Veeky Forums humor thread

Three mathematicians walk into a bar. The bartender asks, "are you all having beers?" "I don't know," answers the first. "I don't know," answers the second. "Actually, I'm an engineer," the third interjects, "and I'm just going to hang out in the bathroom and drink other dudes' piss."

What is the difference between a large pizza and a math major? The pizza can feed a family of four.

t. CS major


Have some OC for the biochemists.

Why are you posting this? Math majors are not THAT bad at programming, it's probably some self-taught 14 year-old

A topologist doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. But he does know his ass from two holes in the ground.





It's about CS majors being dumb

For fucks sake

I have a lot of questions about what that guy is trying to accomplish in such a roundabout way but, why would that output 12.340000000000002?

This is what you do every day? You play with balls?
I like balls, should I become a biochemist too?

It's obviously a 12 year old just getting into programming

Floating point rounding, the number is the representation of all the operations performed to obtain it, but only so many bits can be allocated to a number, say, 32 or 64, so the number is truncated each time, cumulating in that small error

I am a statistician and I can verify that this was made by an extremely insecure statistician.
Does anyone have "The Virgin Accountant / The Chad Actuary"?


Can somebody explain OPs joke to me please?

My dad was an actuary because he didn't have enough personality to be an accountant


fuuuuck rotate this shit wtf

Why can't you take a non-blurry photo?

everyone who learns to program comes across this problem at some point in their lives




>taking the "CS majors r dumb" meme by jelly mathfags (sorry for the homophobia) seriously
Aren't you the dumb one?

the joke here is that everybody can see 40+?

Well, everybody but colorblind people.
The real joke though is that computer screens only have red, green and blue subpixels. If an actual tetrachromat would look at them they would (in theory) notice colors that they can see in real life but are not correctly displayed on the screen

What would i do without chompski though


You'd probably do computational linguistics.


It's not a matter of bits, 12.34 just cannot be exactly represented in the common floating point system, no matter how many many bits the number has

It's oriented properly on my phone. hiroshima hasn't fixed this auto-rotate shit yet

You try taking a non-blurry photo when you're laughing so hard



newfag detected

How does one of Newton's Laws of Motion explain what seems like a contradiction?