A body is dropped on Earth...

A body is dropped on Earth. At the instant when it has fallen 100 feet another second body is to be projected downward with an initial velocity which will enable it to catch up with the first body 10 seconds after the second body is released.

What is the requisite initial velocity of the second body?

not doing your homework


Can't do it can you?

The problem is really fucking easy. If you think about it for more than a second.

I already solved it my man

g= 32.2feet/s ^2
d=(gt ^2)/2
t=root(2*100feet/32.2feet/s ^2)
t1=2.49 s
t2=10s+2.49s= 12.49
d2=(gt^2)/2 = (32.2feet/s ^2*(12.49)^2)/2= 2511.60 feet
Assuming there is nothing underneath and they sart at the same point
V=251.16 feet/sec


>using the imperial system for physics problems
Amerifats are truly disgusting

solve for how long it takes to fall 100 feet.
Then add 10 seconds to see how far the thing falls before the 2nd thing catches up.
Then solve for starting velocity of 2nd thing given the previously calculated time and distance.

Or solve for velocity of the object at 100 feet and add that to 10ft/sec needed to cover the distance between them.
90 ish feet per second


That's how I did it, in my head. But, the book shows some other convoluted integrated way that I don't understand because the solution manual is very brief.

It does with only 2 integrals

Post the book solution so we can explain why they did it that way.


Sorry I see now, while the ball falls the other bojects velocity would increase

nevermind I have no idea what's going on someone please explain

Is this supposed to be in a "vacuum"? Is drag a factor? body orientation? what's the initial position and velocity of body 1 relative to earth? where does body 2 appear relative body 1 and when? Then tell your TA he is a retard and should pick a different major due to their obvious diminished mental capacity. If your professor wrote this or picked the book it is in, time to transfer schools. Problem solved

Oh i get it

nvm, I just had to use my pea brain a little

Mods do your goddamn jobs

At break neck speeds

d2=(gt^2)/2 = (32.2feet/s ^2*(12.49)^2)/2= 2511.60 feet
which is the distance the first object has fallen that the second object will have to catch up to
in 10 seconds
vi=(2511.60 feet-(32.2feet/s*10s^2)/2)/10s
vi=90.16 feet/sec
Am I right now?

Post book solution, I want to see this done with integrals

it's here

user this is literally pre high school physics

taking a derivative and turning into a formula is integration. it's an integral. the question itself is just an arbitrary example.



Fucking bitch, post the book solution. We all helped and you fucking can't do that?

Fuck you!!!