Other urls found in this thread:
we've had this thread before
time status: proven
prove that time exists as first class object that can be observed and manipulated.
i didn't see it
fuck you photo shopping idiot
he showed you observed time when he brought up a thread before
thats not a prove
1. Time is either a four dimensional extension of space and hence unreal, or time is real
2. If time is unreal in the above sense, then the statement "Socrates exists now" is true
3. Socrates does not exist now
4. Therefore, time is not unreal.
5. Therefore, time is real.
maybe Socrates exists somewhere else in the universe ..
then you are faggot
Look at this post.
a falsehood in conjunction with a truth is still a falsehood
Now look at this one.
Time status: proven
time dilation and shit
Umad bro?
Just posted this in the past before you read it btw.
(((Time))) doesn't exist, matter and energy just disolve and transmute straight into entropy, penta rhey
Thus you can't for exemple "come back" in time as you would need sufficient energy to move and set back every particle and matter in the entire universe as they were in the "time" you aim to land at niggaz
which time are you talking about!
If time didn't exist, there wouldn't be anything happening right now.
Play a piece of music loud enough and it will push shit out of the way.
The fact that objects can change state, position or speed demonstrates the passing of time.
The problem is that almost all the laws of physics work the same way in reverse - making it impossible to tell which direction time is going.
Except of course for the 2nd law of thermodynamics which states that the total entropy of the universe can never decrease. Therefore energy always moves from hot to cold, and friction brings things to rest, when time moves forwards.
If it weren't for that, we would have no idea what was going on.
A pressure mediation that relies on ratios, not time.
That's a human measurement
>The fact that objects can change state, position or speed demonstrates the passing of time.
Actually they do so without having the notion of what time is, rather, time is an arbitrary posterior attribute we gave to it.
>The problem is that almost all the laws of physics work the same way in reverse - making it impossible to tell which direction time is going.
Maybe that's because of something called "the right hand rule", and really everything is just seeking pressure mediation. There is not "forward and reverse" there is "charge and discharge".
Wrong, if CHANGE didn't exist, then nothing would change.
It doesn't. But the brainlets here will say it does because we have words like "tomorrow" like the obedient goy retards that they are.
It is entirely proof. Minutes and seconds being arbitrary measurements doesnt even matter. If an event can happen before or after another event, time exists. Our measurements of the rate of passage may change, but the order of events is always agreed upon. You cant have a chronological progression without a medium to progress through. You can argue what times true nature is but it has been logically proven, beyond any reasonable doubt, that time does exist in some form.
tl;dr: time exists, end of discussion.
Loan me 500 bucks and I'll pay you back later.
Time does not exist. It is merely a concept.
How did i post this after you? What measurement of difference determines that my post shows up after yours? If you argue that only the present exists then your post should no longer exist to reply to.
>inb4 the tidal wave of autism you just had to provoke
See this guy
This guy is smiling
Becuase he knows time exists
Now ask me why
based bucky
read Lee Smolin
A pressure mediation that relies on ratios which is similar to the concept of spacetime itself acting "like a wave." and allows for manipulation and extrapolation of methods thst can reverse and edit it with sufficient force.
If there were no time, you could not ask for me to prove that time exists, and I could not prove that time exists.
You asked me to prove that time exists, so time exists.
You would have to reverse absolutely everything which would come down to just rearranging what was once there (vie pressure mediation).
I leave an apple on the table, it rots and withers away. I can slow these effects by making it colder and slowing down the molecules, but all I have done is made a difference in temperature to do so. If it rotted completely and I wanted it back, I would have to make a device that gathers all the material it lost and then reassemble it back to where it once was.
That is what a tree does, and a tree does not run on "time". Time doesn't matter if I am to do these things for I am simply doing what the universe is already doing, moving things.
Relativity proves that time moves at different speeds depending on your reference frame. Time has been proven to move slower for satellites and high speed jets. This proves that the rate of "change" as anti-time fags like to call time is a real and measurable property of the universe, not just a concept. Any arguments against this are just semantics.
Don’t eat for a while and see what happens to your body over time.
this is true
This is where I beg to differ. Time as you correctly stated is NOT a differentiation of pressure in the air generated by ratios. It has a different medium. Space-Time. However the type of energy I am invoking to manipulate it is of different power and magnitude.
The detected LIGO gravity waves discovered from the collision of two black holes may be generated by theoretical machinery and manipulated in such a way as to affect space-time itself.
"Power captured in the stones."
"So... You want to create a giant violin... To literally play the sadness of your life away... Whoa."
Time is pseudoscience
Time is simply measuring and predicting when the sun will rise. It’s simple.
we describe any event as a spacetime point and label it with four co-ordinates (t, x, y, z). Saying that time doesn't exist means we can ignore the time co-ordinate and label everything by just it's spatial co-ordinates (x, y, z), which is contradiction with observations. The time co-ordinate obviously exists and can be used to distinguish events that happen at the same place but at different times.
Was time made up by ((them))?
Let's say I make a computer game like The Sims. Let's call it "The Tims". There are 4 neighborhoods with different Tims characters in them. My game allocates 25 % of CPU power to each neighborhood. The game has no time, everything that happens, simply happens because there was a cause that made it happen. The Tims is like a huge clockwork, Tims are simply doing stuff because of long chains of causes and effects. Like dominoes.
Three of the neighbourhoods have their Tims sleeping while 1 neighborhood has its character swimming in a swimming pool. Physics engine uses considerably more resources in that one neighborhood while simulating all that water splashing around. But that neighborhood still only gets the same 25 % of CPU resources as all the others do. Frames per second drops to half in that one neighborhood. After a while we see that the swimmer's clock is lagging in comparison. The swimmer calls this time dilation even though there is no time, there are just more to calculations to be done with the same amount of CPU resources given.
And that's why black holes and other mass concentrations (and all energy) makes "time go slower". There's more stuff happening (more particles or energetic interactions) compared to places where there's less stuff.
>everything happens because there WAS a cause
>time is ilusion
Choose one
Time is not an illusion, there are causes. Time is order of events. It's not some 4th dimension that keeps on going regardless of anything. It's simply an ordered list of events.
he's smiling to try and entice you to donate to his kickstarter campaign for new teeth
>proving the negative
motion exists
therefore time exists
I have always thought that our concept of time was established as a way to keep track of events. I realize how simplistic this sounds but hear me out. If there was no set concept of time I believe that nothing would ever be accomplished. I'll create a conversation between two fictional men.
"Hello John. Would you like to get something to eat?"
"Why yes I would Mark. When would you like to go?"
"Well John, what is 'when'? What does that mean?"
"I'm not exactly sure"
"You're a faggot, John."
"You're right, Mark. I'm sorry for wasting your time."
"Stop making up words, John."
Because they have no concept of time in their universe, Mark and John have no feasible way to plan when they would like to eat.
"We should eat after 29,192,631,770,000 cycles of the radiation that gets an atom of the element called cesium to vibrate between two energy states"
That's what you are saying right now, except you're using a clock to translate that into minutes/hours. You could say that same thing in a universe without conventional time as well, and also use a clock to translate that into something you're more familiar with.
time only exists a a construct in your mind, in reality there is only the NOW, you are the observer and it is only relative to you. There is no past or future only now, they don't exist, time travel will never happen because you cant travel to a place that only exists in your mind. Past DID exist but doesnt, future will exist but doesnt, live in the now
you are absolutely correct but also wrong, because there are various forms of time.
well motion = time
time = happening right now (maybe just an illusion but anyways)
so motion-time = real
but also human time perception. (we are a simulation of reality, i also think there is relativity in perception, beyond physics, for which there exists no reading material to explore)
and human created time (sexigesimal clock, arbitrary yet logical, not real, but a second-pendulum has a real value based on g)
- the past is gone, it can't be altered, but its effects are very real.
- the present is the only tangible thing
- the future already exists to a high degree (without animals and other living things exerting freewill, affecting the time flow) and can be somewhat anticipated.
in terms of applied living science, present living is the way to live in harmony with the world. but its important to project into the future, to be safe. but for peace of mind its all about the present. but time is real. because without it there would be nothing, just stillness.
motion isnt time, its just consecutive nows arranged in order they occured to the observer, just your perception of time, it exists only in your mind.
>This is where I beg to differ. Time as you correctly stated is NOT a differentiation of pressure in the air generated by ratios. It has a different medium. Space-Time.
You just defined time with itself. "Time is in the medium of space-time", that's neither a proper description nor an explanation.
Agreed, the pressure needs "space" to move in, but "Space-Time" is another arbitrary concept with no basis in reality. Space has no properties. It is nothing and acts on nothing, it is not a thing in and of itself as it is filled with numerous other stuff like hydrogen, EM etc. The medium which you describe HAS NO QUANTITY to speak of because it is an implosive "towards quantity" type of "medium" that really has no physicality. It is inertia itself, but not absolute inertia. The medium MUST BE incommensurable and point non-specific.
>However the type of energy I am invoking to manipulate it is of different power and magnitude.
Exponential in fact. All not running on "time" but the natural tendency to return to an inert point. There is no possible way that time can exist as a start and end would be implied. A "start" is impossible, nothing can be derived from 0. Time therefore does not matter, it is nothing more that a posterior recording of an event happening.
"Power comes from rest"-
Time is the dimension needed for change to happen, it's just another axis where everything moves.
if mind is all there is, then yes. but if not, i disagree
It's an interesting one. The laws of physics barely even define what time is. It's just a presence, a rate of occurrences if you will. It has direction: increase in entropy. But even there it just seems to be a by-product
That does not make sense in the slightest. Time is not an "axis" or modality that anything runs off of. Everything moves cause of change, time has nothing to do with change. What this user said.
Why does time being a 4rth dimensional extension of space mean it is unreal?
Well that user said that time exists. What else is to discuss?
It's just a shift in perception.
Do your clothes get wet when you walk outside because it rained last year?
>if yes
Time doesnt exist
>if no
Time does exist
Go see for yourself OP.
You're making a lot of assumptions for why time slows in certain situations.
the past isnt time, you are just remembering a moment that happened when the celestial sphere, sun, moon were positioned at that moment. You could arrange those moments (being any fraction of recorded mean time) in any order and it would remain just that collection of NOW(s). So your perception of time is just a record of the observer's position relative to Polaris or the sun, whichever you are using to measure your position.
Time is just a measurement of something, user
It doesn't exist anymore than the idea that 1.3 meters exists
>first class object that can be observed and manipulated.
>almost all the laws of physics work the same way in reverse - making it impossible to tell which direction time is going.
This is why we knew classical mechanics was bullshit in the early 19th century, and yet, half of Veeky Forums will defend CM because of their emotional need to believe they live in an "orderly" universe.
>That's a human measurement
Meters are a "human measurement". Does that mean length doesn't exist?
>arbitrary posterior attribute
>Was time made up by ((them))?
...and if so, _when_ did they make it up?
>he game has no time, everything that happens, simply happens because there was a cause that made it happen.
Cause precedes (comes before) effect.
QED, time exists.
length doesn't exist user
not physically, it's a properly of an object, it's abstract
that's the whole point
>time only exists a a construct in your mind
So what happened before people existed?
If time doesn't exist without a human mind, how long did the universe exist before we came into being?
>length doesn't exist user
I'm sure you tell all the girls that.
The proof that time exists? I gave my 2 cents, I would like to know about the "time force" and what causes it. Don't move the goalposts either.
>Meters are a "human measurement". Does that mean length doesn't exist?
Uh, yeah? What is a "meter" to the universe? What is a "straight line" to the universe?
I know right? I have to describe time with retarded descriptions because there's no other way of doing so.
>length doesn't exist user
If length didn't exist, everything would be at the same place.
>I have to describe time with retarded descriptions because there's no other way of doing so.
I just asked Google, and it said "7:14".
How fucking hard was that?
>I have to describe time with retarded descriptions because there's no other way of doing so.
Try this:
Time is the indefinite continued progress of existence and events that occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past through the present to the future.
>b-but you can't visualize a measurement
>it must be a paradox
Time is numbers now? It says "19:55" on my clock, it's almost like our clocks are based on different set of measurements/human interpretations or something.
>Time is the indefinite continued progress of existence and events that occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past through the present to the future
You've just described evolution and emanation, not time.
>You've just described evolution and emanation, not time.
You're arguing semantics.
Go back to /b/, and leave Veeky Forums to the grown-ups.
>wahh I can't describe time let alone explain what causes it.
Time is not a force or modality, sorry star trek and junk science deluded your mind with such a notion.
I just DID describe time.
Ad no, I can't "explain what causes it", but you could say the same for gravity.
Yet both can be observed.
>Time is not a force or modality,
What the fuck are you even talking about? I never said it existed to begin with. What difference is there if I say "force or modality" as opposed to "just doesn't exist", it's the same fucking meaning.
>I just DID describe time.
No you described the process of change which happens constant. You CAN'T describe time because it DOESN'T EXIST.
>I can't "explain what causes it", but you could say the same for gravity.
No fucking shit so stop pretending like you know something. Gravity is not it's own force either because one of the factors of it is this thing called "inertia" or "the tendency to remain unchanged". How do you measure the tendency to remain unchanged? That's like saying "Oh we can find the center of a point-non specific incomensurable thing". No you fucking retard, there is no origin. there is no "beginning of time", or "end of time". Time is not a factor, the medium which constitutes everything is the factor.
I can release a tank of compressed air here on earth, and then do the same in space. One will take less "time" than the other to empty, but "time" was never a factor to begin with, only a CHANGE in the pressure. The time is measure afterward as a means of recording things. It is a language, and a measurement, two things the universe doesn't deal with.
>I never said it existed to begin with
Op's question wasn't "is time a force or modality?"
My balls aren't a force or modality, but they do exist.
Ok, maybe they are a force.
>You CAN'T describe time because it DOESN'T EXIST.
Now you're back to arguing stoner-tier semantics.
Get a job, hippie.
>but "time" was never a factor to begin with, only a CHANGE in the pressure
The change is manifested by different pressures being observed at different points along the Z axis.
If time didn't exist, how could the tank have different pressures?
>n. there is no "beginning of time", or "end of time"
And we're back to the strawman....
Could you move on to some other fallacy? I'm getting bored.
>Now you're back to arguing stoner-tier semantics.
No I provided plenty of logical example of how time doesn't exist.
>Op's question wasn't "is time a force or modality?"
And I don't give a fuck how it's phased, in either case time doesn't exist.
Time=/=force or modality which means it doesn't exist
Time being used as a means of bean counting shit that doesn't matter by an illogical species
In either case it doesn't exist, stupid.
>The change is manifested by different pressures being observed at different points along the Z axis.
If time didn't exist, how could the tank have different pressures?
What are you on and where can I get some? Seriously you have lost me now.
>And we're back to the strawman....
Yeah sure, whatever.
>Time=/=force or modality which means it doesn't exist
Car insurance isn't a force or modality, but it does exist.
>No I provided plenty of logical example of how time doesn't exist.
Nope, you've yet to provide a single argument that doesn't devolve into semantics.
Doo-doo head.
>Seriously you have lost me now.
Because you don't listen to anything that isn't your own ego-inflating contrarianism.
An air tank has a certain pressure. If you open the valve, the pressure changes (over time).
At different times, the tank has different pressures.
Without time, the tank would never change, OR it would have different pressures simultaneously (at the same time).
But if we're even going to consider using physics to prove or disprove anything, you've got to per-suppose time exists, because physics is chock full of time.
Your move, doo-doo head.
max par