Literally the zerg

I'd like to know what the creationist response to this is going to be.

Other urls found in this thread:

god did it


The reason why God said shellfish were cursed in the Bible was because he regretted created them. They were his original creation that overpowered his creation.

That's good bass bait

they will say "they are still crayfish"

> mutant crayfish clones europe



It's crawfish you damn yankees.

Very interesting article, thanks OP.

it's "crawdad", city boi

Fascinating. It does raise some interesting questions as to why this hasn't happened before in other species. The lack of genetic diversity doesn't seem to be hindering it's growth and competition at all.


Don't exist. Stop attacking that strawman already.

"crawdead" you suburban lint-licker

So suppose a virus or bacteria evolves which exploits a vulnerability in this crayfish, wouldn't that cause them to go extinct or near-extinct very rapidly, since they're all clones?

Yes. This is conversely the same type of threat for edible bananas.

>a crayfish to a crayfish
Wow god is dead how could I have been so dumb

Thank god for that, hopefully it will occur soon so these things don't fuck up the ecosystem too too much

We already knew about species that recently evolved, i.e. a long time ago a bacteria evolved that can only digest nylon (a modern synthetic material). So I doubt this would change anyone's mind. People would either just ignore it, or change their beliefs just enough to account for this ("god created the universe and set evolution in motion", etc, regardless of what's actually written in the bible)

The article explains this - short term, it's a great evolutionary strategy, but if for instance a bacteria or virus evolves that will be lethal for one marbled crayfish, it will be able to kill every crayfish. So long-term, species that reproduce asexually are less robust

It's surprising to me that a simple mutation can switch the reproductive mode from sexual reproduction til cloning.
Is it as easy for more complex animals?

It already happened to a certain breed of banana.

>Is it as easy for more complex animals?
Are you suggesting that these multilegged aquatic flesh mechanoids aren't complex?

cool article, thanks op.
a bonerfied creationist would just say that goodd is still creating shit, nomesayin?
if someone believes in the power of some entity to make arbitrary changes to the world however it sees fit, the whole idea of "evidence" becomes meaningless
ever tried to argue with someone who's trying to prove a point, not because they're interested in truth, but because they need to feel good about themselves?
you ol' bassterbaiter you

>more complex


>edible bananas
There are a few other edible varieties, you just don’t find them in most places.

They're all edible. The real problem with bananas that can sexually reproduce is that they're chock-full of seeds.

know what would be great? An archive copy of the article for those few folks who might be outside the paywall.

Obviously a work of god.
If you deny this you are a brainlet materialist.

"Yabbie" you septic towney

>creationism denial
We've hit the next level in crazy, boys

They will never be convinced

user we just need to accept that in any sufficiently advanced civilization, there will be a percentage of the population that still rejects basic knowledge

In the Star Trek utopia there are still "transporter deniers" who think it makes you go crazy even though it's proven to be the safest method of transport ever devised.

>Somehow the two sex cells fused and produced a female crayfish embryo with three copies of each chromosome instead of the normal two. Somehow, too, the new crayfish didn’t suffer any deformities as a result of all that extra DNA.

Why is it that Scientists can never actually come up with a theory without massive gaping holes that need to be plugged with "somehow"

Wow, of course these crayfish evolved! "Somehow". And our only reason for thinking this to be true is the fact that we don't consider God existing to be a credible alternative. How fucking convenient. Thus we can plug all the holes with "somehow" as much as we like because no matter how many holes evolution has we're never going to consider the alternative.

And you call this "science"

Now this is very clever bait

>And you call this "science"
no I call this a fucking nytimes article you retard

>Posts an interesting article
>Poisons the well of discussion by mentioning creationism to guarantee the thread is a shitfight over that rather than discussing the interesting implications of this new species
Fuck you OP.

yabby innit

>why this hasn't happened before in other species

It has actually (see whiptail lizards).

Use these mutants to conquer mars!

So why aren't we using this to solve world hunger?

Yes, cloning species several occur in salamanders and lizards. Sharks, komodos and some birds can produce offspring without mating.

I'm not sure how they would solve the logistical and social apathy that is involved in world hunger. Because, there's more than enough food to go around, it is just that no one gives enough of a shit to make it go around.

I understand the biggest issue in solving world hunger is logistic, but most people like to cite how much food is wasted a year as a reply which is not realistic because there is no way to send half-eaten meals or store refuse to africa and have it still be good. This is something quick that just needs to be implanted into their rivers or lakes and given time to flourish, that plus factories where they don't have suitable bodies of water just like the ones where they breed fish could be all that's required. No cost for international logistics and the problem basically solves itself+generates new jobs to harvest and process the new extremely abundant resource.

There is plenty food in Africa. It's all about the people. Warlords will take it anyways to sell it and be rich not share it with hungry masses. Who is going to force them not to? Are you going to occupy all Africa or something?

90% of Earth's problems are due to people being retarded fucking apes.

have you ever seen black hawk down?
The warlord was laying claim to the care packages, not the food they have there already
it was a genocide

from a first world retail perspective. A lot could be done to save food and it be given out to those in need. There are really three main routes for food in my store, and it makes absolutely no sense to me why we don't save or use more.
Trash- This is for any expired food, even canned goods which last far longer than the expiration date. This is also for any and all cold kept foods that are damaged, opened, or sent to the wrong store.
Donation- Dry or warm foods only. Cans, granola, cereal, ect. Expiration means trash.
Employees-This is against the company policy, but sometimes our management allows the grocery team to put food, from either cold or warm, into the break room. Nothing ever gets wasted here as this is a low paying retail job and any free items really do help those who don't get enough money to live on from that job.

The first step would be allowing more food to be given to the employees. The second would be that damaged packaging gets marked down and sold as clearance, Those two things alone will save me hours of wasted labor, as well as hundreds of pounds of food every month.
Of course these things focus on local and individuals rather than 'helping africa'

funny enough i just watched a documentary about what happens to our donated cloths. Most gets turned into recyclables . The cloths that go to africa often get sold at 200-300% increase over the few dollars they pay for the cloths, because american cloths are so damn popular over there that people are literally getting rich by selling cloths instead of giving them to people who need them. This isnt warlords doing this either, this is just the everyday person who is arriving at the cloths pickup site earlier than everyone else.

>edible crayfish zerg

Oh I am ready

Sooo ... do people eat these? Can I sell it's meat?

the future is female. no males needed. suck it, misogynists.