B-but this is science too

t. CS major

A thread died for this. Mind explaining what the added value of your thread to this board is?

CS is the scientific study of computation.

>CS is the scientific study of computation.
Wrong, the scientific method is not used in computer "science", it's just a misnomer.

>the scientific method is not used in computer science

But also this is not true.

It's a science but it's not about computers.There really should be a better word for it so that CS isn't so fucked up with a lot of people thinking its a glorified coding bootcamp and people in the same degrees who are fantastic mathematicians

It's maths

Computer science major here, I honestly don't give a shit if it's considered a "science" or not. The only reason I'm majoring in it is cause there is no Software engineering major at my uni. Also inb4 "hurr durr it's not an engineering field either" y'all guys will seriously bitch about anything, the degree could be called something like software development and some autistic fag would be like "hurr durr don't you mean web development brainlet!"

>some autistic fag would be like "hurr durr don't you mean web development brainlet!"
Why the homophobia?

"Some autistic math major"
Is that better?

My Turing Tarpit is coming on nicely and I have many hypothesis, testing, correction cycles.
Also my Subleq2 uses a Universal Gate based on an old Adaline idea I redesigned digitally.
Science and Engineering combined Fren.

But it's not meant to be software dev at all. If my schools cs track was just software dev I'd drop out

can someone explain exactly what a science is?

The problem is cs isn't standardized like other majors.

In physics, for example, almost every school has the same curriculum.
In cs, some BSc don't even require calculus. There are no rigorous study of logic,math, or even programming. It's just a bunch of c,java,html,assembly classes with different application goals.
Might as well be a social science since you can't lose points unless your program doesn't run at all.

Yeah I know but I'm just trying to make a point of how sci will try to find any way to shit on computer science.

software development is 1 class in the entire major

1Approach a situation
could be from an observation, a problem, whatever

2 Analyze it
using a wide array of knowledge, empirical facts

3 come up with a hypothesis

4 test it

5 analyze results
does this make sense?

6 either revise it, test again or enter conclusion into a theory
consider alternative reasonable theories

It doesn't use the scientific method, you're right. But it's exactly as important/meaningful/difficult/autistic as mathematics since they are the same thjng

>the scientific method is not used in computer "science"
Someone thinks they're profound but doesn't know what the scientific method is.

There are no experiments. Only formal proofs of correctness

>the scientific method
No such thing.

Informatics is science, fuck off OP.

u make observations and formulate a hypothesis. later you create models and test your hypothesis.
how is this not "scientific"?