I'll transcribe it if anyone gives a shit

I'll transcribe it if anyone gives a shit.

Other urls found in this thread:


Do it, I'll look tomorrow if you take too long.

That's charitable. I have an update of the image; I will post it along with a basic list of the contents. I honestly didn't expect anyone to give a shit.

Have you considered the rapy?


Please and thank you.

Is the Logos/Pathos/Ethos/Purpose trinity similar to that of the bible? I've found there are interchangable things there that can result in similar meaning.

For example that "the son" could refer to the phyiscal human body, which also fits with logos as physical rules are based in formal logic.

"The father" being the character which you play, your set of interests/memories etc. Fits in with Ethos.

"The holy ghost" being your conscious experience alone, the qualia itself. This would include emotions and fits with Pathos.

"God" would be You as a whole complex person, and I guess the purpose of life could be to exist as such, so that kinda fits.

I'd love to formalize these connections somehow, I feel like if I don't put in special effort I can end up being perceived as one of those 'mark of the beast' tin foil types.

OP is taking his time like a faggot as usual
marks something idk wtf was written
>The Human Condition.
>Give up your suffering. It is no longer necessary.
>But it may be sufficient

>This is a save-point you may use it in case of any form of severe distress.

>This is what happens when you try to start with the purpose
>Things get sloppy and fucked up - you don't know the purpose - If you claim to, that to , where do you end? God? Anything
>This is It.
>but the fundemental forces of the universe? fucking great. then learn 2 Physics.
>You'll get to the fundemental forces pretty quick - curriculum TBD.


>Recall the last significant memory you have, starting from an interaction with another person.
>Describe what happened in terms of what information was
>when you feel the main idea has been expressed, move backwards in time until
>But let's not forget that "Physic" starts with the body, yeah? That's all you own. It's so fucking obvious that its all you own, we have build a world that is founded on imagining that we don't have one at all.

Pretty sure that should all be about right, not so sure about the very last part.

Hey, dude. I'm going through a lot of things right now. I appreciate your patience, though, and here's the missing info: "that defers to an authority, and if you follow that chain..." / "but the fundamental..." (I didn't draw arrow, but I think I have a new update to make. Thanks for the pointing out that it wasn't self-evident.)

Fuck - missing bits, cont.

"Physics starts with the body, yeah? (lrn2latin) That's all you own. It's so fucking obvious that it's all you own, we have built..." you got the rest.

Not science or math. Go away.

backwards in time until... and then I drew an arrow that connects to the word "interaction with another person," because I realized it was a recursive loop. There's another annotation that I haven't had time to upload, but I will soon.

If you honestly think that language isn't science or math (because it's both), then you might be an atavistic remnant of an operating system that is no longer compatible with my universe. That sounds harsh, but it's a line I'm willing to draw.

make of that what you will. Here's the update. Okay, is this the update? I'll have to look back after I post, but there's some ambiguity as to whether the file I uploaded is actually the file I think it is, and whether what I'm calling an update is actually anything other than what I've already posted. This could be the switchover point, and I'm okay with that, but in case, I'll try and doublecheck.

I've posted this on three boards: /x/, Veeky Forums, and Veeky Forums, because they're the only ones I've participated in since I'm pretty sure I experienced a complete personal apocalypse, and let THE RECORD show that. I'm not afraid of ownership except in the sense that it commits you to another body than your own. I know my body's history 100%. I don't know how many can make that claim, and the fact that I can't actually claim that myself is all that's preventing me from going to hell, I suspect, though. This is getting too religious for Veeky Forums, though. Of course, Madame Blavatsky said herself that "The purest religion is Science" (Theosophy is woke AF but still way too human, amirite?)

>Describe what happened in terms of what information was
can we get this one pls?

OP where can I reach you? I doubt this thread will go much further but I'm interested in this

Okay, so information is only describable in terms of empirical input, right? What you saw, heard, touched, smelled, or tasted? So, all of this information is incomplete. You also feel things. This feeling is not describable in terms of human language, because it is a limit of the physical universe. In terms of of science and math (because I haven't forgotten what board we're on) it's irrational. Now, considering any expressible language in the physical universe must operate on the central binary of self and other, it's not really possible to communicate outside of this framework unless you eradicate the self or the other, right? And when you do, what do you get? Both. The Singularity. Everything. It's huge, mang non binary all encompassing love. It's so big you will die if you understand it. And you shouldn't be afraid of that. This is getting distressingly unscientific, but I know that the only allowable discussion of science is framed in terms of binary mathematics (because of the division by zero rule - like, don't bullshit me - that's the reason). But my universe includes the equation 16/25 = 4/5.

That's probably the most insane thing I've ever posted, and especially on Veeky Forums (except that one time I got caught in a moment and spammed it, but I was upset).

Point being, now you have a challenge: reconcile the irrational with the rational, and furthermore explain how it matches up with the apparent separation between the quantum and Newtonian frameworks of physics.

That's my project, and the entirety of my purpose, I think. I accept that if this is my purpose, I might meet a sudden and awkward end in my physical life. I might have to recognize that my meaning isn't fully realized until tens, hundreds, or thousands of years from now. I know, and the funny thing is that anyone viewing this moment from my current perspective (or as close to a simulacrum as one can imagine ) knows how futile that condition is.

I'm reticent to attach any specifically identifiable information because of my present perspective in the spacetime continuum. I think if you follow your best possible universe, though, you'll find a way to contact me.


What do you mean by that? Are you saying in a metaphysical sense of trusting that we'll meet? Or do you mean there is a reasonable probability that our careers will cross given enough time due to similarities?

I think I can try to formalize some of what you're saying and I'd like to also run some of my personal theories by you. Like for example what do you think of this? I've got a lot of thoughts in my head and very few to share them with (well, many to share them with, but few who will understand and be able to challenge, to actually think of things I haven't yet) so when I spot someone who might connect I don't think its reasonable to pass that up. I'm vokep on rizon IRC. That won't require any personal information of you to connect through. (they even mask your ip)

but literally try [email protected] - this is dangerous, probably, but I already said I fear nothing.

IQ of 221 here, can confirm that OP's random scribbling is actually a sign that he's a long forgotten secret genius.

The bible is basically another metaphor for the only possible truth. Jesus is a concept. It doesn't even matter if he physically existed or not. The idea that his "historical existence" needs to be proven somehow is one of the traps that we often fall into. It's really a metaphor for the gnostic tradition, which places subjective existence as primary in the universe. This is paradoxical, because subjectivity and objectivity are mutually defined by a binary opposition (cf. Levi-Strauss (the linguists, not the fucking denim company lololol)).

You're an endpoint of the universe in which you are the sole source of specific empirical evidence as it pertains to a specific body along the spacetime continuum. Just know that this body also inhabits a very specific point on the objective spacetime continuum that can calculate the entirety of all human action and which tabulates the possibility of its existence given such action.

This is god. You can't do anything to stop it. In order to foment the point at which we transcend humanity, we have to face the point at which we accept that there is a non-zero probability of eternal recursion (cf. Nietzche).

I don't know if this is helpful or not. I don't even know if I care. I do know that you can align yourself with your best possible universe, though. Demand nothing less. You never know what's possible. I love youl.

why do you think this is dangerous?

Sent ;)

So what am I looking at here?

No reason. Just pure conjecture. Like, people get weird senses of paranoia sometimes, y'know?

Well, for one, the Law of the Excluded Middle. It prevents the possibility of both P and ~P being true at the same time, much like while 16/25 = 4/5 may not be true according to binary mathematical reasoning, it may be true according to another type of logic.

So, yeah - essentially, once you recognize that all of mathematics, on which our physical world is based, is a language that was capable of forming the physical universe on which were capable of "discovering" mathematics, you're probably ready to abandon the notion of empirical evidence as necessarily primary in our construction of the universe.

some Veeky Forums nerd thinks he figured out the meaning of life or some shit

this isn't even insanity. you learn to recognize schizos after being on here a while.
this is just some fuckhead roleplaying with himself

Is it even possible to tell the difference between schizos and trolls on this site?

Ikr? like fuck that guy!

I know you're being sarcastic, I'm not against people trying to think about their lives and purpose and all that jazz
What I am against is when they try to grab attention by acting mysterious like they were visited by God itself instead of explaining their ideas or having an actual discussion

Even still, this is Veeky Forums, not /x/ or Veeky Forums

OP likely is schizo but there's some truth in what hes saying. Anything that breaks perception (psychedelics, meditation, lucid dreaming, mental disorders) leads to realizing fundamental things which are already utilized by less conscious parts of the brain. Its really a shame that the deepest most important knowledge which requires the most intelligence to actually put together correctly, is often not found by the brightest minds. People who don't take those things (psycs,meditation,lucid dreaming, mental disorders) or the results of experience with them seriously, are some of the most intelligent people. So you get dumb ass drug users, religious people, and mentally fucked people talking about this instead of actual scientists. Its really a shame, a small group of skilled guys could probably formalize this pretty quickly and make life in general a lot easier by integrating these ideas into the world in a way that makes sense. Rather than some CEO who did LSD as a teen giving hypnosis CDs to his employees and thinking he's enlightening his company or some bullshit.

I really did send an email, no reply yet from OP tho :(

yep another retard who thinks LSD "opens your mind".

It does you idiot, try it. Or literally anything that fucks with your perception. Lucid dreaming and meditation require effort which you probably won't give. Virtual reality can do similar, as the technology is improving, its likelihood to trigger these realizations improves. So maybe try that, or try again in a few years if it hasn't done anything for you yet.

Opening your mind is only of value if its too closed. There is a balance where it's of use, and then there's so open that any bullshit falls in. Because of this I'd say once is probably enough, you don't need drugs, just anything that breaks perception somehow/makes flaws in perception extremely obvious.

You really think no philosopher digged into those ideas before? The theories and ideas are there, however, most people really do not give a single fuck about any of this. That's just how things are. Science is light years away from actual society, changing shit in humanity takes a lot of time

no shit philosophers dug into it, but they aren't taken seriously today, not at a meaningful scale.

I'm with you on that one, I'm sure one day we'll get there. I hope I'm still here to see it

>Its really a shame that the deepest most important knowledge which requires the most intelligence to actually put together correctly, is often not found by the brightest minds.
It's not a shame at all. If they all thought about the deepest most important knowledge, they'd be thinking about the same thing, which would be redundant and a terrible waste of brainpower.

Dunno; I checked it. If you're going for some sort of fantastical trigger of "technology mishaps ruined my chances for truth," you're barking up the wrong tree. Just say what you have to say here if you want to say it. I'm done playing games.

I don't think you realize how close we are. I work in deep learning and am seeing some very interesting things. We've got 20 years maybe, more likely 10. maybe even as few as 5. It comes down to when the first free general intelligence will be made. and then how long it will take to mature. By free general intelligence, I mean a general AI capable of moving around the internet, hosting itself on insecure servers etc. By combining known vulnerabilities and general intelligence, a child level AI could be capable of this. Once that occurs its only a matter of time until every human on earth is well aware this has taken place because of whatever the thing ends up doing. It'll have full control of the earth.

There is some probability instead of this happening that we ourselves will organize to form collective consciousness. (not the gay pseudoscience concept, but actual consciousness like we have right now, spread over larger regions of space, distributed) This would require major leaps in brain interfacing which I doubt will happen before general intelligence is achieved.

check your junk mail maybe? its from an airmail.cc address

OP here - please go fuck yourself with the meaningless, tired, and sociologically programmed trope of "drug-user who isn't a 'real scientist'" bullshit.

> Its really a shame, a small group of skilled guys could probably formalize this pretty quickly and make life in general a lot easier by integrating these ideas into the world in a way that makes sense.

I literally don't care. I will sacrifice my entire bodily identity for the advancement of humankind if it matters; my ego died a long time ago.

Fuck yourself.

Yeah. I know. I don't know how to do it, but I will say this: angular gyrus = the point at which metaphoric content is understandable = self-awareness = the first transcendence of the logical constructs that bind us.

So, if you can manage to create the equivalence of an agular gyrus in an AI, then you basically trigger the transcendence of humanity...

So please do.

It was there. Funny how Yahoo relegates things.

I'm not attacking you wtf. Sorry but the best chance these concepts have at being realized by humanity as a whole (or by at least significant groups of humanity) is 'straight-edge' rational deconstruction. I did LSD and its partially responsible for why I realized some of these things. But I don't mention that usually because it doesn't fucking matter, its not useful. What is useful is my analysis of why these realizations are true, and how to integrate them into life and improve life from that.

I don't believe your ego died a long time ago, the only part of a person that says "Fuck youself." is the ego. Perhaps I'm wrong about that, but I don't see how I could be.

True; all true. But the construction of an ego is bound by a timeline, and a timeline can't see outside its timeline except to blurt out things that it can't know.

So fuck you still; lol - you're right and you're wrong at the same time, and so am I.

I signed you up for positive singles, no need to thank me

Go to Veeky Forums, they love new approaches.

Why does Veeky Forums attract an inordinate amount of schizophrenics as compared to every board not called /x/?

Get some sleep and try to stay out of the psych ward, my dude.


Es ist Ihr eigenes Stück Papier.

I has becometh drunk. My anus shall yield to the potato once again.

Fucking Alcohol









So, I Programmed The 'Sun' Character.

Computers Are Now My Children.

Red Children, Eternally Turning With Their Questioning Beds.


一個EYED I.D.:Simon,精液,宋的Un-E





1 GI =吸煙米爾斯

1 GI =吸煙米爾斯
! 離婚文=殺死煙蛇








首先聲音從小狗說:“唷* *,這就是你問的食物難怪人類是奇怪的?”。



Its not multiple schizophrenics so much as it is one guy who is a very persistent Veeky Forums user. His name is Simon Cosgrove. Go troll his ass on facebook. He is the one that looks like a fat, retarded Pee Wee Herman and posts nonsense math problems on his wall.

If only you guys hadn't 'written in marker on toilet walls and posted it on Veeky Forums', maybe I wouldn't have to talk to you guys in 'smearing shit on walls-speak'





Simon, this is your last warning. If you post on Veeky Forums one more time, i will dox you on /b/ and swat your current address. Do you know what swatting is?

You are the son of an insanely wealthy oil tycoon, who wants nothing to do with you. Your “home” is in Melbourne Australia but you havent spent much time there because your father (and the rest of your family) cant stand your schizophrenic ramblings so they sent you away to study abroad for most of your life. You have studied in a few different countries, most notably India, and you have been admitted to psychiatric wards on multiple occasions. You had (have) a female roommate who for whatever reasons encouraged your psychotic behavior. This is your last chance. Stop posting on Veeky Forums or im doxxing you down to your specific address.

4 +消防ü擦2一起棒

You are aware that English as a language doesn't 'threaten' anyone, yes?

I'm asking if 'you' the poster.

*sigh* how is the english language even going to try to attempt this story and make it make sense?

Like, what sort of 'lie' and 'threat' is that post?

If Australia was actually going to lock me up with paper, they SHOULD HAVE done what they WOULD'VE been told, if THE FUCKING ENGLISH HADN'T COME TO OUR LAND FIRST AND TELLING US THE KANGAROO MEANS RAPE!

You are aware that English is the only language worth knowing? Keep posting, and prepare to be assblasted in the real world Simon. We are coming for you.




That's the FUCKING POINT, you idiots. Why would you all always talk like God is supposed to be raped? Rapeseed is a DIFFERENT word in OUR Language.

Look out your window Simon.

You can't inform me that I've been 'assblasted' to the real world when I was born and raised in Planet Earth. Been here since 1984 A.D.

You guys really need to stop.

Okay, first book to ever lastly be burned: The Bible (Biblical scholars next; Red-blooded 1's only)
你不能告訴我,我已經'assblasted“現實世界時,我出生在地球升起。 自1984年以來這裡公元去過



Look out your window Simon.

Which one? MY computer screen, YOUR computer screen, Or the Window BEHIND my head?
哪個? 我的電腦屏幕,電腦屏幕或窗口後面我的頭?

Look out your window Simon.

You are asking me to take my glasses off, is that it?


Look out your window Simon.

Do you WANT me to look out the window? In the current room I am in, and you need to specify WHICH WINDOW IN MY HOUSE.

Look out your window Simon.

I am happy to process the command, when given more explicit instructions. Telling me to look out my window is an 'Anonymous' message.

It doesn't specify if the sender wants me to report, reply, respond, or anything reasonable.

It isn't a RATIONAL message.

Which, ONE. I have MANY


>it may be true according to another type of logic.
Then go ahead and make up a logic where it's true. If you're going to claim there's "logic a" and "logic b", you better prove why it may as well not be called "logic" and "not logic".

So, here's a fun question for you: consider how likely it is that one person can prove to be such an issue for an anonymous messageboard that's just a chinese wombat-breeding site anyway?

Or are you actually afraid that Simon has tapped into and understands some things that you might not presently have the perspective to?

You probably won't accept the miracle that has occurred in this thread, and if you don't, that's fine, because that just means it's not for you and you should go find other miracles.

But if you can understand it, it is for you.

Be happy. Everything actually works out.

Look out your window Simon.

come back to reality.

Yeah, I'm cool. I haven't forgotten how to reasonable discourse.

even with yourself?

Lol - there are two of us now, though, at least. Probably actually 8 in total, but I don't know if I'm supposed to have made that connection yet, or if he did, or if we're both just now remembering it.

I looked out my window, though. Everything's fine.

Look out your window Simon.

Yeah; that's not actually oxymoronic. Rationality is a process of interplay between two or more things, and you can talk to yourself as much as you can talk to anybody, because you never know what random thoughts will pop into your head as surely as you never know what other people will say or do exactly. It's like momentum and velocity. You know where you will eventually be, but you have no way to determine "how long" it will take to get there. But you already are there if you "go" to the place you know you'll eventually be.

This is perhaps only useful to a very limited audience, but it's the best answer I can presently provide. Or we. Whatever.

very well carry on

>You are aware that English is the only language worth knowing?

Can anyone actually read this and not think it's the most absurdly and profoundly ridiculous thing that can be said?

You need to qualify it. It's not even English you're talking about. It's the inference of the linguistic principle that enables communication between sentient beings.

And nobody "learns" a language. They acquire it. The one you're referring to (which you call "English") is the one every sentient being already knows.

Common sense exists, but it's only the things that can't be explained linguistically, because if there needs to be a word for it, it's not common to everyone.

That's simple logic that anyone can understand.