Your move brainlet

Your move brainlet.


I would switch doors

the goat is in the second box with a probabillity of -1/3+1

You have to reset the sample space calculations.

Therefore 50%

9 - 3/.3333333 + 1 = ?
9 - 9 + 1 = ?
0 + 1 = ?
1 = ?
Learned this in my analysis course

9 - (3x3) + 1
9 - (9+1)



9 + (-3) * 3 + 1
9 + -9 + 1
9 + -8 OR 0 + 1

no goat, why even bother

Same box: 50%
Different box: 25%

9-3 \div \frac{1}{3}+1 \\
=9-3 / (1/3)+1 \\


It literally says "the next ball you take from the same box". Your "different box: 25%" is irrelevant to the question and throws off the final math.

why the fuck do you stupid monkeys respond to this thread every time?

I want to show Veeky Forums that CS majors like myself can do math


Let Xi be the ball picked on turn i. X belongs to {G, S}, i belongs to {1, 2}.
Looking for Pr(X2 = G | X1 = G) = Pr(X2 = G and X1 = G) / Pr(X1 = G)
Only way both balls are gold is if box 1 is picked (Pr(box 1) = 1/3).
By the law of total probability:
Pr(X1 = G) = Pr(X1= G | box 1)Pr(box 1)+ Pr(X1 = G | box 2)Pr(box 2) + Pr(X1 = G | box 3)Pr(box 3) = 1*(1/3) + (1/2)*(1/3) + 0 * 0 = 1/2
So Pr(X2 = G | X1 = G) = (1/3)/(1/2) = 2/3

but you didn't now shoo
don't forget to sage people!

0 * 0 should read 0 * (1/3), but it doesn't change anything.

I recognize you and authorize your utilization of aboriginal mathematics.

thanks :)

because it ticks you off

The answer is 1