
What's Veeky Forums's opinion on psychiatry?

And specifically involuntary psychiatry. Detaining and "treating" people against their will.

I was recently detained against my will - only for depression. And I wonder what Veeky Forums thinks about this field.

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I'm completely in favor of detaining nuts and criminals. I don't see why functioning people can't have nice things because of them

It's a pseudoscience

I was detained recently only for depression. And I don't think it's fair that somebody can detain me against my will.

I don't have a problem with *voluntary* psychiatry. But doing stuff to people against their will seems very wrong to me.

I think the state, lawmen and what not, should let the psychiatrists perform LSD psychotherapy, and focus their energy upon healing instead of sedating. And by that switch over to transpersonal psychology (look it up!) and jungian interpretation, ridding the world of stereotypes, or atleast evovle them further.
A bit to far maybe?

>I was detained recently only for depression. And I don't think it's fair that somebody can detain me against my will.

It's actually a huge legal pain in the ass to do that in the US these days, and can only be done if you're a demonstrable danger to yourself or others. Since you were there for depression, I'm guessing that you were at high risk for suicide?


I'm British, and it seems to be quite easy over here to detain people against their will

I *mentioned* suicide, in a not-very-serious manner (I believe I said "I'm gonna have to buy a length of rope"), and I think they totally overreacted to that.

I think the main reason they did it is because I was staying at my mum's house and I was getting angry and I broke a few things, and I think they thought I might get violent, even though I don't think I would ever do that.

>I think they thought I might get violent

That's the reason then. I can't really blame them. You just never really know what an irrationally angry person will do. Do you have a history of such episodes?

I have actually tried something similiar. I managed to get away though, with the help of a bystander outside the hospital. I have had my final exam, and i had been very stressed in the time before due to another exam, and so when my mom called a few days before, i cracked. I lived in a filthy noisey college dorm at that time, everyday there were some gang either hanging out in front selling weed or breaking in and smoking inside our dorm. The smoke i can handle as i smoke aswell, but they ruined our furniture, threw thrash all over the place and destroyed our main lamp. And they couldnt imagine how awfull it was until i allowed them to come a few days after. 10 months later i managed to get an apartment.

You have to check out Imperial college London latest research with psilocybin, dmt, and lsd =)

I too get frustrated some time. But you have to contain it, and find peace with it. Accept who you are, and do what you want.

No I don't. I've never demonstrated violence towards anyone. Which is why I think it's wrong that they detained me.

And besides, I'd rather get arrested if I was ever violent. Because then you're treated like an adult who is responsible for their actions.

>I have actually tried something similiar. I managed to get away though, with the help of a bystander outside the hospital.
You mean you've tried something similar to LSD psychotherapy?

And when you say "I managed to get away", do you mean you were meant to be detained?

Cages are fun.
They will have fun.

How do you distinguish functional?


For me, somebody ordering brainwash, is bullshit too.

Demonstrable danger?
You don't think people make shit up?

Yes, and you know what a Doctor do to you...

It's supercool those days to get brainwashed.

Well yea, also that.
But no, I had a doctors appointment later on, where i got some x-ray/nmr scan results back. Well - they were not good. And due to my reaction and previous behaviour, tricked me into riding along on the promise of getting lunch. Instead my dad drove me to the psychiatric hospital where my mom waited (they're divorced) and then both tried to drag me as i cried for help in more ways i've never tried before crying both my age and my civil rights, I denounced my parrents and guy came to help by recording and saying he supported my demand, and then my dad freaked out and let go of me and grapped his phone, i pushed away my mom and ran yelling thank you.

I'm not saying psychiatrists brainwash. I just think that they shouldn't have the power to lock people up and inject them with stuff against their will.

I was never injected, but they did threaten me with it. So it does happen - I met people who were injected with stuff. And they will restrain you if they have to.

It's fucked up. It's inhumane. Nobody should treat human beings like that.

I've been doing psychedellic therapy for about a year, and not as therapist mind you. Mostly alone, but also with a couple of friends.

half the posts in here are about researching or taking hallucinogens for depression, and not about the discussion OP actually wants to have, about APA/evquivalents and state power to create a framework of assumptions and turn that into legal detainment of someone who fits it.
The discussion about their treatment methods being effective is a whole other can of worms.
I know that here in australia, they almost seem to be trained to use injections as a threat during detainment.

found the scientologist.

It's useful only on very specific circumstances when the patient presents with symptoms of what used to be known as "demonic possession" in ancient cultures i.e. seizures, incredible uncontrollable strength and other uncontrollable symptoms that strike a primal fear instinctively to the community at large. It would be mainly useful for those who OD on illicit stimulants in contemporary medical practice.

From what I gather from OP's case, it was wholly unwarranted as there seemed to be relational issues with the family that could lead a rational young man to act with aggression. Depression doesn't even make sense as a reason for psychiatric incarceration because depression drives people down, making them more controllable to a certain extent.
I guess you shouldn't feel too bad about it since the psychiatrists you got were the crazy ones or they were just trying to humour your parents as sad as this sounds.

Trust me when I say that it is to stop people thinking out of line. Can't have people be too smart user. They might rebel against the system.

Wolves eating wolves.
Wizards destroying wizards.
Scientists versus scientists.
Black hats against... Everyone else.

>I don't think it's fair that somebody can detain me against my will.
What planet do you live on? This is exactly what the legal and correctional system does. If the whole thinks the individual represents too great of a threat, they sequester or remove it. Welcome to the social contract.

I get the impression you were put on a psych hold at a hospital for 24-72 hours. Not placed in a ward for weeks or months on end.

I grew up with a parent who had a psychotic break and didn't believe they were insane. So I'm biased but very supportive of involuntary psychiatry for this very reason. It's why it exists. The main issue with it is that it's very geared for depression and not really fitting in most hospitals (at least in the us) for any other mental illnesses. To me it seems if you're depressed or suicidal you're more likely to get into a hospital but if you're any other form of mentally ill you're more likely to end up in a prison cell.

There is absolutely a need for this in society. People who are insane often do not know that they are. Even worse was that she cycled from being found by someone or getting in trouble to being place under 24/48 hour involuntary treatment, not getting any actual treatment and signing herself out, and then repeating the process.

Well no. The main topic is our opinion about psychiatry. So every single post counts as valid toward fulfilling the requested respond.

>I don't think it's fair that somebody can detain me against my will.
I don't think functioning people have to pay because you're malfunctioning

>How do you distinguish functional?
See the people that can't help but vandalize public places, the people why public gardens close at night, the people why you have to be wary when walking at night? They are not functioning. They are very easy to spot no need to act naive or retarded

Speaking can aid a person is collecting their their thoughts.
Psychiatry is a waste of time and based on pseudoscience psychology that has it's origins and excesive influence in and from literal marxist kike cabals.

I see weeaboos who have never read anything about psychiatry, much less psychology.

Psychiatry suffers from overt medicalization and diagnosis. It is far from ideal treatment, although some cases of violent psychosis or schizophrenia with a real danger involved may require involuntary treatment. People can be seriously fucked up in the head, thinking everyone is out to kill them, and be very glad they were treated and returned to normal afterwards.

Psychology, on the other hand, is much more respectful towards the patient, helping the person self-manage the problems by giving tools and support for it.