What happens here Veeky Forums ???

What happens here Veeky Forums ???

>In terms of science and math?
>What are the most promising fields?
>What ppl research at uni's?
>Anything on the market? What's their strong?

(Also if possible, include countries from V4 - Slovakia, Polonia, Czech Republic and Hungary)

Other urls found in this thread:


Czech Republic here and I'm still an undergrad, so I don't know much.
We've got lasers - ELI beamlines. Tokamaks - Golem and COMPASS. And we have a small nuclear reactor at my uni (not sure how common that is).

It's Croatia's hat

Charles University?

I'm a bit reluctant to say because it's a smaller uni and there's a risk of doxxing myself. Here goes nothing. It's Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering at CTU (ČVUT FJFI).

Some stuff.

Interesting. I may go to Prague to study next year (exchange program), do you recommend?

Sadly, I wouldn't recommend our uni for foreign students/exchange programs. I heard they're working on it, but I wouldn't get my hopes up. Charles university would be a much better choice.

Got it, thanks. Tbh I'm a bit scared by your language, it looks a bit like Russian but without the cool Cyrillic alphabet (no offense meant). Do a vast majority of people also speak in English?

I'm confident in saying that 99% people in STEM academia speak English. A lot of them might be a bit "shy" about it, though.
Czech language is pretty weird and useless to be honest, so I wouldn't bother learning it (maybe learn some basic words like greetings and such).

You have a bit of everything in research, lots of useful stuff, but mostly bullshit and useless (thats what i see).
A lot of EU/government founds just go to waste because of shit (lack of) leadership/management and corruption.
Theres only 2-3 good unis here, the rest is pretty much useless.
The department where i work is pretty much dead, the head of department is clueless, 90% of the colleagues have no idea about what they teach and research. We only produce shit papers.

What to do when you want to do research but you are mostly surrounded by useless people?

>nuclear reactor at my uni
Not very common, i think theres no reason to have more than one per country unless you have a lot of nuclear power plants anyway.

Taking advantage of decriminalized drugs.

Jak je ČVUT malej... (Btw jaká je šance že jsi ten poslední na jaderce?? :D)

ČVUT není malej, ale FJFI mi příjde hodně oddělené. A FJFI určitě je malá fakulta (hlavně teď když prváci odpadávají).
>ten poslední na jaderce?
Co tím myslíš?

Kámoš je na fitu a říkal mi že jaderka je obzvlášť těžká.. prej se tam hrozně vyhazuje a prej je tam jeden student co je prostě sám v semestru protože ostatní vyhodili :D

To je hovadina. Až tak moc se tam nevyhazuje. Jsou obory, kde prostě nejsou lidi, takže jsou na nějaké specializované přednášce třeba 3. Ve druháku nás je ~90. A letos přežije víc prváků, protože vedení dělá tlak na doc. Poštu.

Kolik vás bylo v prváku?? Jako co sem slyšel tak Kalvoda a podobní (Vágner) moc na ten tlak nedbají

Zapsaných něco pod 300. Ale hodně lidí se zapíše jenom kvůli studentským výhodám (nejsou příjimačky). Kolik lidí vážně v té škole fyzicky aspoň jednou bylo se blbě odhaduje.

OP here, thanks a lot for the answers.

What Uni's have on STEM field? I'm very interested.

Also, what the strong points economically of each country, in your own opinion?


A to sem si myslel, že už tady nemůžou bejt větší retardi. V ten moment kdy jste se rozhodli pro ČVUT místo MFF jste zvolili mělký chápání fyziky.

Guys, OP here, I need answers for final exam at uni (final paper)

-Economically hows the V4 (Slovakia, CR, Poland and Hungary)???
-What they produce???
-What they do research on the stem fields (more specific please)???
-What they import???
-What they need???
-What kinda of business they like/like to work???
-If someone would like to invest in the v4 what they have that is their "golden goose" ???

Thanks you a lot for the answers so far.

>hurr durr I'm retarded

Most of these informations are widely availible. Do your own research, or don't expect to succeed in schools like Charles University or CTU.

Add HILASE, ÚJF Řež, companies like Crytur and you've got quite a job potential for physics graduates.

Slovak here.

>-Economically hows the V4 (Slovakia, CR, Poland and Hungary)???

Pretty good, unemployment at record lows, solid economic growth that is beginning to transform into increased wages, too.

>-What they produce???

Cars, cars and more cars. Per capita we are the largest producer of cars in the world.

If anyone wants to now about Romania, respond to this and I'll post a small summary.

Why? Where do you work? (no need to doxx yourself, just curious about which uni and which department)

And which are the 3 good uni-s in your opinion? (I can guess but I'm still interested)

dumb shit

im curious


Really good in terms of science and math, they do a lot of math starting for 9th grade, if they pass the exam with a high grade and get into a good high school( it's basically an ivy league system with the high schools)

Most promising fields are IT, computer engineering,AI,security systems and cryptography (bitdefender offering courses at uni's), automotive expanding tremendously.

People do a lot of research in the above fields but research is going slow because of really shit funding.Uni's here receive huge donations from the private sector and focus their research on automotive and computer related stuff mainly, lot's of math research in the west and physics in Bucharest.

Market is booming pretty much, huge increases in salaries, IT sector doing very well and constant expansion of big multinationals in the western cities. Lot's of interest in computers, one of the fastest internet infrastructures in the world ,really cheap too and access (legally or through piracy) to everything computer related.

Uni's here are good in some regards but there are some really shit professors, students are pretty good and student unions projects are extremely well done. Best universities are in Cluj, Timisoara, Bucharest and Iasi, Cluj and Timisoara are western and people are very polite and civilized while the other too are eastern so they differ a bit.

In regards to foreign students, technical universities and polytechnics are very good in the big cities and their programmes are pretty hardcore, basically only 50% make it in their EECS programmes but about 98% of graduates end up in big multinationals with high salary. Medicine and Farmacy is really shit here though, so stay away if you're interested in that field.

I heard there is universal API for anitvirus test.

t. butthurt serb nazi

What's going on with these threads about Slovakia? Couple of days I've seen similar one on /biz. Is it the same guy making them?

they are made by National Bureau for National Promotion of Slovak Republic of Slovakia

Slovak here, nothing really interesting happens here, I study physics after I dropped out of IT.

Also fuck off we are full