Meme subjects in physics

>copenhagen interpretation

boltzmann brains

> many-worlds interpretation

>black holes

>reversible computing

>general relativity

>string theory

>>string theory
That's not physics.

String theory is nothing but a meme at this point

Lrn2meme fgt pls

>Newtonian physics
get fukd lol. Grvit y is not real
>Big bang theory
Hahaha nothing exploded into something haha atheists believe this

big bang theory is the best show on tv. the fuck you talking about

>boltzmann brains
Can someone explain this to a retard like me?

>Hahaha nothing exploded into something haha atheists believe this

Got any better ideas

you know how u were born?
basically that but bigger

>side on which coin lands is subject to probability, not the force inflicted in it's throwing and gravity and air resitance

Everything exploded into nothing,.

I will tell you, when you explain me, why I can't have negative area, but I can have negative volume, and what scientist doesn't get about dark matter.



How do you call crystal of noble gas at lowest temperature you achieved?

Not a singularity

Okey, so take that non-singularity, and push it to a point where it does heats up, how do you call it?

Why should I explain that to you?
Also, who says you can't

God created the beginning of the universe and then maintains it in existence at every moment, but allows natural processes to proceed uninterrupted unless he is performing a miracle

Is the universe expanding a natural course taking place, or is it still being created?

You haven't explained why not, even to yourself probably. I don't know, tell me some root of negative number please.

In our plane of existance such a thing is not possible. Joking aside, I can't. I'm just furthering the discussion for discussion sake

Random quantum fluctuations in space randomly generate a self-aware entity, a "brain". Instead of living in the actual universe, we are only the memory of such a brain.