Why is this ugly ass language so popular?

Why is this ugly ass language so popular?

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Because strong typing is so 1990s

Explain why is it ugly to someone who only knows basics of python and c++

messy indentation
unclear function purpose
slow as fuck (compared to c++)

but, its a great tool to write programs fast so you can later write them FOR REAL in c++

> Originally specified in 1958, Lisp is the second-oldest high-level programming language in widespread use today. Only Fortran is older, by one year.

Because it does not involve nested callbacks and people are dumb solving recursion and stuff like that so "dumb stuff in phyton" "we refuse to learn"

It's even worse than turbo pascal.

> but, its a great tool to write programs fast so you can later write them FOR REAL in c++

I'd rather prototype in Java, C# or JS. At least JS is truly dynamic.

Reminder that real programs require a real language to be written in.
So that leaves paython for prototypes and scientific hello worlds.

It's numale's BASIC.

scary system hacking language: MyClass()
friendly scripting language: __init__ (self)

Thank fucking god they didn't make it __python__init@64__(___DEFAULTPYTHONCONTEXT, self__, ____params) or some shit.

And normal people call it consturctor.

it has snakes XDD
also so ez 2 reed, i can type python codes while im drinking my triple soyshot mocha frapp at starbucks :)))))

One company I worked at did the exact oposite, first they made a proof of concept in c++, and then implemented it in a higher level language like python
They said that was because software made in python are easier to maintain, but I still don't understand why they used c++ at all.

It’s purpose is to avoid shell scripting. Bash scripts won’t always work between different machines (different version numbers and environment variables) but a python script written on linux can be ran on Mac OS with little to no tweaks. That’s what I use it for anyways.

Even php would work... Nevermind.

Because Lua was invented in Brazil and it took too long for the world to realize it was the objectively best scripting language.

>JS is truly dynamic.
lol wtf does this even mean nigga


its the ak-47 of programming languages. any retarded peasant can learn it in a day. you can abuse it to hell and still get results

>ugly ass


It's not.


First off, it's not ugly.
The idea of using whitespace as part of the core syntaxi is actually quite enginious - it enforces a certain standard of readability.
Secondly, it's quite robust. And this is coming from a C and C++ background. It may not be nearly as fast as C/C++, but it's not designed to be. Its real purpose is to replace Bash/Ksh/Zsh.
And to that, it does one hell of a good job in doing so. My company uses it exactly for that purpose.


Because it is a perfectly acceptable tool for a large number of problems. If you need that performance, then sure C++ is a fine option. But python works just fine the other 99% of the time. Why make your job harder than it has to be?


>LARGE library
>no memory management

He's in a company he claims. I'm dying.

>le batteries included xD

6 figures, actually. You jelly?

>I can't argue so I'll make soysucker numale strawmans


Easy to learn, versatile, good for stats, good for scripting, good for networking. Anyone involved in technology should know it and see how it can help their lives out.

i guess he means more dynamic than python...or something

Javascript is only usable with typescript. Completely useless on its own.

for i in range(0,99):
_print("your mom")

> le batteries included xD

lol no

I can't even load a fucking image in Python without pip-installing some shit.
Java has a standard cross-platform GUI lib, C# has it too. Python doesn't - welcome to the game of "which toolkit".