpout on Steven Pinker
Are we living in a simulation?
Can a machine become conscious?
Why aren't girls falling for the STEM meme in your country?
Which was designed again/
Billions of years of creatures becoming new creatures through "evolution"
Can lobsters feel pain?
How well does the "If time travel were ever invented, we would have met time travelers by now" hold up?
Do trees have body heat?
Proof: see axiom list
If you're so smart, why don't you have your driving license?
Why is the Delta IV Heavy bigger than the Falcon Heavy yet FH has nearly double the payload and costs nearly 5x less...
What is the difference between a tensor and a matrix? Is tensor just the patrician term for matrix?
Self-driving Cars
Imagine myself explaining subjects and theorems to a girl asking my help after I've finished reading on them to find...
So given that intelligence is almost entirely environmental...
This is the surface of Venus
I'm new. Does Veeky Forums rate Pythagoras?
What are some good books that rigorously approach the theory of computer science from a heavy mathematical perspective?
Veeky Forums as our knowledge of genetic science grows, we gain greater abilities to manipulate our dna...
Is chemical engineering just another shitty degree...
Roommate is playing computer games and screaming at the top of his lungs into his headset while you're trying to write...
Thought experiment
Readpill me on eating vegan
A body is dropped on Earth...
Like stone
Scientifically speaking, what the fuck is wrong with the alt right?
For me, it's Geology. The best science education degree...
Khan writes an equation, each variable with different color
Thinkuv anumbah between one and tenn...
Time to face the truth Veeky Forums. Microbiologists are the chads of science
NROL-47 Delta IV Launch
Graph thread
IQ and simple math
Let's do some chemistry Veeky Forums
Hi Veeky Forums
Humanity became the dominant species and control the fate of earth by virtue of our superior intellect...
Fellas, is it gay to have sex with women?
*proves the existence of God*
Eugenics-Do it`s principles work in theory?
Veeky Forums, help me with special relativity
Does it make you insecure that an attractive female is smarter than you?
How useful is physics in med school? In my country, unlike any other normal country...
Does everything have an opposite?
How are we supposed to terraform Mars if we can't even Terraform Australia?
What's sci opinion on Carver?
I'm interested in knowing if anyone here are the first in their family to pursue STEM, Med, Mathematics or physics
What does Veeky Forums think of Einstein?
What is the point of brushing your teeth.. before going to bed and right after getting up?
Gender Stereotypes
B-but this is science too
What is voltage?
If we gave students access to amphetamines and the right training, could we create the next Erdos?
Climate change, is it real?
Why is 0! = 1 Veeky Forums?
My college treats history as a social science on par with anthropology, psychology, economics
What are you studying? What's your major...
Is Monsanto really evil?
Is magick and the supernatural just science we don't understand yet? Or is it just delusions and superstitions?
If i took out a portion of pi's decimal value, and handed it to you, could you figure out where it was positioned?
/mg/ mathematics general -- think edition
I need help. Fast
What is energy?
Was mathematics discovered or invented?
Which of these was designed again?
Will they get us to the Moon or to Mars?
Why is the racial intelligence gap so taboo?
Just been accepted for Physics & Philosophy by Oxford
This is joke right? You can’t be this autistic and obsessed with proving silly creepypastas aren’t real
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games