Im a physicist

>im a physicist
>oh cool, user. what field?

fucking NO

>I do research for a living

>Itt stupid piece of shit criticizes literally the coolest, most profound field of science
you can suck a large one

user, I think the point was that astrophysics isn't subordinate to physics, it's subordinate to astronomy.

>not subordinate to physics
which dimension do you live in?

Oh cool, tell me my horoscope! I'm an Aquarius.

i dont get this meme

I'm a cancer

I'm a Pisces.

I'm gay

>Medicine is a science

Sadly, you can't be rich and a researcher

It is.

Unless you're in Switzerland.

It's an art, not a science

define rich. i want to be able to live comfortably and raise a family with my gf in a few years, i think i'll be able to do that on 2 researcher-tier salaries. what more would i possibly want?

Only if your gf has a job too
You better be getting married you degenerates

>only if your gf has a job too

well ye, that's the plan. but I think OP was referring to a single guy and not someone with kids to feed, a researcher salary for a single guy is more than enough to live a comfy life

Ye I would kill for 45k lmao
Getting there, thank God I'm good looking
I'll get a female once my career really starts rolling

im an undergrad doing an integrated master's, finishing this year. atm i live on welfare in the student dormitory and looking up the phd salaries (not even postdoc) makes me drool. a decent salary to do what's probably the best job in the world is literally the best thing one could ask for

what's your field btw?

>define rich
Rich enough to never try to save money to avoid starving to death.

what research position pays so low you can't even afford food nigga? unless you're in zimbabwe or some shit

envirosci yeah yeah smd
It's science, specializing in GIS


elaborate, cause that could mean a lot of things

Environmental Science

so what, applied ecology? geology? environ. chem? food chem?

Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Maps basically

so you code the systems? you gather data? i still don't get what you do

Don't busy my balls I'm still in a Science degree
I learned Science the way you'd expect

K someone gives me a big fucking dataset and then tells me they want something out of it (say sea surface temperature for the entire Atlantic ocean)
I fucking do that

nigga explain to me what you do like you'd explain it to your gramma

wtf you've made 6 posts and i still don't get what you do. do you code some system that maps geographical data? do you do some data analysis of the data acquired? wtf do you do? lel

I make maps

took you 7 posts to answer. so you what, organize excel spreadsheets? lmao

im not mocking you btw so dont get defensive.

I used Excel for genetics

All I want is 40k/yr for the rest of my life and to be able to have a career in research or teaching uni level.
Fuck luxuries, vacations or any of that shit. Fuck having kids.

If I can afford food, rent, transport, heating cooling, healthcare, new books whenever I want, a new laptop every 3 years and subscriptions to science journals, im set.

Ill live in a fucking van if i have to. just no way in hell am i going to spend my life doing anything other than something enjoyable in my field

is this a new meme? since when cant you afford vacations with 40k a year? where do you people go for vacations, the moon?

>I spam frogs on the science board

what kind of shit vacations do you go on with 40k a year?

hes a burger. it costs him 30k/yr just in health costs

What's the vagina scientist job title? I would like to go to take classes for that

i can go anywhere in europe for a week for like 500 euros or something, i can go to an expensive hotel on some greek island for 2 weeks for like 1000 euros

>tfw[spoiler] my wife is an astrophysicist

That's not an expensive hotel and that's also 2.5% of your salary on vacation

it's a 4star hotel and 2.5% of your salary for vacation sounds about right since ud spend that much money at home too...

how much does she weigh?

>euros to regular money

It utilises it, just as it does chemistry, it's not subordinate to it.


It's a technique, you brainlets
