What are your thoughts on Dianetics?

What are your thoughts on Dianetics?
Why does the modern scientific elite establishment work so tirelessly to keep his work under wraps?

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Great just what this board needs, scientology.

All of mankind needs it.

Because it's total bullshit.
Hubbard came up with the idea while whining about the fraction-of-a-cent-per-word pay rates of the pulp magazines. "If a man wanted to make a million dollars, he ought to found a religion!" He was quite open about it.

What's "under wraps?" You can buy his book and you can sign up to be Audited. You're perfectly free to waste your money and your life howsoever you wish.

Wrong. LHR had finished work at magazines when he began his research. He traveled to hundreds of different country and studied their culture to discover Dianetics.

>"If a man wanted to make a million dollars, he ought to found a religion!" He was quite open about it.

Not only is this an uncorroborated quote from a woman he rejected, thus making its validity suspect, but there is NO proof that SHE EVEN SAID HE SAID IT

>What's "under wraps?"

Does the non-stop attacks on The Church not tip you off thats somethings up? What about scientists who have been threatened for wanting to study Dianectics?

It's like any other religion, 99% bullshit.

But it helps people feel better about themselves, if they're not hurting themselves or those around them, I don't see the problem with it.

>work so tirelessly to keep his work under wraps?
It's not a concerted effort, they simply reject ideas not based on actual evidence. They're as organized against dianetics as they are snake oil or flat earth theory. There's simply no proof to back up the claims, so it's rejected.

Name a single scientific study that actually studied Dianetics and declared it wrong.

Lets talk about the hundreds of thousands who have completely turned around their lives with it.

I have a mixed opinion on scientology. There must be some kernel of value in it, otherwise why would so many people be so invested in it? When you look at scientologists, they seem to be generally well adjusted successful people.

Man needs purpose and meaning, and religion provides that. Atheists just invent something else for themselves to believe in, but they still have something. I don't see anything wrong with a collective of people working together for self-betterment.

>Why does the modern scientific elite establishment work so tirelessly to keep his work under wraps?
Name one thing anyone has done to keep Scientology “under wraps”.

Right. One of the tenants of Scientology is you only need to believe what you want to believe. The primary goal of Scientology is to give YOU and only YOU the tools YOU need to succeed.

Unlike other religions, you are not compelled to do anything. Scientology is about YOU

>Name one thing anyone has done to keep Scientology “under wraps”.

Proven instances of witnesses being paid by large establishments to collaborate on fake statements.

Researchers wanting to study Dianetics being threatened.

>Proven instances of witnesses being paid by large establishments to collaborate on fake statements

>Researchers wanting to study Dianetics being threatened.

>LHR had finished work at magazines when he began his research.
That's exactly the point. He was fed up with not getting paid enough to write science fiction, so he made a cult to get rich.

>Not only is this an uncorroborated quote from a woman he rejected
He said it several times in one form or another to several reputable sources:

>Does the non-stop attacks on The Church not tip you off thats somethings up?
Yes, it tips me off that it's a horrible cult that ruins people's lives.

>What about scientists who have been threatened for wanting to study Dianectics?
Such as?

I don't know about Dianetics but I liked how hard Miscavige's son gulped when I said, "A reasonable amount of revenge," on the mat that day.

t. Mr. Blood on the Mat

>Name a single scientific study that actually studied Dianetics and declared it wrong.
Name a single scientific study that actually studied a religion and declared it wrong. Religions are mostly "not even wrong," un-testable nonsense.

>Lets talk about the hundreds of thousands who have completely turned around their lives with it.
I doubt you could name more than those who have revealed how it destroyed their financial, social, and emotional lives.

>That's exactly the point. He was fed up with not getting paid enough to write science fiction, so he made a cult to get rich.
He made plenty and was acclaimed, but he felt a calling to make the world better.

>He said it several times in one form or another to several reputable sources:

Funny how all these damaging quotes always go through someone else who already hated him

>Yes, it tips me off that it's a horrible cult that ruins people's lives.

Thats like saying the oil companies attacking environmental researchers is proof global warming is a lie.

Its fine though, this is level of argumentation I expect from someone who doesn't want to understand Dianetics. Taking the first step to clearing your mind can hurt, I understand.

>Name a single scientific study that actually studied a religion and declared it wrong.

The difference is that Scientology is a spiritualist belief that basis its ACTS on science. Thats why there is no conversion. The focus is on helping and awakening mankind. If they choose not to follow spiritual tenants that is fine. The goal is a world free from insanity and war.

>I doubt you could name more than those who have revealed how it destroyed their financial, social, and emotional lives.

Can't name any of them. Though there are plenty paid off by the establishment to attack The Church.

>He made plenty and was acclaimed, but he felt a calling to make the world better.
Then why say he wasn't making enough?

>Funny how all these damaging quotes always go through someone else who already hated him
I don't think all the fellow science fiction writers that heard him say it on separate occasions hated him. Face it, he said it.

>Thats like saying the oil companies attacking environmental researchers is proof global warming is a lie.
I never said it was proof, you claimed it tipped you off about something. So are you now saying that it doesn't tip you off?

>The difference is that Scientology is a spiritualist belief that basis its ACTS on science.
Which acts are based on which science?

>Thats why there is no conversion. The focus is on helping and awakening mankind.
If the focus is on helping and awakening mankind, why are scientologists charged so much money? And why are hundreds of millions of dollars of that money used to purchase buildings that sit empty? Every other religion that claims to be doing so does not seem to feel the need to charge their adherents tens of thousands of dollars to participate.

>Can't name any of them.
That's what I thought.

If Elron was so smart how come his teeth were rotten? Does science say not to brush your teeth?

Face it, nobody here is going to provide a real argument against it. Veeky Forums is SP heaven.

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oh shit, I spelled it wrong. You've got to hide me or he'll find me and charge royalties